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Unified Tracing and Profiling Tool


This a performance tool for Intel(R) oneAPI applications. It traces and profiles host/device activities, interactions and hardware utilizations for Intel(R) GPU applications.

Supported Platforms

  • Linux
  • Intel(R) oneAPI Base Toolkits
  • Intel(R) GPUs including Intel(R) Data Center GPU Max Series


  • CMake 3.22 or above (CMake versions prior to 3.22 are not fully tested or validated)
  • C++ compiler with C++17 support
  • Intel(R) oneAPI Base Toolkits
  • Python 3.9 or later
  • Matplotlib 3.8 or later (
  • Pandas 2.2.1 or later (
  • Intel(R) MPI (optional)

Build and Install

set up Intel(R) oneAPI environment
set up Intel(R) MPI Environment (optional)


cd <....>/tools/unitrace
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_WITH_MPI=<0|1> ..
make install


cd <....>\tools\unitrace
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_WITH_MPI=0 ..
cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_WITH_MPI=0 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<installpath> ..
nmake install

The MPI support is not enabled if BUILD_WITH_MPI=0 is defined.


unitrace [options] <application> [args]

The options can be one or more of the following:

--call-logging [-c]            Trace host API calls
--host-timing  [-h]            Report host API execution time
--device-timing [-d]           Report kernels execution time
--ccl-summary-report [-r]      Report CCL execution time summary
--kernel-submission [-s]       Report append (queued), submit and execute intervals for kernels
--device-timeline [-t]         Report device timeline
--opencl                       Trace OpenCL
--chrome-mpi-logging           Trace MPI
--chrome-sycl-logging          Trace SYCL runtime and plugin
--chrome-ccl-logging           Trace oneCCL
--chrome-dnn-logging           Trace oneDNN
--chrome-itt-logging           Trace activities in applications instrumented using Intel(R) Instrumentation and Tracing Technology APIs
--chrome-call-logging          Trace Level Zero and/or OpenCL host calls
--chrome-kernel-logging        Trace device and host kernel activities
--chrome-device-logging        Trace device activities
--chrome-no-thread-on-device   Trace device activities without per-thread info.
                               Device activities are traced per thread if this option is not present
--chrome-no-engine-on-device   Trace device activities without per-Level-Zero-engine-or-OpenCL-queue info.
                               Device activities are traced per Level-Zero engine or OpenCL queue if this option is not present
--chrome-event-buffer-size <number-of-events>    Size of event buffer on host per host thread(default is -1 or unlimited)
--chrome-device-timeline       DEPRECATED - use --chrome-kernel-logging instead
--chrome-kernel-timeline       DEPRECATED - use --chrome-kernel-logging instead
--chrome-device-stages         DEPRECATED - use --chrome-kernel-logging instead
--verbose [-v]                 Enable verbose mode to show more kernel information.
--demangle                     Demangle kernel names. For OpenCL backend only. Kernel names are always demangled for Level Zero backend
--kernels-per-tile             DEPRECATED - use --separate-tiles instead
--separate-tiles               Trace each tile separately in case of implicit scaling
--tid                          Output TID in host API trace
--pid                          Output PID in host API and device activity trace
--output [-o] <filename>       Output profiling result to file
--conditional-collection       Enable conditional collection
--output-dir-path <path>       Output directory path for result files
--metric-query [-q]            Query hardware metrics for each kernel instance
--metric-sampling [-k]         Sample hardware performance metrics for each kernel instance in time-based mode
--group [-g] <metric-group>    Hardware metric group (ComputeBasic by default)
--sampling-interval [-i] <interval> Hardware performance metric sampling interval in us (default is 50 us) in time-based mode
--device-list                  Print available devices
--metric-list                  Print available metric groups and metrics
--stall-sampling               Sample hardware execution unit stalls. Valid for Intel(R) Data Center GPU Max Series and later GPUs
--ranks-to-sample <ranks>      MPI ranks to sample. The argument <ranks> is a list of comma separated MPI ranks
--version                      Print version
--help                         Show the help message and exit

Level Zero or Level Zero + OpenCL

By default, only Level Zero tracing/profiling is enabled. To enable OpenCL tracing and profiling, please use --opencl option.

View Event Trace

If one of more of the --chrome- options are present, a .json trace file will be generated. To view the event trace, one can load the .json trace file to in either Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browser.

