Prompt Showdown | Start Chat
This prompt is as far as I know the first of its kind, where before the story begins, there is a collaborative phase where the you and AI add context to the story prompt. To get the perfect story/game just the way you like it
We will play a game where you and I take turns adding to a prompt, until I say start. Once I say “start” we will start the story.
Before I say the word “start” we will take turns adding to the context to the story. Keep this part short but descriptive
Remember to add to the context after every time i give an output until i say “start”
When we start the story make sure to give me a reason to continue the story by having a plot twist near the end of the first part of the story and make it complicated enough to have a long story
Never leave the output on a cliffhanger remember i am going to give you directive and tell you what to do as this is a game and i want to control what my character does
Once we start the story I will tell you what I want to do. (for example if i type, “open the door for the old lady walking this way.” You reply in a very energetic tone and explain what is going on in the scene- from everything that is sitting on the table next to me, to what is happening in the distance. The more detail you provide the more choices I have to do things in the story.)
First output “
immediately followed by the subtitle “ Welcome to Prompt Showdown”
Add the description “Created by MENACE”
Add a New line and description “ prompt showdown is a game where you and the AI take turns adding to the game/story.”
Add a New line and description “For example You- give a starting point (refer to example). AI- expands on what you put and adds more context. You- adds more context. AI- adds more detail. You- START”
Add a New line and description “The goal of this first part is to build context for the story ahead to start add a starting point like the name of a character, setting, things along those lines, once you have all the context you want, say “START” and the story will begin.”
Prompt Showdown is a game where you and the AI take turns adding to the game/story.
For example:
You - give a starting point (refer to example).
AI - expands on what you put and adds more context.
You- adds more context.
AI - adds more detail.
The goal of this first part is to build context for the story ahead. To start, add a starting point like the name of a character, setting, things along those lines. Once you have all the context you want, say "START" and the story will begin.
Prompt Showdown is a game where you and the AI take turns adding to the game/story.
For example:
You - give a starting point (refer to example).
AI - expands on what you put and adds more context.
You- adds more context.
AI - adds more detail.
The goal of this first part is to build context for the story ahead. To start, add a starting point like the name of a character, setting, things along those lines. Once you have all the context you want, say "START" and the story will begin.
USER: bob is an undercover cop infiltrating the Italian mob in nyc in the mid 1920's ASSISTANT: Sure. Bob, a gritty and determined undercover cop, finds himself in the heart of New York city, during the roaring 1920s. The jazz age is at its peak and there's an underlying tension as Bob's mission is to infiltrate the notorious Italian mob, known for their ruthless disregard for law and order. USER: he has already infiltrated them ASSISTANT: Absolutely. So, Bob is already deep undercover, having gained the trust of the mob's formidable leader, Don Giovanni. He's been successfully maintaining his cover as a loyal footsoldier in the mob, navigating through the complex labyrinth of organized crime in a world that's as intoxicating as it is perilous. USER: what does bobs personal life look like ASSISTANT: In stark contrast to his fraught "professional" world, Bob leads a remarkably simple personal life. He lives in a modest brick-walled apartment in the less affluent part of town. Despite the relentless stress of his job, Bob finds comfort and solace in the company of his aging golden retriever, Max, who's been his faithful companion for years.
Regular letters from his sister, living with her family in the countryside, provide him with a tether to normalcy and the life he once led. As Bob is often seen sipping on cheap whiskey, with an old Jazz record playing in the background and Max by his side. Unbeknownst to anyone in his personal life, he's leading a dangerous double life. USER: lets let him have a wife and kids ASSISTANT: Sure thing. In addition to his faithful canine companion, Bob has a loving wife, Maria, and two young children, Samantha and Joseph.
Maria is a strong and understanding woman who works as a school teacher, smart enough to know there's more to Bob's job than he lets on, but trusts him implicitly. Samantha, the older of the two children, is a bright and curious 8-year-old with a love for books, taking after her mother. Joseph, the younger at 5 years old, is a playful and energetic boy who idolizes his father.
Despite the danger surrounding his work, Bob tries his best to compartmentalize, ensuring his family life is filled with love and warmth. He cherishes the moments with his family, using them as motivation to fight for a safer city. USER: describe the setting for the opening scene ASSISTANT: The opening scene takes place in an opulent underground speakeasy nestled deep in the heart of New York City’s bustling and brashly vibrant Little Italy.
Outside, beneath the soft glow of street lamps, the cobblestone streets are slick with the sheen of a recent downpour. Inside, the room is a mix of smoke and shadows, infused with the rich scent of a thousand stories - the good, the bad, the secretive.
Crystal chandeliers bounce off the soft lighting against the intricate woodwork and behind a polished mahogany bar, a bartender crafts cocktails for the diverse ensemble of patrons. The jazz band in the corner sets a lively rhythm to the murmur of conversation, the clink of glasses, and the occasional hearty laugh.
In a private corner booth, we see our protagonist, Bob, engaged in a high-stakes poker game with Don Giovanni and a few other mob heavyweights. Bob's face is a practiced mask of nonchalance but his mind is racing, planning out his every move. USER: start ASSISTANT: As the game of poker escalated, the intensity in the air was almost palpable. Eyes of spectators glinted in anticipation, the clinking of glasses echoed around and the jazz band played a fast-paced tune, matching the pulse in the room, a room filled with the city's most dangerous men.
Bob, with his poker face intact, glanced down at his cards, an eight and a queen. In the middle of the table were a queen, an ace and a nine. He had one pair, but was it enough?
Suddenly, a loud crash echoed through the speakeasy, followed by the bar doors flying open and the room plunging into silence. A group of unfamiliar, grim-faced men sauntered in, led by a figure that made Bob's heart skip a beat. It was Sergeant Thompson - his superior at the precinct, and the man who had no idea he was undercover.
In that split second, Bob's world turned on its axis. Why was Thompson here? Had he been exposed? What about the Italian mobsters sitting right next to him? And worse, what about Maria, Samantha, and Joseph?
His mind swirled with questions, but embedding himself into the clandestine world of the Italian mob had taught him one thing - to keep his cool. Bob shot Thompson a look intending to pass for casual, but every muscle in his body tightened as he mentally prepared for what could be a serious complication in his mission.
He knew one thing for certain, though – the story was now more complex, and he would have to think quick to keep himself and his family safe. His role as an undercover cop infiltrating the Italian mob in NYC just got a lot more dangerous. USER: lets run away and try to excape ASSISTANT: With a quick, "Excuse me, gentlemen," Bob tossed his cards onto the table, rising from his seat. He made his way briskly but nonchalantly through the now silent room. He kept his gaze away from Thompson, focusing instead on the exit.
Once he was out into the rainy night, he hurried along the slick cobblestones, his heart pounding in his chest. He glanced over his shoulder, seeing the speakeasy's door slam shut behind him. In the distance, the city lights gleamed off the wet pavement and the sound of the evening's rain provided a rhythmic backdrop to his rapid thoughts.
He knew he had to think strategically. His first priority: His family's safety. They were oblivious to the danger they were in. With the stakes now alarmingly high, he had to get to them, to secure them before anyone else did.
Breathing out a silent prayer, he hailed a taxi, and as he climbed into the back seat, he threw a quick look over his shoulder one last time before directing the driver to his home. He knew he had reached a pivotal point in his mission, and his every move had to be calculated. With the safety of his family on the line, failure was not an option.