diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index f01f067..e084154 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ The equivalent Bash shell code looks like this:
   # environment variable
-  GIT_ASKPASS="C:/some/path/to/desktop-trampoline.exe" \
+  GIT_ASKPASS="C:/some/path/to/desktop-askpass-trampoline.exe" \
   # ensure Git doesn't block the process waiting for the user to provide input
   git \
diff --git a/binding.gyp b/binding.gyp
index 47d762f..94e7cb4 100644
--- a/binding.gyp
+++ b/binding.gyp
@@ -1,15 +1,8 @@
-    'targets': [
-      {
-        'target_name': 'desktop-trampoline',
+    'target_defaults': {
         'defines': [
-        'type': 'executable',
-        'sources': [
-          'src/desktop-trampoline.c',
-          'src/socket.c'
-        ],
         'include_dirs': [
           '<!(node -p "require(\'node-addon-api\').include_dir")',
@@ -42,9 +35,20 @@
         'msvs_settings': {
           'VCCLCompilerTool': { 'ExceptionHandling': 1 },
+        'conditions': [
+          ['OS=="win"', { 'defines': [ 'WINDOWS' ] }]
+        ]
+    },
+    'targets': [
+      {
+        'target_name': 'desktop-askpass-trampoline',
+        'type': 'executable',
+        'sources': [
+          'src/desktop-trampoline.c',
+          'src/socket.c'
+        ],
         'conditions': [
           ['OS=="win"', {
-            'defines': [ 'WINDOWS' ],
             'link_settings': {
               'libraries': [ 'Ws2_32.lib' ]
@@ -52,52 +56,29 @@
-        'target_name': 'ssh-wrapper',
+        'target_name': 'desktop-credential-helper-trampoline',
+        'type': 'executable',
         'defines': [
-          "NAPI_VERSION=<(napi_build_version)",
-        'type': 'executable',
         'sources': [
-          'src/ssh-wrapper.c'
-        ],
-        'include_dirs': [
-          '<!(node -p "require(\'node-addon-api\').include_dir")',
-          'include'
-        ],
-        'xcode_settings': {
-          'OTHER_CFLAGS': [
-            '-Wall',
-            '-Werror',
-            '-Werror=format-security',
-            '-fPIC',
-            '-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=1',
-            '-fstack-protector-strong'
-          ]
-        },
-        'cflags!': [
-          '-Wall',
-          '-Werror',
-          '-fPIC',
-          '-pie',
-          '-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=1',
-          '-fstack-protector-strong',
-          '-Werror=format-security',
-          '-fno-exceptions'
-        ],
-        'cflags_cc!': [ '-fno-exceptions' ],
-        'ldflags!': [
-          '-z relro',
-          '-z now'
+          'src/desktop-trampoline.c',
+          'src/socket.c'
-        'msvs_settings': {
-          'VCCLCompilerTool': { 'ExceptionHandling': 1 },
-        },
         'conditions': [
-          # For now only build it for macOS, since it's not needed on Windows
           ['OS=="win"', {
-            'defines': [ 'WINDOWS' ],
+            'link_settings': {
+              'libraries': [ 'Ws2_32.lib' ]
+            }
+      {
+        'target_name': 'ssh-wrapper',
+        'type': 'executable',
+        'sources': [
+          'src/ssh-wrapper.c'
+        ],
+      },
diff --git a/index.d.ts b/index.d.ts
index e68c0de..6ce6768 100644
--- a/index.d.ts
+++ b/index.d.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
-export function getDesktopTrampolinePath(): string
-export function getDesktopTrampolineFilename(): string
+export function getDesktopAskpassTrampolinePath(): string
+export function getDesktopAskpassTrampolineFilename(): string
+export function getDesktopCredentialHelperTrampolinePath(): string
+export function getDesktopCredentialHelperTrampolineFilename(): string
 export function getSSHWrapperPath(): string
 export function getSSHWrapperFilename(): string
diff --git a/index.js b/index.js
index 0891bae..be164b0 100644
--- a/index.js
+++ b/index.js
@@ -1,18 +1,33 @@
 const Path = require('path')
-function getDesktopTrampolinePath() {
+function getDesktopAskpassTrampolinePath() {
   return Path.join(
-    getDesktopTrampolineFilename()
+    getDesktopAskpassTrampolineFilename()
-function getDesktopTrampolineFilename() {
+function getDesktopAskpassTrampolineFilename() {
   return process.platform === 'win32'
-    ? 'desktop-trampoline.exe'
