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Automatically setup WSL2 machine using Ansible.


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This repository contains Ansible playbook to automatically configure a WSL2 machine.



Git version v2.39.0 or greater to be installed on the machine.

# On Ubuntu/Debian
sudo apt-get install -y git

# On CentOS
sudo dnf install -y git



This playbook is fully configurable.
You can skip or reconfigure any task for your needs. See Usage for more information.

  • Configure WSL2 instance in /etc/wsl.conf.
  • Install Homebrew and Homebrew packages.
  • Install VS Code extensions. (if you have VS Code on your Windows machine)
  • Configure Docker Engine. (if not using Docker Desktop)
  • Add your dotfiles repository and create symlinks.

Supported Platforms

The following WSL2 images are currently supported (tested):

  • Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy)
  • Ubuntu 24.04 (Noble)
  • Debian 12 (Bookworm)
  • CentOS 9 Stream

Other Linux images for WSL2 have not been tested yet.

Any futher updates and improvements will be available soon.


1. Clone this repository using git

git clone /your/location

2. cd into /your/location of where you cloned this repo

  • You can do this manually OR
  • (Recommended) Run the to setup Ansible on your machine.

4. Ensure required Ansible roles and collections of this playbook by using ansible-galaxy command

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

5. Run the main.yml file to start the setup process

ansible-playbook main.yml -K


Running a specific set of tagged tasks

You can filter which part of the provisioning process to run by specifying a set of tags using ansible-playbook's --tags (-t) flag.

For example:

ansible-playbook main.yml -K -t "dotfiles,homebrew"

Overriding Defaults


Please override any of the defaults configured in default.config.yml by creating a config.yml file and set different values for your preferences.

👉👉👉 EXAMPLES OF A config.yml FILE:

  • Supposed that you are running this playbook on CentOS WSL2 machine:

      - epel-release
      - dnf-plugins-core
      - wget
      - unzip
      - zsh
  • On Ubuntu/Debian WSL2 machine:

      - apt-transport-https
      - wget
      - unzip
      - zsh
  • For wsl.conf settings, more options can be found at ansible-role-wsl2. These settings are based on official Microsoft's Advanced settings configuration in WSL.

    wsl_hostname: centos-wsl
    wsl_boot_command: service docker start
  • Configure git username and email:

    git_username: John Doe
  • Homebrew related settings:

    # To NOT install and setup Homebrew on your machine
    configure_homebrew: false
    # To NOT install default packages list in this repo by its Brewfile
    homebrew_use_brewfile: false
    # To install packages from Brewfile but at a different location, let's say the Brewfile is in ~/Brewfile
    homebrew_brewfile_dir: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}"
    # OR let Ansible do its jobs
    # Tap Homebrew repositories
      - hashicorp/tap
    # Install Homebrew packages
      - bat
      - eza
      - gh
      - git-extras
      - hashicorp/tap/terraform
      - hashicorp/tap/vagrant
  • Quickly bootstrap your machine with your own dotfiles repository, for more information please visit: geerlingguy.dotfiles

    # Set this to `false` to NOT setup your machine with dotfiles
    configure_dotfiles: true
    # Where is your dotfiles repository located?
    dotfiles_repo_version: master
  • This playbook use vfox as a development environments manager. To enable the capability of installing development tools, in your config.yml file:

    configure_vfox: true
    # This is REQUIRED for correct `vfox` shell initialization in Ansible
    # Change this variable into with SHELL you are USING, 
    # available options are: bash | zsh | fish
    vfox_shell: bash
    # Do you want to let vfox use legacy version file?
    vfox_legacy_version: true
    # Define a list of plugins and their package versions
      - name: nodejs
          - 23.9.0
          - 22.14.0
        global: 23.9.0
      - name: java
          - 21.0.2-graalce
          - 17.0.14+7-amzn
        global: 21.0.2-graalce
  • To let Ansible to install Visual Studio Code extensions & configure its settings on your WSL2:

    configure_vscode: true
    vscode_install_suggested_extensions: false
    - esbenp.prettier-vscode
    - timonwong.shellcheck
    - ms-azuretools.vscode-docker
    vscode_settings_force: true
      workbench.panel.defaultLocation: "left"
        editor.defaultFormatter: "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
        editor.formatOnSave: true
      shellcheck.enable: true
      shellcheck.enableQuickFix: true
  • Please note that this supposed you already installed Visual Studio Code on your Windows local machine, and have Remote Development Extension Pack installed. Also, ensure that your WSL2 instance have VSCode on PATH. For instance, your /etc/wsl.conf's [interop] section label should have settings: enabled=true and appendWindowsPath. These are usually enabled by default.

  • For more information, have a look at ansible-role-vscode.

  • On a DevOps machine, you would like to install and start Jenkins after fresh setup. This can be done by simply configure those settings:

    configure_jenkins: true
    # Edit the list of jenkins plugins you would like to install:
      - ansicolor
      - blueocean
      - docker-workflow
    jenkins_restart_method: safe-restart 	# service | safe-restart
  • Any further Jenkins's setup configurations, see geerlingguy.jenkins

  • In some cases, you might not want to use Docker Desktop on your Windows local machine. You can install Docker inside the WSL2 instance by setting configure_docker to true in your config.yml file. More specific settings for this behavior can be found at geerlingguy.docker

    configure_docker: true
  • Extra packages can be overridden:

    # Set this to `true` to install extra packages
    extra_packages: true
      - czg
      - npm-check-updates
      - name: drush/drush
        version: '^8.1'
      - poetry
      - poethepoet
      - mkdocs
      - name: bundler
        state: latest

Homebrew Default Packages

Packages are listed in Brewfile
tap "homebrew/bundle"

# General
brew "bat"
brew "btop"
brew "dua-cli"
brew "eza"
brew "fd"
brew "fzf"
brew "jq"
brew "luarocks"
brew "neovim"
brew "rich-cli"
brew "ripgrep"
brew "shellcheck"
brew "starship"
brew "stow"
brew "tealdeer"
brew "thefuck"
brew "vfox"
brew "wrk"
brew "yazi"
brew "yq"
brew "zoxide"

# Git addons
brew "gh"
brew "git-delta"
brew "git-extras"
brew "git-flow"
brew "git-lfs"
brew "lazygit"

# Kubernetes applications
brew "helm"
brew "helmfile"
brew "k3d"
brew "kind"
brew "kustomize"
brew "minikube"

tap "derailed/k9s"
brew "derailed/k9s/k9s"

# Hashicorp packages
tap "hashicorp/tap"
brew "hashicorp/tap/terraform"
brew "hashicorp/tap/vagrant"


This project was inspired by:

Other references / resources:


Licensed under the MIT License.


This project was created in 2025 by Jacquin Moon.