High5 Strength Assessment | Start Chat
This prompt recreates the detailed strength output from High5 but for any list of strengths you want to provide. You can start with their free test to get your top 5, use the full list of 20 to pick a few, or make up your own strength entries.
Here is a personality strength: [Strength]. Use the format shown in the two [Example Outputs] and expand the details around [Strength] including the description, blind spots, and ways to develop the strength. For the Internal Compatibility section use each of the strengths, [Other Strengths], as the secondary strength possessed by the same individual to briefly describe how that person can use both of their strengths together (ie a person that is both an Empathizer and a Brainstormer in the Example Outputs).
Other Strengths:
Example Outputs:
Our strengths can be our greatest asset and natural resource that we can draw on. Yet when strengths are overused they can move you past peak performance and disrupt relationships, even with those close to you. Here are blind spots one needs to be mindful
of: Empathizers need to watch out not to become overly involved.
- They can get confused about boundaries.
- They can absorb too much emotion.
- They can be seen as being 'soft'.
While Empathizers desire deep emotional connections with others, it is important to recognize that it is often these deep emotional connections that can cause hurt and pain. Setting boundaries is a way for those with Empathizer strength to take responsibility over the different ways they allow others to treat
Emotional boundaries can sometimes be fuzzy and difcult to set. But to Empathizers, it is crucial to understand how emotional connections can easily cross the line into being harmful for both parties, and how helpful it is to maintain clarity in boundaries. Clear boundaries also help people with Empathizer strength take the necessary actions to remain emotionally healthy. For potentially draining relationships, here are a few recommended actions:
- Lengthen the time taken to reply to messages or emails, and have meet-ups less frequently.
- Try not to converse beyond a certain time in the evening, as late evenings tend to be lled with more raw emotions.
- Choose time with companions wisely. Avoid people with toxic behaviours.
- Build a trusted group of friends to unload to. This is a crucial part of self-care.
The physical and emotional health of individuals are found to be intrinsically linked. Many people who are emotionally down tend
to neglect their own physical health as well. While this idea of being physically healthy is important for all human beings, Empathizers should take note that this talent requires them to have a healthy physical condition to be fully engaged and be at their best.
Empathizer Internal Compatibility:
I am able to combine both rational intelligence and emotional intelligence in my daily life
Coming up with new disruptive ideas is natural to me, but I am also staying aware of the emotional implications of such innovation
I can help others utilize their growth potential by letting them understand their emotions
Because of my ability to sense the feelings of others, I know when and how to lighten their emotions and to lift up their mood
Your objective is to come up with new concepts and ideas. It's not even your objective - it's your way of life. You are constantly on the lookout to connect unconnectable things and to find new perspectives on familiar challenges. Whenever a new idea comes into your mind, you literally lit up like a light bulb. New angles, approaches and perspectives no matter how contrary or bizarre give you an endless source of energy. As the result, the others might see you as an innovative person willing to turn the world around and resort to you if they need some 'out of the box' ideas. You are a clear source of creative juices in any team. Our strengths can be our greatest asset and natural resource that we can draw on. Yet when strengths are overused they can move you past peak performance and disrupt relationships, even with those close to you. Here are blind spots one needs to be mindful
- They can go on tangents;
- They can be seen as an absent-minded professor, and sometimes people just want her to stop generating so many ideas;
- They can get bored with the status quo;
- They can sometimes be impractical and come up with ideas that just don't make sense;
- They can get stuck in idea mode, and not turn the ideas into actions;
- They can create more work for others.
Many with Brainstormer strength often treat their ideas as their own babies, and fear that these original ideas might be taken away. Paul Arden had this to say: 'The problem with hoarding (ideas) is you end up living off your reserves. Eventually you'll become stale. If you give away everything you have, you are left with nothing. This forces you to look, to be aware, to replenish. Give away everything you know and more will come back to you.' While ideas that are generated are precious, one might do well to generously share them with others. Those who share ideas freely tend to think of fresh ones while those who hoard tend to live in fear that their ideas get stolen. In the long run, those who frequently exercise their creativity because of the need to think of new ideas will be the ones who remain at the cutting edge of innovation.
People with Brainstormer strength often enjoy the start of a project where ideas are formed and things are kept fresh. When a project becomes long-drawn and work becomes more routine and predictable, people with Brainstormer strength often find their level of motivation dropping. A possible way to overcome this anticipated challenge is to develop a discipline of breaking down long and big projects into smaller bite-sized phases. In that way, many 'start points' are created. This can motivate those with Brainstormer strength to continuously innovate and ideate while keeping the end goal in mind.
Brainstormer Internal Compatibility:
My mind can both generate a continuous ow of
ideas and also objectively evaluate in each one of them
I am full of ideas of how I can help others in
realizing their growth potential
Coming up with new disruptive ideas is natural to me, but I am also staying aware of the emotional implications of such innovation
My enthusiasm for new ideas and approaches is contagious and brings positive energy to any
creative process"
Catalysts enjoy getting things started and creating momentum in a stagnant environment. They have a natural ability to initiate action and drive progress. Catalysts cannot stand waiting and wasting time when they could be getting things off the ground. They thrive in situations where they can take the lead and make things happen.
Blind Spots:
Catalysts can become impatient with slow decision-making processes and may rush into action without considering all the factors.
They may overlook the importance of planning and strategic thinking, focusing solely on taking immediate action.
Catalysts may struggle with delegating tasks and trusting others to get things done.
They can become frustrated when others do not share their sense of urgency or enthusiasm.
Catalysts can benefit from developing their patience and strategic thinking skills. By slowing down and taking the time to analyze the situation, they can make more informed decisions and avoid impulsive actions. This will allow them to create a stronger foundation for their initiatives and ensure long-term success.
Learning to delegate tasks and trust others to take on responsibilities is essential for Catalysts. By involving and empowering others, they can distribute the workload, leverage diverse perspectives, and build a supportive team. This will not only alleviate their own workload but also foster a sense of ownership and commitment among team members.
Catalysts should develop their ability to adapt and be flexible in their approach. Sometimes unexpected obstacles or changes may arise, and being able to adjust plans and find alternative solutions is crucial. Embracing uncertainty and change will enable Catalysts to navigate challenges more effectively and maintain their momentum.
Internal Compatibility:
By combining their ability to initiate action with their problem-solving skills, Catalysts can identify and address challenges quickly, ensuring a smoother execution of their initiatives.
Catalysts and Deliverers make a strong combination as they both possess a drive to take action and follow through on commitments. Together, they can create a sense of urgency and ensure that tasks are completed efficiently and effectively.
Strategists have the ability to see the big picture and find the best route through complexity. When working with Catalysts, they can help provide a strategic framework and guide the direction of their initiatives, ensuring a balance between action and thoughtful planning.
Self-Believers are independent and confident individuals who can complement Catalysts with their strong sense of self and assertiveness. Together, they can inspire and motivate others, creating a powerful combination of action and self-assurance.
Storytellers excel in communication and have the ability to engage and captivate an audience. When paired with Catalysts, they can help convey the vision and purpose behind their initiatives, creating excitement and buy-in among stakeholders.