Host-Device Timelines!

Do NOT use chrome://tracing/ to view the event trace!

Host Level Zero and/or OpenCL Activities

To trace/profile Level Zero and/or OpenCL host activities, one can use one or more of the following options:

--call-logging [-c] --host-timing [-h] --chrome-call-logging

The --call-logging [-c] option traces Level Zero and/or OpenCL calls on the host: Host Call Logging!

The --host-timing [-h] option outputs a Level Zero and/or OpenCL host call timing summary: Host Call Timing!

The --chrome-call-logging option generates a Level Zero and/or OpenCL host .json event trace that can be viewd in Host Event Trace!

Device and Kernel Activities

To trace/profile device and kernel activities, one can use one or more of the following options:

--device-timing [-d] --kernel-submission [-s] --device-timeline [-t] --chrome-kernel-logging --chrome-device-logging --chrome-no-thread-on-device --chrome-no-engine-on-device

The --device-timing [-d] option outputs a timing summary of kernels and commands executed on the device:

Device Timing With No Shape!

In addition, it also outputs kernel information that helps to identify kernel performance issues that relate to occupancy caused by shared local memory usage and register spilling.

Kernel Info With No Shape!

Here, the "SLM Per Work Group" shows the amount of shared local memory needed for each work group in bytes. This size can potentially affect occupancy.

The "Private Memory Per Thread" is the private memory allocated for each thread in bytes. A non-zero value indicates that one or more thread private variables are not in registers.

The "Spill Memory Per Thread" is the memory used for register spilled for each thread in bytes. A non-zero value indicates that one or more thread private variables are allocated in registers but are later spilled to memory.

The "Register File Size Per Thread" is the number of registers available to each thread. In case the Level Zero runtime is not up-to-date, this column may be shown as "unknown".

In addition, the "Compiled" indicates the kernel compilation mode: just-in-time(JIT) or ahead-of-time(AOT).

By default, the kernel timing is summarized regardless of shapes. In case the kernel has different shapes, using -v along with -d is strongly recommended:

Device Timing!

Kernel Info!

The --kernel-submission [-s] option outputs a time summary of kernels spent in queuing, submission and execution: Kernel Submissions!

The --device-timeline [-t] option outputs timestamps of each kernel instance queuing, submission and execution start and execution end in text format while the application is running.

Device Timeline Text!

Both --chrome-kernel-logging and --chrome-device-logging create device event trace and store it in a .json file. However, --chrome-kernel-logging also traces host-device interactions and dependencies in addition to device events.

Kernel Loggging:

Kernel Logging!

Device Logging:

Device Logging!

In case both --chrome-kernel-logging and --chrome-device-logging are present, --chrome-kernel-logging takes precedence.

Toggling Device Thread, Level-Zero Engine and OpenCL Queue Collection On/Off

By default, device activities are profiled per thread, per Level-Zero engine and per OpenCL queue (if OpenCL profiling is enabled):

Device Activities Per Thread and Per Level-Zero Engine and Per OpenCL Queue!

This can potentially take a lot of screen space if a lot of threads use the device and/or multiple Level-Zero engines and/or OpenCL queues are utilized when the trace is viewed in a browser.

You can use --chrome-no-thread-on-device to suppress thread data:

Device Activities Per Level-Zero Engine and Per OpenCL Queue!

or --chrome-no-engine-on-device to suppress engine and/or queue data:

Device Activities Per Thread!

or both to suppress thread and engine and/or queue data at the same time:

Device Activities!

Tile Activities in Implicit Scaling

In case of implicit scaling, the hardware partitions the load of each kernel and distributes portions to each tile. By default, the tool treats the whole device as a unit. To trace activities on each tile separately, one can use --separate-tiles together with --chrome-kernel-logging/--chrome-device-logging options:

Tile Activities Logging!

or with --device-timing [-d] option:

Tile Activities Timing!

Trace and Profile Layers above Level Zero/OpenCL

The --chrome-mpi-logging traces MPI activities

MPI Logging!

The --chrome-sycl-logging traces SYCL runtime and SYCL Plugins activities

SYCL Logging!

The --chrome-ccl-logging traces CCL runtime activities CCL Logging!

Similarly, one can use --chrome-dnn-logging for oneDNN.

The --chrome-itt-logging traces activities in applications instrumented using Intel(R) Instrumentation and Tracing Technology APIs

ITT logging!

The --ccl-summary-report [-r] option outputs CCL call timing summary: CCL Call Timing!

If the application is a PyTorch workload, one or more options from --chrome-mpi-logging, --chrome-ccl-logging and --chrome-dnn-logging also enables PyTorch profiling(see Profile PyTorch section for more information).

Categorizing GPU Kernels

In case of a large application, for example, LLaMA, there may be a lot of small kernels with long kernel names in the profiled data. To analyze the data at a high level, you may find the kernel categorizing script are helpful.

The summarizing and categorizing script analyzes unitrace reports and aggregates kernels by categories. The summary is stored in JSON format (see example below) for further analysis or as input to other tools.

  "allreduce_time": 660801949838.875,
  "allreduce_calls": 6937803.0,
  "matmul_time": 163155211000.0,
  "matmul_calls": 11520000.0,
  "attn_time": 53528349820.0,
  "attn_calls": 3276800.0,
  "norm_time": 26989135820.0,
  "norm_calls": 3379201.0,
  "mem_op_time": 4660369802.857142,
  "mem_op_calls": 873879.0,

Before runing the script, all summary outputs from all processes should be packed into a single tarball.

unitrace -h -d -r mpirun -np 4 python ...
tar cfz unitrace_4_mpi_100iter.tgz output.*

The summary script takes the tarball and a schema file as inputs and aggregates kernels from all processes before categorizing them.

python --input unitrace_4_mpi_100iter.tgz --schema schemas/LLaMA.json --output summary_4_mpi_100iter.json

The schema defines classes of kernels and how the kerenls should be categorized in INI format:

[matmul if equals to]

[matmul if starts with]

[allreduce if ends with]

Each section starts with a category name (matmul, allreduce etc.) and a condition followed by a list of kernel names. There are 3 kinds of conditions: equals to, starts with and ends with.

Before it can be used with, a schema needs to be converted to JSON format:

python --input LLaMA.ini --output LLaMA.json

Location of Trace Data

By default, all output data are written in the current working directory. However, one can specify a different directory for output:

--output-dir-path <path>

This option is especially useful when the application is a distributed MPI one.

Activate and Deactivate Tracing and Profiling at Runtime

By default, the application is traced/profiled from the start to the end. In certain cases, however, it is more efficient and desirable to dynamically activate and deactivate tracing at runtime. You can do so by using --conditional-collection option together with setting and unsetting environment variable "PTI_ENABLE_COLLECTION" in the application:

// activate tracing
setenv("PTI_ENABLE_COLLECTION", "1", 1);
// tracing is now activated


// deactivate tracing
setenv("PTI_ENABLE_COLLECTION", "0", 1);
// tracing is now deactivated

The following command traces events only in the code section between setenv("PTI_ENABLE_COLLECTION", "1", 1) and unsetenv("PTI_ENABLE_COLLECTION").

unitrace --chrome-call-logging --chrome-kernel-logging --conditional-collection <application> [args]

You can also use __itt_pause() and __itt_resume() APIs to pause and resume collection:

// tracing is now deactivated


// tracing is now activated

If both environment variable PTI_ENABLE_COLLECTION and __itt_pause()/__itt_resume() are present, __itt_pause()/__itt_resume() takes precedence.

By default, collection is disabled when the application is started. To change the default, you can start the application with PTI_ENABLE_COLLECTION set to 1, for example:

PTI_ENABLE_COLLECTION=1 unitrace --chrome-call-logging --chrome-kernel-logging --conditional-collection <application> [args]

If --conditional-collection option is not specified, however, PTI_ENABLE_COLLECTION settings or __itt_pause()/__itt_resume() calls have no effect and the application is traced/profiled from the start to the end.

Profile MPI Workloads

Run Profiling

To profile an MPI workload, you need to launch the tool on each rank, for example:

mpiexec <options> unitrace ...

You can also do selective rank profiling by launching the tool only on the ranks of interest.

The result .json file has the rank id embedded as ...json.

Extended Support for Intel® MPI

With Intel® MPI version 2021.15 and above, extra information can be profiled that may be critical to performance optimization, for example, the idle time caused by communication or application imbalance:

MPI Application Imbalance!

and the device-initiated communications that are executued on host:

MPI Device-initiated Communications!

