Releases: ezsystems/ezplatform-solr-search-engine
Releases · ezsystems/ezplatform-solr-search-engine
Drops support for PHP 5.4 and requires ezpublish-kernel 6.5 and higher, 1.1 will most likely bump kernel requirements all the way up to last 6.x release which also becomes EE LTS, if there are further changes to warrant this.
1.0 continues to be support and is the version you need to use with earlier versions, like eZ Publish Platform 5.4.
Changes from v1.0.4
- EZP-25088: Reuse new common Search Signal Slots introduced in kernel 6.5
- EZP-26128: As a Developer I want deprecation issues resolved, to prepare for Symfony 3.x
- These have been back-ported to 1.0 and will be made part of a future v1.0.5.
- EZP-26186: Added Solr configuration for new Slots added for deleting User/Groups (#62)
- Fixes more Symfony 2.8/3.0 deprecation warnings, besides that same as beta1
Merge branch '1.0'
- EZP-25788: Solr not indexing on content publish (#43 & #44 )
- Missing documentation for setting up autocommit settings
- EZP-25309: Fix datetime value mapping (#45)
- EZP-25792: Deleted location don't affect subitems (#46)
- EZP-25756: Can't index data in solrBundle if some data is inconsistent (#47)
- Indexer will now log warnings to command line in several cases it was previously threw exceptions
Expose new SPI\Search\Handler methods as needed by upcoming feature in kernel (indexing script that works across all handlers).
Changes since RC2:
- Doc update to add link to updated install instructions for eZ Platform
Changes since v1.0.1: