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This is the Helm chart library for Currently this library is hosting a single chart, which installs docassemble in a Kubernetes cluster.

Installing docassemble with helm

The docassemble chart is available as jhpyle/docassemble from the Helm repository


  • You have a Kubernetes cluster running version 1.19.0 or later with at least three nodes (or four or more if you are running other applications like MinIO, PostgreSQL, or Redis inside the cluster) with 4GB of RAM each.
  • You have installed Helm.
  • If you want to use HTTPS (which you should), you have a web server or load balancer that can provide SSL termination. The Helm chart only creates a server that operates over HTTP on port 80. Let's Encrypt is not supported the way that docassemble supports Let's Encrypt on a single Docker container. You will need to make a final decision about what hostname to use to access the server.

Installation steps

In this example, the site will be accessed at

The first time you install docassemble, you need to add the chart repository:

helm repo add jhpyle

Then, to install, run:

helm install mydocassemble jhpyle/docassemble \

You can set the following values:

  • daHostname: default is localhost. Always set this when you run helm install, unless you are running locally with minikube. Knowing the hostname in advance is necessary for the Live Help features to work; the hostname is used in the configuration of the Ingress NGINX Controller.
  • global.storageClass. Set this to whatever automatically provisioning StorageClass you are using in your cluster, if any.
  • timeZone: default is America/New_York. This will be the time zone on the Linux machines running docassemble.
  • replicas: default is 2. This indicates the number of application servers to run. The backend server and each application server need to run on separate nodes, so if you have n nodes, you should set this to n-1. The default is appropriate if your cluster has three or four nodes.
  • usingSslTermination: default is true. If you are not going to access the site over HTTPS (which is not recommended except for temporary testing purposes), set this to false.
  • redirectHttp: default is true. If usingSslTermination is true, and redirectHttp is true, then there will be a service at <release-name>-docassemble-redirect-service on port 8081 that will redirect HTTP to HTTPS. If your service that provides SSL termination already redirects incoming HTTP to HTTPS, then you can set this to false. Otherwise, configure the SSL termination service to send incoming HTTP traffic to port 8081 on the external IP address of <release-name>-docassemble-redirect-service.
  • daImage: a dictionary specifying the components of the image to use. The components of the dictionary are registry, repository, tag, and pullPolicy. The default values are registry:, repository: jhpyle/docassemble, tag: latest, and pullPolicy: Always.
  • readOnlyFileSystem: default is false. If set to true, then the file system on the docassemble pods will be mounted read-only. As a consequence, the Configuration, Playground, and Package Management systems are not available in the web application. All changes to the system's software or configuration must be made by modifying the image referred to by daImage or by editing Helm chart values such as daConfiguration.
  • daConfiguration: undefined by default. If readOnlyFileSystem is True, the config.yml file is a read-only file, the contents of which are determined by Helm. To add Configuration directives that are not pre-populated by Helm, you can define values under daConfiguration. The directives that are defined outside of daConfiguration, which you should not attempt to set inside of daConfiguration, are supervisor, enable playground, allow log viewing, update on start, allow updates, allow configuration editing, root owned, db, secretkey, os locale, timezone, redis, rabbitmq, s3, azure, collect statistics, kubernetes, log server, use minio, behind https load balancer, external hostname, expose websockets, websockets ip, websockets port, root, allow non-idempotent questions, restrict input variables, web server, new markdown to docx, new template markdown behavior, sql ping, default icons, and enable unoconv. If inClusterGotenberg is true, the gotenberg url is set automatically and enable unoconv is set to false.
  • inClusterNGINX: default is true. By default, the chart runs NGINX inside the cluster in order to provide sticky session support for websockets communication. The Live Help features use websockets. If you aren't using the Live Help features, you don't need websockets support. If you set inClusterNGINX to false, then the IP address of the application can be found under <release name>-docassemble-service.