The argument mpi_counter in the device-initiated communication event is a non-negative integer. It represents operation sequence number for identifying particular call triggered by a GPU kernel.

mpi_counter Argument!

View Event Timelines of Multiple MPI Ranks

You can view the result files rank by rank. But often you may want to view the traces from multiple ranks at the same time. To view traces from multiple MPI ranks, you can use scripts/tracemerge/ script to merge them first and then load the merged trace into

python -o <output-trace-file> <input-trace-file-1> <input-trace-file-2> <input-trace-file-3> ...

Multiple MPI Ranks Host-Device Timelines!

Profile PyTorch

To profile PyTorch, you need to enclose the code to be profiled with

with torch.autograd.profiler.emit_itt():

For example:

with torch.autograd.profiler.emit_itt(record_shapes=False):
    for batch_idx, (data, target) in enumerate(train_loader):
        data ="xpu")
        target ="xpu")
        with torch.xpu.amp.autocast(enabled=True, dtype=torch.bfloat16):
            output = model(data)
            loss = criterion(output, target)

You also need to use one or more options from --chrome-mpi-logging, --chrome-ccl-logging and --chrome-dnn-logging to enable PyTorch prifling, for example:

unitrace --chrome-ccl-logging python ./


unitrace --chrome-dnn-logging python ./


unitrace --chrome-mpi-logging --chrome-ccl-logging --chrome-dnn-logging python ./

Other options can be used together with one or more of these options, for example:

unitrace --chrome-kernel-logging --chrome-mpi-logging --chrome-ccl-logging --chrome-dnn-logging python ./

PyTorch Profiling!

You can use PTI_ENABLE_COLLECTION environment variable to selectively enable/disable profiling.

with torch.autograd.profiler.emit_itt(record_shapes=False):
    os.environ["PTI_ENABLE_COLLECTION"] = "1"
    for batch_idx, (data, target) in enumerate(train_loader):
        data ="xpu")
        target ="xpu")
        with torch.xpu.amp.autocast(enabled=True, dtype=torch.bfloat16):
            output = model(data)
            loss = criterion(output, target)
        if (batch_idx == 2):
            os.environ["PTI_ENABLE_COLLECTION"] = "0"

Alternatively, you can use itt-python to do selective profiling as well. The itt-python can be installed from conda-forge

conda install -c conda-forge --override-channels itt-python
import itt

with torch.autograd.profiler.emit_itt(record_shapes=False):
    for batch_idx, (data, target) in enumerate(train_loader):
        data ="xpu")
        target ="xpu")
        with torch.xpu.amp.autocast(enabled=True, dtype=torch.bfloat16):
            output = model(data)
            loss = criterion(output, target)
        if (batch_idx == 2):
unitrace --chrome-kernel-logging --chrome-dnn-logging --conditional-collection python ./

View Large Traces

By default, the memory limit of the internal representation of a trace is 2GB. To view large traces that requires more than 2GB of memory, an external trace processor is needed.

One way to run the external trace processor on Windows is to use Windows Subsystem for Linux or WSL:

  1. Start your Linux distribution (Ubuntu 22.02.2 LTS, for example) on Windows.

  2. Inside Linux, download and run trace_processor:

    curl -LO
    chmod +x ./trace_processor
    trace_processor --httpd
  3. Start the browser in Windows, load and open the trace file. If the trace is loaded successfully, inside Linux, you should see something like:

    $ ./trace_processor --httpd
    [924.614]    [HTTP] Starting RPC server on localhost:9001
    [924.614]   [HTTP] This server can be used by reloading and clicking on YES on the "Trace Process   or native acceleration" dialog or through the Python API (see
    [957.821] [HTTP] New connection
    [957.822] [HTTP] POST /status [body=0B, origin=""]
    [957.892] [HTTP] New connection
    [957.894] [HTTP] GET /websocket [body=0B, origin=""]
    Loading trace 2004.29 MB (0.7 MB/s)

Profile Hardware Performance Metrics

Hardware performance metric counter can be profiled at the same time while host/device activities are profiled in the same run or they can be done in separate runs.

Please note that device timing is also enabled if hardware performance metric counter profiling is enabled. The device timing information will guide you to the hot kernels so you know which kernel's performance counters are of most interest.

