File tree
702 files changed
lines changed- cores/esp32
- libb64
- libraries
- ArduinoOTA
- examples/BasicOTA
- src
- AsyncUDP
- examples
- AsyncUDPClient
- AsyncUDPMulticastServer
- AsyncUDPServer
- src
- examples
- BLE5_extended_scan
- BLE5_multi_advertising
- BLE5_periodic_advertising
- BLE5_periodic_sync
- Beacon_Scanner
- Client
- EddystoneTLM_Beacon
- EddystoneURL_Beacon
- Notify
- Scan
- Server
- Server_multiconnect
- Write
- iBeacon
- src
- BluetoothSerial
- examples
- DiscoverConnect
- GetLocalMAC
- SerialToSerialBTM
- SerialToSerialBT_Legacy
- SerialToSerialBT_SSP
- bt_classic_device_discovery
- bt_remove_paired_devices
- src
- DNSServer
- examples/CaptivePortal
- src
- examples/eeprom_class
- src
- ESP32/examples
- AnalogOut
- LEDCFade
- ledcFrequency
- ledcWrite_RGB
- AnalogReadContinuous
- ArduinoStackSize
- Camera/CameraWebServer
- DeepSleep
- ExternalWakeUp
- SmoothBlink_ULP_Code
- TimerWakeUp
- TouchWakeUp
- FreeRTOS
- Mutex
- Queue
- Semaphore
- FunctionalInterrupt
- FunctionalInterruptStruct
- GPIOInterrupt
- HWCDC_Events
- MacAddress/GetMacAddress
- RMTCallback
- RMTLoopback
- RMTWriteNeoPixel
- RMT_CPUFreq_Test
- RMT_EndOfTransmissionState
- RMT_LED_Blink
- ResetReason
- ResetReason
- ResetReason2
- Serial
- BaudRateDetect_Demo
- OnReceiveError_BREAK_Demo
- OnReceive_Demo
- RS485_Echo_Demo
- RxFIFOFull_Demo
- RxTimeout_Demo
- Serial_All_CPU_Freqs
- Serial_STD_Func_OnReceive
- onReceiveExample
- TWAIreceive
- TWAItransmit
- Template/ExampleTemplate
- Time/SimpleTime
- Timer
- RepeatTimer
- WatchdogTimer
- Utilities
- HEXBuilder
- MD5Builder
- SHA1Builder
- Zigbee
- Zigbee_Light_Bulb
- Zigbee_Light_Switch
- examples
- ES8388_loopback
- Record_to_WAV
- Simple_tone
- src
- examples
- ESP_NOW_Broadcast_Master
- ESP_NOW_Broadcast_Slave
- ESP_NOW_Network
- ESP_NOW_Serial
- src
- examples/Basic
- src
- examples
- mDNS-SD_Extended
- mDNS_Web_Server
- src
- Ethernet
- examples
- ETH_LAN8720
- ETH_TLK110
- ETH_W5500_Arduino_SPI
- src
- FFat
- examples
- FFat_Test
- FFat_time
- src
- FS/src
- HTTPClient
- examples
- Authorization
- BasicHttpsClient
- HTTPClientEnterprise
- ReuseConnection
- StreamHttpClient
- src
- HTTPUpdate
- examples
- httpUpdate
- httpUpdateSPIFFS
- httpUpdateSecure
- src
- HTTPUpdateServer
- examples/WebUpdater
- src
- Insights
- examples
- DiagnosticsSmokeTest
- MinimalDiagnostics
- src
- LittleFS
- examples
- LITTLEFS_PlatformIO/src
- src
- examples/ESP_NBNST
- src
- Network/src
- NetworkClientSecure
- examples
- WiFiClientInsecure
- WiFiClientPSK
- WiFiClientSecure
- WiFiClientSecureEnterprise
- WiFiClientSecureProtocolUpgrade
- WiFiClientShowPeerCredentials
- WiFiClientTrustOnFirstUse
- src
- examples/PPP_Basic
- src
- Preferences
- examples/Prefs2Struct
- src
- RainMaker
- examples
- RMakerCustom
- RMakerCustomAirCooler
- RMakerSonoffDualR3
- RMakerSwitch
- src
- SD
- examples
- SD_Test
- SD_time
- src
- examples
- SDMMC_Test
- SDMMC_time
- src
- examples/SPI_Multiple_Buses
- src
- examples
- SPIFFS_time
- src
- SimpleBLE
- examples/SimpleBleDevice
- src
- TFLiteMicro/examples
- hello_world
- micro_speech
- Ticker
- examples
- Blinker
- TickerBasic
- TickerParameter
- src
- examples
- CompositeDevice
- CustomHIDDevice
- FirmwareMSC
- HIDVendor
- Keyboard
- KeyboardLogout
- KeyboardReprogram
- MidiController
- MidiInterface
- MidiMusicBox
- ReceiveMidi
- Mouse/ButtonMouseControl
- USBSerial
- USBVendor
- src
- Update
- examples
- AWS_S3_OTA_Update
- HTTPS_OTA_Update
- HTTP_Client_AES_OTA_Update
- HTTP_Server_AES_OTA_Update
- OTAWebUpdater
- SD_Update
- src
- WebServer
- examples
- AdvancedWebServer
- FSBrowser
- HelloServer
- HttpAdvancedAuth
- HttpAuthCallback
- HttpAuthCallbackInline
- HttpBasicAuth
- HttpBasicAuthSHA1
- HttpBasicAuthSHA1orBearerToken
- MultiHomedServers
- SDWebServer
- SimpleAuthentification
- UploadHugeFile
- WebServer
- WebUpdate
- src
- detail
- uri
- WiFi
- examples
- FTM_Initiator
- FTM_Responder
- SimpleWiFiServer
- WiFiAccessPoint
- WiFiBlueToothSwitch
- WiFiClient
- WiFiClientBasic
- WiFiClientConnect
- WiFiClientEnterprise
- WiFiClientEvents
- WiFiClientStaticIP
- WiFiIPv6
- WiFiMultiAdvanced
- WiFiScan
- WiFiScanAsync
- WiFiTelnetToSerial
- WiFiUDPClient
- src
- WiFiProv
- examples/WiFiProv
- src
- Wire
- examples/WireSlave
