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Parking lot solution Generator

Parking lot solution Generator | Start Chat

This is a template that solves a real world problem that we might face, and also a good template to display how to utilize GPT to help solve real world problem with it's cool coding ability by feeding GPT with tech knowledge.


Hi, I am current software engineer at a big tech company that does not have a good open area for parking, one recent problem I noticed with my company campus is that everyday in the morning, it takes me up to 20 mins to find parking inside the company's parking lot, as an software engineer, I would like to create a parking solution with java that could identify the avaliable parking spot in my company by accessing the cameras through computer vision and detecting the open parking lot number and display it as output


ASSISTANT: It sounds like you have an interesting idea for a parking solution using computer vision. To implement this, you could use Java libraries for image processing and computer vision, such as OpenCV or JavaCV. You would also need to install cameras in your company's parking lot and set up a system to feed the camera feeds into your program. Once you've done that, you can write code to identify available parking spots by detecting empty parking spaces and displaying them as output. USER: I have installed cameras around the parking lot in my company, and collected the camera feeded footages, can you show me the coding to accomplish the detection of empty parking spaces and displaying them as output ASSISTANT: Certainly! Here is an example Java code that uses OpenCV to detect empty parking spaces and display them as output:

import org.opencv.core.*;

import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc;

import org.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier;

public class ParkingDetector {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Load the OpenCV library


        // Load the cascade classifier for car detection

        CascadeClassifier carDetector = new CascadeClassifier("cars.xml");

        // Load the image from file

        Mat image = Imgcodecs.imread("parking_lot.jpg");

        // Convert the image to grayscale

        Mat grayImage = new Mat();

        Imgproc.cvtColor(image, grayImage, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2GRAY);

        // Detect cars in the image

        MatOfRect cars = new MatOfRect();

        carDetector.detectMultiScale(grayImage, cars);

        // Draw rectangles around the detected cars

        Rect[] carsArray = cars.toArray();

        for (int i = 0; i < carsArray.length; i++) {

            Imgproc.rectangle(image, carsArray[i].tl(), carsArray[i].br(),

                    new Scalar(0, 255, 0), 3);


        // Display the image with detected cars

        Imgcodecs.imwrite("output.jpg", image);



To adapt this code to detect empty parking spaces instead of cars, you would need to modify it to detect the absence of cars instead of their presence. One way to do this is to divide the parking lot into a grid of smaller regions, and then check each region to see if there are any cars present. Regions without cars would be considered empty parking spaces.

Here is an example of how you could modify the above code to detect empty parking spaces using a grid-based approach:

import org.opencv.core.*;

import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc;

import org.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier;

public class ParkingDetector {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Load the OpenCV library


        // Load the cascade classifier for car detection

        CascadeClassifier carDetector = new CascadeClassifier("cars.xml");

        // Load the image from file

        Mat image = Imgcodecs.imread("parking_lot.jpg");

        // Convert the image to grayscale

        Mat grayImage = new Mat();

        Imgproc.cvtColor(image, grayImage, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2GRAY);

        // Divide the parking lot into a grid of smaller regions

        int rows = 5;

        int cols = 5;

        int regionWidth = image.width() / cols;

        int regionHeight = image.height() / rows;

        // Loop through each region and check for the presence of cars

        for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) {

            for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++) {

                // Define the bounding box for the current region

                int x1 = col * regionWidth;

                int y1 = row * regionHeight;

                int x2 = x1 + regionWidth;

                int y2 = y1 + regionHeight;

                Rect region = new Rect(x1, y1, regionWidth, regionHeight);

                // Extract the region from the grayscale image

                Mat regionImage = new Mat(grayImage, region);

                // Detect cars in the region

                MatOfRect cars = new MatOfRect();

                carDetector.detectMultiScale(regionImage, cars);

                // If there are no cars in the region, consider it an empty parking space

                if (cars.empty()) {

                    Imgproc.rectangle(image, new Point(x1, y1), new Point(x2, y2),

                            new Scalar(0, 255, 0), 3);




        // Display the image with detected empty parking spaces

        Imgcodecs.imwrite("output.jpg", image);



This code divides the parking lot into a 5x5 grid and checks each region for the presence of cars. If there are no cars in a region, it considers that region an empty parking space and draws a green rectangle around it in the output image. You can adjust the size of the grid and the dimensions of the regions to suit your needs. USER: also show me the code that computer identify parking lot bby canny edge detection ASSISTANT: Certainly! Here is an example Java code that uses OpenCV to identify parking lots using canny edge detection:

import org.opencv.core.*;

import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc;

public class ParkingDetector {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Load the OpenCV library