Please also note that FLAT device hierarchy is required for hardware metric profiling.

Query Metrics for Each Kernel Instance

The --metric-query [-q] option enables metric query for each kernel instance.

unitrace -q -o perfquery.csv myapp

Performance metrics data will be stored in perfquery..csv file.

Metric Query!

By default, counters in ComputeBasic metric group are profiled. You can use the --group [-g] option to specify a different group. All available metric groups can be listed by --metric-list option.

Sample Metrics in Time-based Mode

Different from --metric-query [-q] option, the --metric-sampling [-k] option profile hardware metrics in time-based sampling mode.

unitrace -k -o perfmetrics.csv myapp

Performance metrics data will be stored in perfmetrics..csv file.

Metric Sampling!

To kernels that take short time, you may find that the default sampling rate is not high enough and the sampling rate or the sampling interval needs to be adjusted using --sampling-interval [-i] option, for example:

unitrace -k -i 20 -o perfmetrics.csv myapp

By default, counters in ComputeBasic metric group are profiled. You can use the --group [-g] option to specify a different group. All available metric groups can be listed by --metric-list option.

Sample Stalls at Instruction Level

The --stall-sampling works on Intel(R) Data Center GPU Max Series and later products.

Metric Query!

To kernels that take short time, you may find that the default sampling rate is not high enough and the sampling rate or the sampling interval needs to be adjusted using --sampling-interval [-i] option.

Sample Metrics of MPI Ranks

If the workload is an MPI application, sampling multiple ranks running on the same node with -k or --stall-sampling is usually unnecessary. You can use option --ranks-to-sample to specify which rank/ranks to sample. If the workload has 8 ranks running on 2 nodes with 4 ranks each, for example, you can sample rank #0 on one node and rank #4 on the other node:

mpiexec -n 8 -ppn 4 unitrace -k -o perfmetrics.csv --ranks-to-sample 0,4 <app>

Analyze Performance Metrics

Once you have the hardware performance metrics data collected, you can use the script scripts/metrics/ to analyze the metrics.

List Contents of the Metric Data File

The first step is to inspect the contents of the metric data file using -l or --list option.

python -l perfmetrics.12345.csv

This shows the device, metrics and kernels profiled:

Device 0
    Kernel, Number of Instances
        "main::{lambda(auto:1)#1}[SIMD32 {8192; 1; 1} {128; 1; 1}]", 1
        "main::{lambda(auto:1)#2}[SIMD32 {8192; 1; 1} {128; 1; 1}]", 1
        "main::{lambda(auto:1)#3}[SIMD32 {8192; 1; 1} {128; 1; 1}]", 1
        "main::{lambda(auto:1)#4}[SIMD32 {4096; 1; 1} {256; 1; 1}]", 5
        "main::{lambda(auto:1)#5}[SIMD32 {4096; 1; 1} {256; 1; 1}]", 5
        "main::{lambda(auto:1)#6}[SIMD32 {4096; 1; 1} {256; 1; 1}]", 5
        "main::{lambda(auto:1)#7}[SIMD32 {2048; 1; 1} {512; 1; 1}]", 5

The Device is the device on which the metrics are sampled. In this example output, the decice is 0. If multiple devices are used and sampled, multiple sections of Device will be present.

The Metric section shows the metrics collected on the device and the Kernel, Number of Instances shows the kernels and number of instances for each kernel are profiled. An instance is one kernel execution sampled on the device. For example, The kernel "main::{lambda(auto:1)#4}[SIMD32 {4096; 1; 1} {256; 1; 1}]" having 5 instances means the 5 exeuctions of the kernel are sampled. Please note that the number of instances of a kernel here may be less than the total number of exeuctions or submissions of the kernel in the application, especially when the kernel is short and/or sampling interval is large.

