diff --git a/readme.md b/readme.md index 985a885..75b228a 100644 --- a/readme.md +++ b/readme.md @@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ It includes a command-line shell and an associated scripting language. * [Dotenv](https://github.com/insomnimus/ps-dotenv) - Provides directory specific environments through .env files, similar to direnv. * [posh-git](https://github.com/dahlbyk/posh-git) - Set of PowerShell scripts which provide Git/PowerShell integration. * [PSReadLine](https://github.com/lzybkr/PSReadLine) - Bash inspired readline implementation for PowerShell. Keeps history between sessions, adds reverse-history search and makes the commandline experience much better overall. +* [PowerType](https://github.com/AnderssonPeter/PowerType) - Autocomplete for common cli tools like git, npm and more. * [TabExpansionPlusPlus](https://github.com/lzybkr/TabExpansionPlusPlus) - PowerShell module to make customizing tab completion easier and add a library of custom argument completers. * [Jump-Location](https://github.com/tkellogg/Jump-Location) - PowerShell `cd` that reads your mind. [Autojump](https://github.com/wting/autojump) implementation for PowerShell. **`UNMAINTAINED`** * [Zlocation](https://github.com/vors/ZLocation) * [z.sh](https://github.com/rupa/z) implementation for PowerShell. Similar to Jump-Location.