-    : 'desktop-trampoline'
+    ? 'desktop-askpass-trampoline.exe'
+    : 'desktop-askpass-trampoline'
+function getDesktopCredentialHelperTrampolinePath() {
+  return Path.join(
+    __dirname,
+    'build',
+    'Release',
+    getDesktopCredentialHelperTrampolineFilename()
+  )
+function getDesktopCredentialHelperTrampolineFilename() {
+  return process.platform === 'win32'
+    ? 'desktop-credential-helper-trampoline.exe'
+    : 'desktop-credential-helper-trampoline'
 function getSSHWrapperPath() {
@@ -24,8 +39,10 @@ function getSSHWrapperFilename() {
 module.exports = {
-  getDesktopTrampolinePath,
-  getDesktopTrampolineFilename,
+  getDesktopAskpassTrampolinePath,
+  getDesktopAskpassTrampolineFilename,
+  getDesktopCredentialHelperTrampolinePath,
+  getDesktopCredentialHelperTrampolineFilename,
diff --git a/src/desktop-trampoline.c b/src/desktop-trampoline.c
index 3e676fb..0c59c00 100644
--- a/src/desktop-trampoline.c
+++ b/src/desktop-trampoline.c
@@ -9,6 +9,13 @@
 #define BUFFER_LENGTH 4096
 #define WRITE_STRING_OR_EXIT(dataName, dataString) \
 if (writeSocket(socket, dataString, strlen(dataString) + 1) != 0) { \
   printSocketError("ERROR: Couldn't send " dataName); \
@@ -17,9 +24,8 @@ if (writeSocket(socket, dataString, strlen(dataString) + 1) != 0) { \
 // This is a list of valid environment variables that GitHub Desktop might
 // send or expect to receive.
 static const char *sValidEnvVars[NUMBER_OF_VALID_ENV_VARS] = {
@@ -81,8 +87,9 @@ int runTrampolineClient(SOCKET *outSocket, int argc, char **argv, char **envp) {
   // Get the number of environment variables
-  char *validEnvVars[NUMBER_OF_VALID_ENV_VARS];
-  int envc = 0;
+  char *validEnvVars[NUMBER_OF_VALID_ENV_VARS + 1];
+  int envc = 1;
   for (char **env = envp; *env != 0; env++) {
     if (isValidEnvVar(*env)) {
       validEnvVars[envc] = *env;
@@ -100,7 +107,15 @@ int runTrampolineClient(SOCKET *outSocket, int argc, char **argv, char **envp) {
     WRITE_STRING_OR_EXIT("environment variable", validEnvVars[idx]);
-  // TODO: send stdin stuff?
+  char stdinBuffer[BUFFER_LENGTH + 1];
+  int stdinBytes = 0;
+    stdinBytes = fread(stdinBuffer, sizeof(char), BUFFER_LENGTH, stdin);
+  #endif
+  stdinBuffer[stdinBytes] = '\0';
+  WRITE_STRING_OR_EXIT("stdin", stdinBuffer);
   char buffer[BUFFER_LENGTH + 1];
   size_t totalBytesRead = 0;
diff --git a/test/desktop-trampoline.test.js b/test/desktop-trampoline.test.js
index 4535fda..db362cd 100644
--- a/test/desktop-trampoline.test.js
+++ b/test/desktop-trampoline.test.js
@@ -2,62 +2,152 @@ const { stat, access } = require('fs').promises
 const { constants } = require('fs')
 const { execFile } = require('child_process')
 const { promisify } = require('util')
-const { getDesktopTrampolinePath } = require('../index')
+const {
+  getDesktopAskpassTrampolinePath,
+  getDesktopCredentialHelperTrampolinePath,
+} = require('../index')
 const split2 = require('split2')
 const { createServer } = require('net')
-const trampolinePath = getDesktopTrampolinePath()
+const askPassTrampolinePath = getDesktopAskpassTrampolinePath()
+const helperTrampolinePath = getDesktopCredentialHelperTrampolinePath()
 const run = promisify(execFile)
 describe('desktop-trampoline', () => {
   it('exists and is a regular file', async () =>
-    expect((await stat(trampolinePath)).isFile()).toBe(true))
+    expect((await stat(askPassTrampolinePath)).isFile()).toBe(true))
   it('can be executed by current process', () =>
-    access(trampolinePath, constants.X_OK))
+    access(askPassTrampolinePath, constants.X_OK))
   it('fails when required environment variables are missing', () =>
-    expect(run(trampolinePath, ['Username'])).rejects.toThrow())
+    expect(run(askPassTrampolinePath, ['Username'])).rejects.toThrow())
-  it('forwards arguments and valid environment variables correctly', async () => {
+  const captureSession = () => {
     const output = []
+    let resolveOutput = null
+    const outputPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
+      resolveOutput = resolve
+    })
     const server = createServer(socket => {
+      let timeoutId = null
       socket.pipe(split2(/\0/)).on('data', data => {
-      })
-      // Don't send anything and just close the socket after the trampoline is
-      // done forwarding data.