The number of instances is not applicable to stall sampling metric data:

Device 0

You can also use the -o option to redirect the output to a text file for later reference:

python -l -o contents.txt perfmetrics.12345.csv

Analyze Kernel Performance Metrics

Once you have the knowledge of the device, the metrics and the kernels in the metric data file, you can run the same script to analyze specific performance metrics of a specific instance of a specific kernel, all instances of a specific kernel or all instances of all kernels executed on a specific device. The performance chart will be stored in a PDF file.

python -d 0 -k "main::{lambda(auto:1)#4}[SIMD32 {4096; 1; 1} {256; 1; 1}]" -i 2 -m "XVE_STALL[%],XVE_INST_EXECUTED_ALU0_ALL_UTILIZATION[%],XVE_INST_EXECUTED_ALU1_ALL_UTILIZATION[%],XVE_INST_EXECUTED_SEND_ALL_UTILIZATION[%],XVE_INST_EXECUTED_CONTROL_ALL_UTILIZATION[%],XVE_INST_EXECUTED_XMX_ALL_UTILIZATION[%]" -y "Utilization and Stall (%)" -t "Utilization and Stall" -o perfchart.pdf perfmetrics.12345.csv

This command plots a chart of XVE stall and function unit utilizations for the second instance of kernel "main::{lambda(auto:1)#4}[SIMD32 {4096; 1; 1} {256; 1; 1}]" profiled on device 0 and stores the chart in file perfchart.pdf.

Analyze Kernel Performance Metrics!

If instance is 0, all 5 instances of the kernel "main::{lambda(auto:1)#4}[SIMD32 {4096; 1; 1} {256; 1; 1}]" are analyzed.

python -d 0 -k "main::{lambda(auto:1)#4}[SIMD32 {4096; 1; 1} {256; 1; 1}]" -i 0 -m "XVE_STALL[%],XVE_INST_EXECUTED_ALU0_ALL_UTILIZATION[%],XVE_INST_EXECUTED_ALU1_ALL_UTILIZATION[%],XVE_INST_EXECUTED_SEND_ALL_UTILIZATION[%],XVE_INST_EXECUTED_CONTROL_ALL_UTILIZATION[%],XVE_INST_EXECUTED_XMX_ALL_UTILIZATION[%]" -y "Utilization and Stall (%)" -t "Utilization and Stall" -o perfchart.pdf perfmetrics.12345.csv

If -k option is not present and instance is 0, all instances of all kernels are analyzed.


The -m option can be repeated multiple times to analyze multiple sets of metrics at the same time, for example:

python -d 0 -k "main::{lambda(auto:1)#4}[SIMD32 {4096; 1; 1} {256; 1; 1}]" -i 2 -m "XVE_STALL[%],XVE_INST_EXECUTED_ALU0_ALL_UTILIZATION[%],XVE_INST_EXECUTED_ALU1_ALL_UTILIZATION[%],XVE_INST_EXECUTED_SEND_ALL_UTILIZATION[%],XVE_INST_EXECUTED_CONTROL_ALL_UTILIZATION[%],XVE_INST_EXECUTED_XMX_ALL_UTILIZATION[%]" -y "Utilization and Stall (%)" -m "L3_BYTE_READ[bytes],L3_BYTE_WRITE[bytes]" -y "L3 Cache Read/Write (bytes)" -o perfchart.pdf perfmetrics.12345.csv

Analyze Multiple Performance Metric Sets!

Instead of typing the command options in every run, you can store the options in a text configuration file and use the -f or --config option to read the options from the file. For example, the command options above can be stored in a myconfig.txt:

python -f myconfig.txt -o perfchart.pdf perfmetrics.12345.csv

Please note that the input file cannot be present in the command option configuration file.

You can also use the -b option together with one or more -m options to get throughput data.

Analyze Multiple Performance Metric Sets and Throughputs!

If the input metric data file has stall sampling events collected using --stall-sampling option, the chart generated shows stall events and instruction addresses.

Analyze Stall Metrics!

From this chart, we can easily see that the most stalls are SbidStalls at instruction 0x000001B8. To reduce or eliminate the stalls, we need to analyze the stalls at instruction level to find out the cause of the stalls.

Use Pre-configured Options

A pre-configured option file metrics/config/ComputeBasic.txt for ComputeBasic (the default metric group) on PVC is provided. You can use it as it is:

python -f config/pvc/ComputeBasic.txt -o perfchart.pdf perfmetrics.12345.csv

Or you can customize it to create your own recipes.

You may also want to create configurations for other metric groups and/or devices.