- src
- tests
- democfg
- hello_world
- periman
- timer
- touch
- uart
- unity
- variants
- Aventen_S3_Sync
- Bee_Data_Logger
- Bee_Motion
- Bee_Motion_S3
- Bee_S3
- ET-Board
- Microduino-esp32
- Nebula_S3
- S_ODI_Ultra_v1
- adafruit_camera_esp32s3
- adafruit_feather_esp32_v2
- adafruit_feather_esp32s2
- adafruit_feather_esp32s2_reversetft
- adafruit_feather_esp32s2_tft
- adafruit_feather_esp32s3
- adafruit_feather_esp32s3_nopsram
- adafruit_feather_esp32s3_reversetft
- adafruit_feather_esp32s3_tft
- adafruit_funhouse_esp32s2
- adafruit_itsybitsy_esp32
- adafruit_magtag29_esp32s2
- adafruit_matrixportal_esp32s3
- adafruit_metro_esp32s2
- adafruit_metro_esp32s3
- adafruit_qtpy_esp32
- adafruit_qtpy_esp32c3
- adafruit_qtpy_esp32s2
- adafruit_qtpy_esp32s3_n4r2
- adafruit_qtpy_esp32s3_nopsram
- adafruit_qualia_s3_rgb666
- arduino_nano_nora
- extra/nora_recovery
- atd147_s3
- atmegazero_esp32s2
- bpi-bit
- bpi_leaf_s3
- ch_denky
- connaxio_espoir
- crabik_slot_esp32_s3
- cytron_maker_feather_aiot_s3
- d1_mini32
- d1_uno32
- d32_pro
- deneyapkart
- deneyapkart1A
- deneyapkart1Av2
- deneyapkartg
- deneyapmini
- deneyapminiv2
- department_of_alchemy_minimain_esp32s2
- dfrobot_beetle_esp32c3
- dfrobot_beetle_esp32c6
- dfrobot_firebeetle2_esp32c6
- dfrobot_firebeetle2_esp32s3
- dfrobot_romeo_esp32s3
- doitESPduino32
- esp32-gateway
- esp32-poe
- esp32-poe-iso
- esp32-trueverit-iot-driver
- esp32-trueverit-iot-driver-mkii
- esp32-trueverit-iot-driver-mkiii
- esp32_s3r8n16
- esp32c2
- esp32c3
- esp32c6
- esp32h2
- esp32h2-devkit-lipo
- esp32micromod
- esp32s2
- esp32s2-devkit-lipo
- esp32s2-devkit-lipo-usb
- esp32s2thing_plus
- esp32s2usb
- esp32s3
- esp32s3_powerfeather
- esp32s3box
- esp32s3camlcd
- esp32s3usbotg
- esp32thing_plus
- esp32thing_plus_c
- esp32vn-iot-uno
- feather_esp32
- franzininho_wifi_esp32s2
- franzininho_wifi_msc_esp32s2
- gpy
- heltec_capsule_sensor_v3
- heltec_ht_de01
- heltec_wifi_kit_32
- heltec_wifi_kit_32_V3
- heltec_wifi_lora_32
- heltec_wifi_lora_32_V2
- heltec_wifi_lora_32_V3
- heltec_wireless_bridge
- heltec_wireless_mini_shell
- heltec_wireless_paper
- heltec_wireless_shell_v3
- heltec_wireless_stick
- heltec_wireless_stick_V1
- heltec_wireless_stick_lite
- heltec_wireless_stick_lite_v3
- heltec_wireless_stick_v3
- heltec_wireless_tracker
- hornbill32minima
- imbrios-logsens-v1p1
- lilygo_t_display
- lilygo_t_display_s3
- lionbit
- lionbits3
- lolin_s2_mini
- lolin_s2_pico
- lolin_s3
- lolin_s3_mini
- lolin_s3_pro
- lopy
- lopy4
- m5stack_atom
- m5stack_atoms3
- m5stack_cardputer
- m5stack_cores3
- m5stack_dial
- mgbot-iotik32b
- micro_s2
- mpython
- namino_bianco
- nologo_esp32s3_pico
- openkb
- oroca_edubot
- redpill_esp32s3
- roboheart_hercules
- sensebox_mcu_esp32s2
- sparkfun_esp32_iot_redboard
- sparkfun_esp32c6_thing_plus
- sparkfun_pro_micro_esp32c3
- tamc_termod_s3
- tbeam
- thingpulse_epulse_feather_c6
- ttgo-lora32-v1
- ttgo-lora32-v2
- ttgo-lora32-v21new
- twatch
- uPesy_edu_esp32
- uPesy_esp32c3_basic
- uPesy_esp32c3_mini
- uPesy_esp32s3_basic
- um_bling
- um_feathers2
- um_feathers2neo
- um_feathers3
- um_nanos3
- um_pros3
- um_rmp
- um_tinyc6
- um_tinys2
- um_tinys3
- watchy
- wesp32
- wifiduino32
- wipy3
- wt32-eth01
- wt32-sc01-plus
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
702 files changed
lines changed+122-66
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1 |
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2 | 2 |
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3 | 4 |
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11 | 41 |
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12 |
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13 | 45 |
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14 |
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15 | 46 |
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16 |
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24 | 57 |
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25 | 58 |
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26 |
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27 | 60 |
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28 | 61 |
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29 |
