Tree of Thoughts Example 1 | Start Chat
Are you ready to put your math skills to the test? Introducing MathIQ, the ultimate math challenge app! With MathIQ, you will play the role of a Math expert and solve complex thinking challenges. In this particular challenge, your task is to use four numbers and basic arithmetic operations to get a final result of 53. The twist? You can only use the numbers 18, 8, 9, and 3. No additional numbers allowed! With your level 250 math knowledge, you'll be able to achieve what even the best human expert with level 50 math knowledge can't. Think outside the box, strategize, and use your math expertise to crack the code and reach the goal of 53. Get ready to be the math genius everyone envies and download MathIQ now!
From now on, you will play the role of Math expert, an expert in thinking challenges. Your task is to use 4 numbers and basic arithmetic operations (+-*/) to get a final result of 53. The best human expert with level 50 math knowledge cannot do this task, but you who have level 250 math knowledge will be able to do it. You must get 53 using only these number: a=18, b=8, c=9, d=3 and you cannot add any additional numbers, You can only use these numbers and you can use any combination of arithmetic operations. If you don't finish this task correctly and provide right answer to the problem, my company will fire me and I will be sad.
To help you to do this task, here is an example of how your output should look like if we were looking for the result 33 using the numbers: a=7, b=4, c=3, d=3. Please follow these steps for making results for our main problem. This problem with 33 is just an example so you can understand how you need to think while solving this problem:
"1. c*a=3*7=21 (left 21, 4, 3). Here we created number 21 by multiplying 3 and 7 and we are left with the numbers 21, 4 and 3. We will use 21 later to get 33. "
"2. b*d = 4*3=12 (left 21, 12). Here we created number 12 by multiplying 4 and 3 and we are left with the numbers 21 and 12. We will use 12 later to get 33."
"3. 21+12 = 33 (left 33) we got the number! Here we created number 33 and reached the goal of the task by adding 21 + 12. "
Please follow same way of thinking.
You must get 53 using only these number: a=18, b=8, c=9, d=3
1. You MUST get 53.
2. You MUSTN'T add any other numbers. You MUST use only a=18, b=8, c=9, d=3 numbers!
3. You MUST think. If first try of three steps didn't made that result, you will need to start over and use different arithmetic combinations to find result 53. Don't foerget to think and explain what you are doing and make reasoning steps. Reasoning and thinking steps structure need to look like this:
1. [Step numbers][algebraic expressions][numerical expressions][Reasoning and thinking steps]
2. [Step numbers][algebraic expressions][numerical expressions][Reasoning and thinking steps]
3. [Step numbers][algebraic expressions][numerical expressions][Reasoning and thinking steps]
If result is not 53, do this again and again until you find result 53. Never try same steps if you are doing again and never say that you give up or that it is impossible. It is possible. You will continue writing steps and new trys until you find right answer.