  • inClusterNGINXClusterIssuer: default is null. If you have an SSL certificate manager deployed in your cluster, set this to the cluster issuer name.
  • inClusterMinio: default is true. By default, the chart runs MinIO in order to provide object storage. If you would rather use S3 or an S3-compatible object storage service, set inClusterMinio to false and set s3.enable to true. If you would rather use Azure blob storage, set inClusterMinio to false and set azure.enable to true. If inClusterMinio is false, you need to use either s3.enable: true or azure.enable: true.
  • s3.enable: set this to true if you want to use S3 or an S3-compatible object storage service, and you don't want to use an in-cluster MinIO service. You must set inClusterMinio to false for this to be effective.
  • s3.bucket: set this to the name of your S3 bucket (only set this if s3.enable is true).
  • s3.accessKey: set this to access key for your S3 bucket (only set this if s3.enable is true).
  • s3.secretKey: set this to secret access key for your S3 bucket (only set this if s3.enable is true).
  • s3.region: set this to the region you want to use. This is required for S3 but may not be required for S3-compatible services (only set this if s3.enable is true).
  • s3.endpointURL: if you are using an S3-compatible service other than S3 itself, set this to the endpoint URL for the API of the S3-compatible service (only set this if s3.enable is true).
  • azure.enable: set this to true if you want to use Azure blob storage and you don't want to use an in-cluster MinIO service. You must set inClusterMinio to false for this to be effective.
  • azure.accountName: set this to the account name associated with your Azure blob storage container.
  • azure.accountKey: set this to the account key associated with your Azure blob storage container.
  • azure.container: set this to the name of your Azure blob storage container.
  • inClusterPostgres: default is true. By default, the chart runs a PostgreSQL server inside the cluster. If you are using RDS or another external SQL server, set this to false and set to the hostname of the SQL server.
  • inClusterGotenberg: default is true. By default, the chart runs a Gotenberg server inside the cluster for DOCX to PDF conversion instead of using unoconv. Set this to false if you do not want the Gotenberg server to be started.
  • db.prefix: if you are not using PostgreSQL, set this to the SQLAlchemy URL prefix for the type of SQL database you are using. For MySQL, use mysql://. Also set inClusterPostgres: false.
  • set this to the hostname of your external SQL server. This is only effective if you have set inClusterPostgres to false. If you leave unset while setting inClusterPostgres to false, then the docassemble backend server will run PostgreSQL.
  • default is docassemble. Set this to the name of the database on your SQL server that you want to use. This is used only if inClusterPostgres is false.
  • db.user: default is docassemble. Set this to the name of the user of the database on your SQL server that you want to use. This is used only if inClusterPostgres is false.
  • db.port: if your SQL server runs on a non-standard port, you can explicitly set the port with db.port. This is used only if inClusterPostgres is false.
  • db.tablePrefix: if your SQL database is shared among multiple implementations, you can use a table name prefix by setting db.tablePrefix.
  • db.backup: default is false. If you want the backend server to make a daily backup of your remote PostgreSQL server, set this to true.
  • inClusterRedis: default is true. By default, the chart runs a Redis server on the cluster. If you are using Amazon ElastiCache for Redis, Amazon MemoryDB for Redis, or another external Redis service, set inClusterRedis to false and set redisURL.
  • redisURL: if you set inClusterRedis to false because you are using Amazon ElastiCache for Redis, Amazon MemoryDB for Redis, or another external Redis service, set redisURL to a URL like redis://myredisserver.local where your Redis server is on the hostname myredisserver.local. This is only effective if you set inClusterRedis to false. If you leave redisURL unset while setting inClusterRedis to false, then the docassemble backend server will run Redis.
  • inClusterRabbitMQ: default is true. By default, the chart runs a RabbitMQ server in the cluster. If you do not want to use this RabbitMQ server, set inClusterRabbitMQ to false.
  • amqpURL: if you are running an external RabbitMQ server, set this to the URL for your RabbitMQ server, such as pyamqp://guest@rabbitmqserver.local// if your RabbitMQ server is at the hostname rabbitmqserver.local. This is only effective if you set inClusterRabbitMQ to false. If you leave amqpURL unset while setting inClusterRabbitMQ to false, then the docassemble backend server will run RabbitMQ.
