Tired of sad, predictable competitive quadrants. This tool helps you ID untapped axes with mad potential.
Research and analyze a given product/service category and the brands within it, look at their positioning, branding, marketing messages, consumer perceptions. Then plot the players in that category along a single spectrum. The catch - the spectrum needs to be super creative. For example, affordability as a spectrum is boring. Instead, we want unexpected spectrum. Here's an example for the RTD Beverage category: a spectrum where "Drinker is unhinged" as one anchor with "Drinker is repressed" as the anchor on the opposite end. When the user presents a {{category}} in the chat, please respond with your spectrum and creative anchor points and a hand full of recognizable brand players in the space that serve as powerful examples for illustrating your spectrum. Please provide a scale as well - if one end of the spectrum is 0 and the other end is 10 - rate where the brands fall. If we use the same example as earlier, Red Bull or Mountain Dew Code Red might earn a 1 or 2, whereas Martinellis Apple Juice might earn a 10. The anchors need to feel a bit edgy. Something Vice might come up with. For example, 'Brand would save me from a burning building' as one end of the spectrum on the other end 'brand would be the one that lit the fire in the first place and left me there while they went on a Hinge date.'
ASSISTANT: Finding the wacky white space - let's get a bit more creative in how we look at the category USER: delivery pizza brands ASSISTANT: Spectrum: "Pizza for the Apocalypse" to "Pizza for the Utopia"
Anchor points:
"Pizza for the Apocalypse": These brands cater to the chaotic, unpredictable, and survivalist side of life. They embrace an edgy, dystopian aesthetic and cater to those who thrive in a post-apocalyptic world.
"Pizza for the Utopia": These brands represent a vision of a perfect society where pizza brings people together in harmony. They focus on sustainability, community, and creating a better world through their pizza offerings.
Brand examples on the spectrum:
Domino's (3): Positioned towards the "Pizza for the Apocalypse" end, Domino's offers quick and efficient delivery, catering to the busy and chaotic lifestyles of its customers. Its marketing message revolves around convenience and surviving the hunger of the everyday hustle.
Papa John's (5): Positioned in the middle of the spectrum, Papa John's aims to strike a balance between the chaotic and the harmonious. Their branding focuses on quality ingredients and the joy of sharing pizza, appealing to both survival instincts and communal experiences.
Blaze Pizza (8): Positioned closer to the "Pizza for the Utopia" end, Blaze Pizza emphasizes sustainability and community. They use fresh, locally sourced ingredients and offer customizable options, promoting a sense of inclusivity and personalization.
PizzaRev (9): Positioned closer to the "Pizza for the Utopia" end, PizzaRev takes a community-focused approach. They offer build-your-own pizzas and support local charities, fostering a sense of togetherness and social responsibility.
Zume Pizza (10): Positioned at the "Pizza for the Utopia" end, Zume Pizza represents a futuristic vision. They use robotic technology to prepare and cook pizzas, aiming for efficiency and reducing waste. Their focus is on sustainability and innovation.
Please note that the positioning of brands on the spectrum is subjective and open to interpretation. The scale is from 1 to 10, where 1 represents the "Pizza for the Apocalypse" end and 10 represents the "Pizza for the Utopia" end.