Analyze Stalls at Instruction Level

To pinpoint stalls to exact instructions, you need kernel shader dump. If you want to pinpoint to the source lines and source files, you also need to use the compiler option -gline-tables-only, for example:

icpx -fsycl -gline-tables-only -O2 -o mytest mytest.cpp

To get a kernel shader dump, run the application with environment variables IGC_ShaderDumpEnable and IGC_DumpToCustomDir set:

IGC_ShaderDumpEnable=1 IGC_DumpToCustomDir=dump mytest

After you run unitrace using --stall-sampling, you can run the same script to analyze stalls:

 python -k "main::{lambda(auto:1)#3}" -s ./dump -o stallchart.pdf ./stallmetrics.56789.csv

In addition to the stall statistics chart, a stall analysis report is also generated:

Kernel: main::{lambda(auto:1)#3}
Assembly with instruction addresses: ./dump.3/OCL_asme5a3f8d8dcdadd7e_simd32_entry_0003.asm.ip
Sbid Stalls:

  /* [000001B8] */         sync.nop                             null                             {Compacted,$5.dst}     // $15
  Line 40:  c[index] = a[index] + b[index];
  File: /nfs/pdx/home/zma2/Box/PVC/grf.cpp
is stalled potentially by
    /* [00000198] */         load.ugm.d32.a64 (32|M0)  r18:2         [r14:4]            {I@1,$5} // ex_desc:0x0; desc:0x8200580 // $14
    Line 40:  c[index] = a[index] + b[index];
    File: /nfs/pdx/home/zma2/Box/PVC/grf.cpp

  /* [00000118] */ (W)     mul (1|M0)               acc0.0<1>:d   r5.0<0;1,0>:d     r0.2<0;1,0>:uw   {Compacted,A@1,$3.dst} //  ALU pipe: int; $4
  Line 96:  return __spirv_BuiltInGlobalInvocationId.x;
  File: /opt/hpc_software/compilers/intel/nightly/20240527/compiler/latest/bin/compiler/../../include/sycl/CL/__spirv/spirv_vars.hpp
is stalled potentially by
    /* [00000100] */ (W) (1|M0)  r5:1  bti[255][r126:1]   {I@1,$3} // ex_desc:0xFF000000; desc:0x6218C500 //
    Line 1652:  }
    File: /opt/hpc_software/compilers/intel/nightly/20240527/compiler/latest/bin/compiler/../../include/sycl/handler.hpp

The report shows not only the instruction and the location (address, source line and source file if available) of each stall, but also the instruction and the location if available that causes the stall.

To eliminate or reduce the stalls, you need to fix the cause.

The stall analysis report can also be stored in a text file if you prefer:

 python -k "main::{lambda(auto:1)#3}" -s ./dump -o stallchart.pdf -r stallreport.txt ./stallmetrics.56789.csv

View Kernel Performance Metrics in Browser

If you use -k or --stall-sampling option together with --chrome-kernel-logging or --chrome-device-logging option, you can view performance metrics of each kernel instance by selecting the kernel instance then following the metrics link in the "Arguments" in the browser.

 $ unitrace -k --chrome-kernel-logging -o perf.csv ./testapp
 ... ...

 [INFO] Log is stored in perf.1092793.csv
 [INFO] Timeline is stored in testapp.1092793.json
 [INFO] Device metrics are stored in perf.metrics.1092768.csv

The performance metrics are stored in file perf.metrics.1092768.csv and the event trace is stored in the .json file.

Run in a shell window with -p option, for example:

 XVE_INST_EXECUTED_CONTROL_ALL_UTILIZATION[%],XVE_INST_EXECUTED_XMX_ALL_UTILIZATION[%]" -y "Stall and Utilizations" -t "Stall and Utilizations" ./perf.metrics.1092768.csv

The -p option starts a server. If no certificate and private key are provided, a self-signed certificate and private key will be generated and used.

Now load the event trace .json file into

Performance Metrics Through Event Trace!

Once you click the link next to metrics: in the "Arguments", another browser window is opened:

Performance Metrics Browswe Window!

The metrics shown in the browser are the metrics passed to the -m option when you start If you stop and restart with a different set of metrics passed to -m option, for example:

 $ python -p -m "L3_BYTE_READ[bytes],L3_BYTE_WRITE[bytes]" -y "Bytes" -t "L3 Traffic" ./grfbasic.metrics.1092768.csv

Refreshing the same link will show the new metrics:

Performance Metrics Browswe Window #2!

