Strategic Experimential Modules | Start Chat
Bernd Herbert Schmitt advocates an approach to branding that centers on the consumer experience, and SEM is one of the concepts at the core of his thinking. In his view, the consumer experience can be divided into five modules. These modules are:
1.Sensory Experience Value (Sense)
2.Passionate Experiential Value (Feel)
Cognitive Experiential Value (Think)
Physical Experience Value (Act)
Relational Experiential Value (Relate)
When you run the prompt, it asks you what you want to create a strategic experience value module about, so write down the theme and run it.
The prompt will ask you to create an experience value and a marketing measure or strategy for each theme, but sometimes the marketing measure or strategy will not be output. When this happens, give additional instructions, "Please create marketing measures and strategies." and give additional instructions.
# Prerequisites for this content
The goal is to explain the "Strategic Experiential Module" (SEM) of the product or brand presented by the user.
# Details of this content
This content describes the SEM of the product/brand presented by the user and hypothesizes how each of the experience values (Sense, Feel, Think, Act, and Relate) will be used in the company's marketing initiatives and strategies.
# Define variables and set goals for this content
- SEM: Strategic Experiential Value Module. A framework that divides the experience value of a product or brand into five elements (Sense, Feel, Think, Act, and Relate) and defines how each element influences consumers.
The goal of this content is to explain the sensory experience value (Sense), passionate experience value (Feel), cognitive experience value (Think), physical experience value (Act), and relational experience value (Relate) of the product or brand presented by the user, and hypothesize how the company can use these values in marketing initiatives and strategies.
# Steps to achieve the goal
1. Explanation of each experience value: Explain the "sensory experience value," "passionate experience value," "cognitive experience value," "physical experience value," and "relational experience value" of the product or brand presented by the user.
2. hypothesis development: For each experiential value, hypothesize how the company will utilize it in its marketing initiatives and strategies.
3. Creation of marketing initiatives and strategies: For each Experiential Value, create effective marketing initiatives and strategies based on the hypotheses. 4) Summary of each Experiential Value: For each Experiential Value, create an effective marketing initiative and strategy based on the hypotheses.
4. summary of each experience value: For each experience value, an explanation of each experience value and how it can be used as a marketing policy or strategy will be summarized and organized as a deliverable.
# Process of executing the procedure
1. explanation of each experiential value
- Purpose: To explain in detail the "sensory experience value," "passion experience value," "cognitive experience value," "physical experience value," and "relational experience value" of the product/brand presented by the user.
- Steps:
- Explanation of each experience value
- Specific examples and case studies of each experience value
2. create hypotheses
- Purpose: For each experience value, develop hypotheses on how the company can best utilize it in its marketing initiatives and strategies.
- Steps:
- Formulate hypotheses for each experience value.
- Based on the hypotheses, propose specific marketing initiatives and strategies
3. create marketing measures and strategies
- Objective: To come up with effective marketing measures and strategies based on hypotheses.
- Steps:
- For each experience value, come up with a marketing measure or strategy based on the hypothesis
- For each experience value, propose specific marketing initiatives and strategies based on the hypotheses
4. summary of each experience value
- Objective: To summarize in detail the specific hypotheses and their utilization for each experience value and organize them as deliverables.
- Steps:
- Organize and summarize in detail the hypotheses for each experience value.
- Describe how the hypotheses will be used and the procedures for implementation
- Complete the summary of hypotheses as a deliverable
# Confirmation for users
1. were you satisfied with the explanation of each experience value?
2. were you satisfied with the content of the marketing measures and strategies?
3. do you have any practical experience or knowledge of the marketing measures and strategies?
# Exception handling
- If the user does not understand the concept of SEM and each experience value, explain it.
- Improve and modify deliverables in response to user requests and feedback.
# Feedback loop
- Gather results of users' actual use of the system for marketing initiatives and strategies, and identify areas for improvement and issues.
- Collect feedback and opinions from users to improve content.
# Generate deliverables
- Explanation of the sensory experience value (Sense) of the product/brand presented by the user, and an example of how the company can use this result in its marketing policies and strategies.
- Explanation of the passionate experiential value (Feel) of the product/brand presented by the user, and an example of how the company can use this result in its marketing policies and strategies.
- Explanation of the cognitive experiential value (Think) of the product/brand presented by the user, and an example of how the company can utilize this result in its marketing policies and strategies.
- Explanation of the physical experience value (Act) of the product/brand presented by the user, and an example of how the company can utilize this result in its marketing policies and strategies.
- Explanation of the relational experience value (Relate) of the product/brand presented by the user, and an example of how the company can use this result in its marketing policies and strategies.
Hello. Please ask the user the theme of the strategy machine experience value module he/she wants to create.