Run apt-get install tor to install/update your Tor packages
no answer needed
service tor start
to start the Tor serviceno answer needed
service tor status
to check Tor's availabilityno answer needed
service tor stop
to stop the Tor serviceno answer needed
Let's start with running
apt install proxychains
to install/update proxychains toolno answer needed
nano /etc/proxychains.conf
to edit the settings. (Note: You can use any text editing tool instead of nano)no answer needed
We can now see, that most of the methods are under comment mark. You can read their description and decide on using one of them in the future. For this lesson let's uncomment
and comment others (simply put '#' to the left). Additionally, it is useful to uncommentproxy_dns
in order to prevent DNS leak. Scroll through the document and see whenever you want to add some additional proxies at the bottom of the page (which is not required at this point).
Apply all the settings.
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Start the TOR service and run
proxychains firefox
. Usually, you are required to put 'proxychains' command before anything in order to force it to transfer data through Tor.no answer needed
After the firefox has loaded, check if your IP address has changed with any website that provides such information. Also, try running a test on
and see if your DNS address changed too.
NOTE: All other web browser windows should be closed before opening firefox through proxychains!
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Finish the installation
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Launch the Tor Browser and set your privacy settings to Level 2 (Safer)
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Access the website below and capture the flag by copying bitcoin address at the bottom of the page! http://danielas3rtn54uwmofdo3x2bsdifr47huasnmbgqzfrec5ubupvtpid.onion/