- Overview
- Installation
- Torch Model Archiver CLI
- Artifact Details
- Quick Start: Creating a Model Archive
A key feature of TorchServe is the ability to package all model artifacts into a single model archive file. It is a separate command line interface (CLI), torch-model-archiver
, that can take model checkpoints or model definition file with state_dict, and package them into a .mar
file. This file can then be redistributed and served by anyone using TorchServe. It takes in the following model artifacts: a model checkpoint file in case of torchscript or a model definition file and a state_dict file in case of eager mode, and other optional assets that may be required to serve the model. The CLI creates a .mar
file that TorchServe's server CLI uses to serve the models.
Important: Make sure you try the Quick Start: Creating a Model Archive tutorial for a short example of using torch-model-archiver
The following information is required to create a standalone model archive:
Install torch-model-archiver as follows:
git clone https://github.com/pytorch/serve.git
cd serve/model-archiver
pip install .
Now let's cover the details on using the CLI tool: model-archiver
Here is an example usage with the squeezenet_v1.1 model archive following the example in the examples README:
torch-model-archiver --model-name densenet161 --version 1.0 --model-file examples/image_classifier/densenet_161/model.py --serialized-file densenet161-8d451a50.pth --extra-files examples/image_classifier/index_to_name.json --handler image_classifier
$ torch-model-archiver -h
usage: torch-model-archiver [-h] --model-name MODEL_NAME --version MODEL_VERSION_NUMBER
--model-file MODEL_FILE_PATH --serialized-file MODEL_SERIALIZED_PATH
--handler HANDLER [--runtime {python,python2,python3}]
[--export-path EXPORT_PATH] [-f]
Model Archiver Tool
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--model-name MODEL_NAME
Exported model name. Exported file will be named as
model-name.mar and saved in current working directory
if no --export-path is specified, else it will be
saved under the export path
--serialized-file SERIALIZED_FILE
Path to .pt or .pth file containing state_dict in
case of eager mode or an executable ScriptModule
in case of TorchScript.
--model-file MODEL_FILE
Path to python file containing model architecture.
This parameter is mandatory for eager mode models.
The model architecture file must contain only one
class definition extended from torch.nn.modules.
--handler HANDLER TorchServe's default handler name or handler python
file path to handle custom TorchServe inference logic.
--source-vocab SOURCE_VOCAB
Vocab file for source language required for text
based models
--extra-files EXTRA_FILES
Comma separated path to extra dependency files.
--runtime {python,python2,python3}
The runtime specifies which language to run your
inference code on. The default runtime is
RuntimeType.PYTHON. At the present moment we support
the following runtimes python, python2, python3
--export-path EXPORT_PATH
Path where the exported .mar file will be saved. This
is an optional parameter. If --export-path is not
specified, the file will be saved in the current
working directory.
--archive-format {tgz,default}
The format in which the model artifacts are archived.
"tgz": This creates the model-archive in <model-name>.tar.gz format.
If platform hosting requires model-artifacts to be in ".tar.gz"
use this option.
"no-archive": This option creates an non-archived version of model artifacts
at "export-path/{model-name}" location. As a result of this choice,
MANIFEST file will be created at "export-path/{model-name}" location
without archiving these model files
"default": This creates the model-archive in <model-name>.mar format.
This is the default archiving format. Models archived in this format
will be readily hostable on TorchServe.
-f, --force When the -f or --force flag is specified, an existing
.mar file with same name as that provided in --model-
name in the path specified by --export-path will
-v, --version Model's version.
MAR-INF is a reserved folder name that will be used inside .mar
file. This folder contains the model archive metadata files. Users should avoid using MAR-INF in their model path.
A valid model name must begin with a letter of the alphabet and can only contains letters, digits, underscores _
, dashes -
and periods .
Note: The model name can be overridden when you register the model with Register Model API.
A model file should contain the model architecture. This file is mandatory in case of eager mode models.
A serialized file (.pt or .pth) should be a checkpoint in case of torchscript and state_dict in case of eager mode.
Handler can be TorchServe's inbuilt handler name or path to a py to handle custom TorchServe inference logic. TorchServe supports following handlers out or box:
For more details refer default handler documentation
1. Download the torch model archiver source
git clone https://github.com/pytorch/serve.git
2. Package your model
With the model artifacts available locally, you can use the torch-model-archiver
CLI to generate a .mar
file that can be used to serve an inference API with TorchServe.
In this next step we'll run torch-model-archiver
and tell it our model's name is densenet_161
and its version is 1.0
with the model-name
and version
parameter respectively and that it will use TorchServe's default image_classifier
handler with the handler
argument . Then we're giving it the model-file
and serialized-file
to the model's assets.
For torchscript:
torch-model-archiver --model-name densenet_161 --version 1.0 --serialized-file model.pt --handler image_classifier
For eagermode:
torch-model-archiver --model-name densenet_161 --version 1.0 --model-file model.py --serialized-file model.pt --handler image_classifier
This will package all the model artifacts files and output densenet_161.mar
in the current working directory. This .mar
file is all you need to run TorchServe, serving inference requests for a simple image recognition API. Go back to the Serve a Model tutorial and try to run this model archive that you just created!