Author: Romit Jain
Tags: Rearranging
Description: Implements batched patching of the input image. For a batch of images (B, C, H, W), the image is split into grids of (P, P) where P is the patch size. The patch is flattened into a 1D array of size (P*P*C
Minimal Usage:
import torch
from vit.kernels import patching
device = 'cuda'
dtype = torch.float32
batch_size = 4
height = 256
width = 256
channels = 3
patch_size = 16
print(f'Batch size: {batch_size}, Height: {height}, width: {width}, channels: {channels}, P: {patch_size}')
A = torch.arange(1, batch_size * height * width * channels + 1, dtype=dtype, device=device).view(batch_size, channels, height, width)
patches_triton = patching(A, patch_size)
print(f"Output size: {patches_triton.shape}")
print(f'Original matrix:\n{A}')
print(f'Triton patching:\n{patches_triton}')
Triton Version: v2.3.0
Other Notes:
Currently supports C = 3 only.
Id in triton index: 0012