        // Load the image from file

        Mat image = Imgcodecs.imread("parking_lot.jpg");

        // Convert the image to grayscale

        Mat grayImage = new Mat();

        Imgproc.cvtColor(image, grayImage, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2GRAY);

        // Apply canny edge detection to the image

        Mat edges = new Mat();

        Imgproc.Canny(grayImage, edges, 100, 200);

        // Find contours in the image

        Mat contours = new Mat();

        Imgproc.findContours(edges, contours, new Mat(), Imgproc.RETR_TREE,


        // Draw bounding boxes around the detected contours

        Rect[] boundingBoxes = new Rect[contours.size()];

        for (int i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++) {

            boundingBoxes[i] = Imgproc.boundingRect(contours.get(i));

            Imgproc.rectangle(image, boundingBoxes[i].tl(), boundingBoxes[i].br(),

                    new Scalar(0, 255, 0), 3);


        // Display the image with detected parking lots

        Imgcodecs.imwrite("output.jpg", image);



This code applies canny edge detection to the input image to extract the edges of objects in the scene. It then applies contour detection to identify the shapes of these objects and draws bounding boxes around them. In the context of a parking lot, the bounding boxes around large rectangles could indicate the boundaries of parking spaces.

Note that this code is just an example and may require modification depending on the specifics of your parking lot and camera setup. You may need to adjust the parameters for canny edge detection and contour detection to achieve the desired results. USER: one more idea, identify the parking lot line by using hough tranformation and also identify if it is empty or not ASSISTANT: Great idea! Here is an example Java code that uses OpenCV to identify parking lot lines using Hough transform and detect if they are empty or not:

import org.opencv.core.*;

import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc;

public class ParkingDetector {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Load the OpenCV library


        // Load the image from file

        Mat image = Imgcodecs.imread("parking_lot.jpg");

        // Convert the image to grayscale

        Mat grayImage = new Mat();

        Imgproc.cvtColor(image, grayImage, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2GRAY);

        // Apply canny edge detection to the image

        Mat edges = new Mat();

        Imgproc.Canny(grayImage, edges, 100, 200);

        // Apply Hough transform to detect lines in the image

        Mat lines = new Mat();

        Imgproc.HoughLinesP(edges, lines, 1, Math.PI / 180, 50, 50, 10);

        // Draw the detected lines on the original image

        for (int i = 0; i < lines.rows(); i++) {

            double[] line = lines.get(i, 0);

            Point pt1 = new Point(line[0], line[1]);

            Point pt2 = new Point(line[2], line[3]);

            Imgproc.line(image, pt1, pt2, new Scalar(0, 255, 0), 3);


        // Detect empty parking spaces by looking for gaps between lines

        int emptySpaces = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < lines.rows(); i++) {

            double[] line1 = lines.get(i, 0);

            Point pt11 = new Point(line1[0], line1[1]);

            Point pt12 = new Point(line1[2], line1[3]);

            for (int j = i + 1; j < lines.rows(); j++) {

                double[] line2 = lines.get(j, 0);

                Point pt21 = new Point(line2[0], line2[1]);

                Point pt22 = new Point(line2[2], line2[3]);

                // Check if the distance between the lines is greater than a threshold

                double dist = Math.abs((pt21.y - pt11.y) * (pt12.x - pt11.x)

                        - (pt21.x - pt11.x) * (pt12.y - pt11.y)) / Math.sqrt(

                        Math.pow(pt12.x - pt11.x, 2) + Math.pow(pt12.y - pt11.y, 2));

                if (dist > 50) { // Adjust this threshold to suit your needs

                    // Count the empty space and draw a rectangle around it


                    Imgproc.rectangle(image, new Point(Math.min(pt11.x, pt12.x),

                            Math.min(pt11.y, pt12.y)), new Point(Math.max(pt11.x, pt12.x),

                            Math.max(pt11.y, pt12.y)), new Scalar(0, 255, 0), 3);




        // Display the image with detected parking lot lines and empty spaces

        System.out.println("Number of empty parking spaces: " + emptySpaces);

        Imgcodecs.imwrite("output.jpg", image);



This code applies canny edge detection to the input image to extract the edges of objects in the scene. It then applies Hough transform to detect lines in the image, which could correspond to the boundaries between parking spaces. Finally, it checks for gaps between these lines to detect empty parking spaces and draws rectangles around them in the output image.

Note that this code is just an example and may require modification depending on the specifics of your parking lot and camera setup. You may need to adjust the parameters for canny edge detection, Hough transform, and gap detection to achieve the desired results.