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Testing kafka-proxy

We are simulating 2 networks

  • ccloud where Kafka resides
  • onpremise where are the clients

onpremise can't reach ccloud, and thus needs a proxy with can connect to both.

The problem relies in the medata protocol, and thus a simple haproxy would not suffice. We need to proxy at Level7 to change the ip announced by Kafka by the ip of the proxy (kafka-proxy approach), or trick the metadata sent to go through the proxy (ha-proxy approach).



The main command is the following:

    command: server --bootstrap-server-mapping=broker-1:9092,,kafka-proxy:9092 --bootstrap-server-mapping=broker-2:9092,,kafka-proxy:9092 --bootstrap-server-mapping=broker-3:9092,,kafka-proxy:9092

Let's decompose the first argument


  1. We are bootstraping the broker-1:9092 kafka server
  2. We are asking to proxy broker-1:9092 via
  3. We are announcing this proxy to clients as kafka-proxy:9092

To test, run the stack with docker-compose up -d then write something into a topic

docker-compose exec kafka-client kafka-console-producer --broker-list kafka-proxy:9092 --topic example`

type a lovely hello world and a firm [Enter].

And then consume it back via

docker-compose exec kafka-client kafka-console-producer --bootstrap-server kafka-proxy:9092 --topic example --from-beginning


To test, run the stack with docker-compose up -d

in kafka-client enter docker

docker-compose exec kafka-client bash
echo `host haproxy-1 | awk '{print $4}'` broker-1 >> /etc/hosts
echo `host haproxy-2 | awk '{print $4}'` broker-2 >> /etc/hosts
echo `host haproxy-3 | awk '{print $4}'` broker-3 >> /etc/hosts
echo example | kafka-client kafka-console-producer --broker-list haproxy-1:9092 --topic example
kafka-client kafka-console-producer --bootstrap-server haproxy-1:9092 --topic example --from-beginning