-      socket.end()
+        // Hack: consider the session finished after 100ms of inactivity.
+        // In a real-world scenario, you'd have to parse the data to know when
+        // the session is finished.
+        if (timeoutId !== null) {
+          clearTimeout(timeoutId)
+          timeoutId = null
+        }
+        timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
+          resolveOutput(output)
+          socket.end()
+          server.close()
+        }, 100)
+      })
-    server.unref()
-    const startTrampolineServer = async () => {
-      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
-        server.on('error', e => reject(e))
-        server.listen(0, '', () => {
-          resolve(server.address().port)
-        })
+    const serverPortPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+      server.on('error', e => reject(e))
+      server.listen(0, '', () => {
+        resolve(server.address().port)
-    }
+    })
+    return [serverPortPromise, outputPromise]
+  }
+  it('forwards arguments and valid environment variables correctly', async () => {
+    const [portPromise, outputPromise] = captureSession()
+    const port = await portPromise
-    const port = await startTrampolineServer()
     const env = {
       DESKTOP_PORT: port,
       INVALID_VARIABLE: 'foo bar',
     const opts = { env }
-    await run(trampolinePath, ['baz'], opts)
+    await run(askPassTrampolinePath, ['baz'], opts)
+    const output = await outputPromise
     const outputArguments = output.slice(1, 2)
     // output[2] is the number of env variables
-    const outputEnv = output.slice(3)
-    expect(outputEnv).toHaveLength(1)
-    expect(outputEnv).toContain('DESKTOP_TRAMPOLINE_IDENTIFIER=123456')
+    const envc = parseInt(output[2])
+    const outputEnv = output.slice(3, 3 + envc)
+    expect(outputEnv).toHaveLength(2)
+    expect(outputEnv).toContain('DESKTOP_TRAMPOLINE_TOKEN=123456')
+    expect(outputEnv).toContain('DESKTOP_TRAMPOLINE_IDENTIFIER=ASKPASS')
+  })
+  it('forwards stdin when running in credential-helper mode', async () => {
+    const [portPromise, outputPromise] = captureSession()
+    const port = await portPromise
+    const cp = run(helperTrampolinePath, ['get'], {
+      env: { DESKTOP_PORT: port },
+    })
+    cp.child.stdin.end('oh hai\n')
+    await cp
+    const output = await outputPromise
+    expect(output.at(-1)).toBe('oh hai\n')
+  })
+  it("doesn't forward stdin when running in askpass mode", async () => {
+    const [portPromise, outputPromise] = captureSession()
+    const port = await portPromise
+    const cp = run(askPassTrampolinePath, ['get'], {
+      env: { DESKTOP_PORT: port },
+    })
+    cp.child.stdin.end('oh hai\n')
+    await cp
+    const output = await outputPromise
+    expect(output.at(-1)).toBe('')
+  })
+  it('askpass handler ignores the DESKTOP_TRAMPOLINE_IDENTIFIER env var', async () => {
+    const [portPromise, outputPromise] = captureSession()
+    const port = await portPromise
+    const cp = run(askPassTrampolinePath, ['get'], {
+    })
+    cp.child.stdin.end('oh hai\n')
+    await cp
+    const output = await outputPromise
+    const envc = parseInt(output[2])
+    const outputEnv = output.slice(3, 3 + envc)
+    expect(outputEnv).toContain('DESKTOP_TRAMPOLINE_IDENTIFIER=ASKPASS')
+  })
+  it('credential handler ignores the DESKTOP_TRAMPOLINE_IDENTIFIER env var', async () => {
+    const [portPromise, outputPromise] = captureSession()
+    const port = await portPromise
+    const cp = run(helperTrampolinePath, ['get'], {
+    })
+    cp.child.stdin.end('oh hai\n')
+    await cp
-    server.close()
+    const output = await outputPromise
+    const envc = parseInt(output[2])
+    const outputEnv = output.slice(3, 3 + envc)
+    expect(outputEnv).toContain(
+    )