- Add support for Django 1.10
- Update requirements to Django<1.10
- Support for django 1.9
- Support for django 1.8
- Use django.core.cache.caches available in django 1.7 for efficient cache backend access
- [BUGFIX] - Fix for non-ascii characters in query.
- [BUGFIX] - Fix cache eviction on bulk updates for models that have a ManyToManyField with an intermediate(through) model.
- [BUGFIX] - Fix cache eviction for models that have a ManyToManyField with an intermediate(through) model.
- [BUGFIX] - Properly handle passing of an empty iterable to '__in' filter args. Related Django bug: https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/12717
- [BUGFIX] - Invalidate related model caches for changes, needed for select_related queries.
- Test coverage
- Cache invalidation for manytomany relation
- First beta release