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31 | 63 |
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32 | 64 |
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33 | 65 |
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34 |
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35 | 67 |
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36 | 68 |
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37 | 69 |
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46 | 78 |
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47 | 79 |
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48 | 80 |
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49 |
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50 | 82 |
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51 | 83 |
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54 |
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61 |
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76 | 108 |
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77 | 109 |
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78 | 110 |
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81 | 113 |
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82 | 114 |
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83 | 115 |
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84 |
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89 | 121 |
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100 | 132 |
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102 | 134 |
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116 | 159 |
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117 | 160 |
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118 | 161 |
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121 | 164 |
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122 | 165 |
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123 | 166 |
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134 | 178 |
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136 | 180 |
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137 | 181 |
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139 | 187 |
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140 |
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143 |
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151 | 200 |
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152 | 201 |
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156 | 206 |
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157 |
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160 |
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161 | 214 |
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162 | 215 |
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173 | 223 |
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174 |
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175 | 230 |
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176 | 231 |
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177 | 232 |
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180 | 235 |
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181 | 236 |
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182 | 237 |
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183 |
| - | |
184 | 238 |
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185 | 240 |
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186 |
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187 |
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188 | 241 |
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189 |
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190 | 242 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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26 | 26 |
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27 | 27 |
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28 | 28 |
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29 |
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30 | 30 |
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31 | 31 |
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32 | 32 |
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0 commit comments