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To maintain a consistent code style, as well as follow best practice, linting has been set up for this codebase. This document will cover what tools are used to lint this codebase, how they are configured, and what rules are in place to maintain a common style and approach.

Tools used

These are the tools used to lint this codebase, along with what areas they are responsible for:

Tool Used for
Husky Git hook integration. Allows the running of the below linting checks at various points of the git lifecycle.
commitlint Git commit checks
eslint Source code (js/typescript & react) enforcement
stylelint Styling (css, scss) code style enforcement
prettier Code format enforcement

For JS and SCSS/CSS code, the intent is to have a dedicated tool (ie eslint, stylelint) to enforce best practice/syntax rules, but both to delegate/integrate code formatting responsibilities to prettier.

Linting implementation and config

All configuration and any implementation for linting in this codebase is available here.. This has been done deliberately to keep the configuration together, but also to not bloat the root directory of the repository with lots of configuration files. Do note however that some symlinks will be present in the root directory of the repository, as some of the linting tools used expect configuration to be present at the root level. These links will redirect to the linting folder in these cases. The configuration in the linting directory is deliberately modular to allow easy modification if required. These are then referenced and used in the top level package.json so they can be driven via npm scripts.

Linting rules

This section will detail the rules implemented across the codebase, and a rationale to why these rules have been chosen. Apart from the Git commit checks, all linting will occur pre commit, via a Husky hook (husky config for this available here) which will make use of lint-staged to lint only changes staged to be included in a given commit (lint-staged configuration available here). Alternatively, a developer can run these pre commit checks by running:

npm run lint

to run all checks, or for individual lint checks, the command mentioned in each section respectively.

To pass linting, no errors or warnings are allowed - ie all rules must be satisfied. It is possible to override and ignore rules, but this should only be done as a last resort, with an accompanying explanation.

All files

The following rules are applied to all files:

Rule/Ruleset Rationale Implemented by Auto fixes?
Must have the Strimzi copyright header (in the appropriate format) at the top of the file Requirement for all code contributed to Strimzi license-check-and-add Yes

If required, these checks can be run manually by running npm run lint:allfiles.

Git commit checks

The following must be present in all git commits made to this repository. These rules are enforced by commitlint, and the configuration here, which are run as a post commit hook.

Rule/Ruleset Rationale
All commits must have a signed-off-by entry Required as an acknowledgement that the changes provided in that commit are the authors' own work, and that they have the permission to contribute this change

These checks can only be run having made a git commit.

Source code

These checks are enforced by eslint, and the configuration here.

If required, these checks can be run manually by running npm run lint:src. Where possible, eslint will auto fix issues as they are discovered.

Rule/Ruleset Rationale
eslint:recommended Follow general best practise guidance offered from eslint
plugin:react/recommended Provided via the React plugin. Enforce best practise around React code
plugin:react-hooks/recommended Provided via the React hooks plugin. Enforce best practise around React Hooks
Indentation: 2 spaces Tab width can be changed, spaces cannot
All lines to end with semi-colons JS can handle a lack of semi-colon (via ASI), but there are cases where this will lead to unexpected behaviour. Thus, force use of semi-colons so behaviour is predictable.
  • Note: Additional rules/rulesets to follow on agreement on code style - strimzi#4 .

SCSS / css code

These checks are enforced by stylelint, and the configuration here.

If required, these checks can be run manually by running npm run lint:styling. Where possible, stylelint will auto fix issues as they are discovered.

Rule/Ruleset Rationale
stylelint-config-standard Follow standard ruleset from stylelint (by default, no rules are enabled)
stylelint-config-recommended Follow best practise/recommended rules from stylelint
stylelint-config-sass-guidelines Follow recommended rules for scss
  • Note: Additional rules/rulesets to follow on agreement on code style - strimzi#4 .

Code style

These checks are enforced by prettier, and the configuration here.

If required, these checks can be run manually by running npm run lint:format. Where possible, prettier will auto fix issues as they are discovered.

Rule/Ruleset Rationale
Indentation: 2 spaces Tab width can be changed, spaces cannot
Unix line breaks Forces consistent end of line character usage
Use single quotes for strings/JSX Forces consistent quote style
All lines to end with semi-colons All lines to end with semi colons
  • Note: Additional rules/rulesets to follow on agreement on code style - strimzi#4 .