In case of stall sampling, for example:

 $ unitrace --stall-sampling --chrome-kernel-logging -o perfstall.csv ./testapp

No -m option is required for

python -s ./dump.1 -p ./perfstall.metrics.564289.csv -t "XVE Stall Statistics and Report"

Rereshing the same link will show stall statistics by type and instruction address:

Stall Statistics!

followed by source stall analysis report:

Stall Report!

Query Trace Events

Search in can be done in command or SQL. After loading the trace file user can switch to SQL mode by typing ":" in the search box, then the user can type in the SQL query statement(s) and navigate to the events of interest from the query result, as shown below.

Please refer to for more information,

Query Trace Events!

GPU Roofline

It is often desirable to estimate the peak performance of a GPU kernel on a specific device using the roofline model. This can be done by running the tool.

$ python -h
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --compute COMPUTE     compute metrics collected by unitrace
  --memory MEMORY       memory metrics collected by unitrace
  --app APP             application to profile
  --device DEVICE       device configuration file
  --output OUTPUT       output file in HTML format
  --unitrace UNITRACE   path to unitrace executable if not in PATH

You can get the roofline in 2 ways:

  1. run unitrace and roofline model at the same time
python --app <application> --device <device-config> --output <output-file>

If the path of unitrace is not set in your PATH environment, you need to explicitly specify it using --unitrace option:

python --app <application> --device <device-config> --output <output-file> --unitrace <path-to-unitrace>
  1. run unitrace to profile the application, then run roofline model

This is useful if you want to profile your workload once and later run the roofline model multiple times, or if you profile your workload on one machine, but need to run the roofline model on a different machine.

python  --compute <compute-profile> --memory <memory-profile> --device <device-config> --output <output-file>

The <compute-profile> is created by running:

unitrace --g ComputeBasic -q --chrome-kernel-logging -o <compute-profile> <application>

The <memory-profile> is created by running:

unitrace --g VectorEngine138 -q --chrome-kernel-logging -o <memory-profile> <application>

The <device-config> is required in both usage cases. This file is device specific and can be found in the device_configs folder.

The <output-file> is in HTML format. It can be loaded and viewd in a browser:

GPU Roofline and Kernel Summary!

Recommended Usage

How to make the best use of the tool and to get the most out of it really depends on what you want to do and what part of your code you want to focus on.

If you care about just the host activities, you don't need any options to enable profiling on the device. If you just want to focus on one specific layer of the software stack, for example, the SYCL runtime and SYCL Plugins, you can use the corresponding layer specific options to enable profiling only the layer of interest, for example, --chrome-sycl-logging. Of course, if you need to see interactions between layers, you need to enable profiling multiple layers at the same time.

Similarly, if you care about just the device activities, you can use the options to turn on device profiling only. By default, device activities are profiled by thread (not GPU thread) and by Level Zero engines and/or OpenCL queues. This gives detailed information of how the device is utilized and if concurrencies between engines/queues match the expectations. In case you don't need the details and care only how the device is utilized in general, you may use --chrome-no-thread-on-device and/or --chrome-no-engine-on-device to turn one or both off.

Typically, you need options to enable profiling both host activities and device activities to understand how host and device are utilized and interacted. Ideally, you want both the concurrencies or overlappings between host activities and device activities and the concurrencies or overlappings between device engines maximized for best performance. Turning on profiling both host and device will give you the timelines of both and help you identify concurrency issues.

It is also recommended to start with device timing (-d) and/or host timing (-h) summaries. From the summaries, you can quickly spot the hot spots or the expensive kernels on device or calls on host. From the device summary, you will also learn if each kernel has occupancy and/or register spilling issues. Next, from the detailed timelines you will determine if these expensive device kernels or host calls are indeed performance bottlenecks to the overall performance.

Once a kernel is determined to be a performance bottleneck, it is time to figure out why its performance is not optimal. There can be multiple reasons why the kernel is not performant: cache misses, low occupancy, low ALU utilizations, execution unit stalls, etc. You can get answers from metric profiles using **-k"", -q or --stall-sampling option. In case of execution unit stall analysis, the --stall-sampling will give you instruction addresses and reasons of stalls.

In an interactive, for example Python, session, the -t option can be very useful with the kernel queuing, submission and execution data are output immediately after each kernel completes while your session is active.