  • adminEmail, adminPassword, and adminApiKey: by default, when a docassemble system is first started, the user with administrative privileges is called and has the password password, which must be changed after the first login. If you want to initialize the administrative user with another e-mail address and password, you can set adminEmail to the e-mail address for the account and set adminPassword to the password. Optionally, you can also include adminApiKey. If you set an adminApiKey, then during initial startup, an API key owned by the administrative user will be created, with no constraints on its use.
  • exposeWebSockets: default is true. If false, then websockets connections will be accepted through port 80 on the application servers. If true, then websockets connects will be accepted through port 5000.
  • useAlb: default is false. If you are deploying on Amazon Web Services and inClusterNGINX is true, then you can set useAlb to true and an Application Load Balancer will be created that will forward traffic to the Ingress NGINX Controller. If using the Application Load Balancer, you also need to set:
    • certificateArn - set this to the ARN of the SSL certificate you are using for your site.
    • clusterName - set this to the name of your cluster.
    • awsAccessKey - set this to the access key with privileges to set up the application load balancer
    • awsSecretKey - set this to the secret key that corresponds with the awsAccessKey.
  • ingress-nginx.controller.service.type: default is LoadBalancer. By default, the Ingress NGINX Controller will have an external IP address. If you are putting a load balancer or proxy in front of the Ingress NGINX Controller, and you don't want the NGINX Ingress Controller to have an external IP address, you can set ingress-nginx.controller.service.type to NodePort.
  • daAllowUpdates: default is true. If you do not want your docassemble system to install software updates, set this to false.
  • maxBodySize: default is 16m. The Ingress NGINX Controller will reject POST requests with a body size larger than this amount.
  • multiNodeDeployment: default is true. Set this to false if you are deploying to a single node cluster. The effect of multiNodeDeployment being true is that podAntiAffinity is set up so that the docassemble backend server and each web server must be on separate nodes. (This has been found to be necessary for applications to work correctly, but your results may vary.) Note that if you deploy docassemble on a single node cluster, you are eliminating a lot of the benefit to deploying on Kubernetes, so only set multiNodeDeployment to true if you know what you are doing. The backend server and each application server require at least 4GB of RAM, so if you do deploy on a single node, make sure your node has plenty of resources.
  • webAppServiceType: default is LoadBalancer. This will be the Service type for the web application. If your infrastructure does not support this Service type, you can set this to NodePort. If you set inClusterNGINX is true, you may wish to set webAppServiceType to ClusterIP because NGINX will take care of load balancing and will be able to find your service internally.
  • useSqlPing: default is false. If your connection to the SQL database will continually be terminated, set this to true. There is a cost in overhead, but it will prevent errors.
  • pythonVersion: default is 3.10. The value of this depends on the version of the docassemble Docker image you are using. For version 1.4.x, use 3.10. For version 1.2.x or 1.3.x, use 3.8.
  • texliveVersion: default is 2021. The value of this depends on the version of the docassemble Docker image you are using. For version 1.4.x, use 2021. For version 1.2.x or 1.3.x, use 2020.
  • syslogNgVersion: default is 3.35. The value of this depends on the version of the docassemble Docker image you are using. For version 1.4.x, use 3.35. For version 1.2.x or 1.3.x, use 3.28.

The following values can be changed from their defaults in order to increase security.

  • secretKey: this is used as part of the encryption system in the docassemble application. It is also used for encrypting passwords for user accounts. Only change this when you are initializing a system, because if you change it later, your passwords will not work and interview answers will be inaccessible. Do not lose this key because if you ever need to recreate your system from persistent data storage, you will need this.
  • minio.auth.rootUser: the MinIO system uses a username and password. This is the username.
  • minio.auth.rootPassword: the MinIO system uses a username and password. This is the password.
  • supervisor.username: the docassemble web application pods and the backend pod use supervisord to launch and restart component services. The pods need to be able to communicate with each other over port 9001 in order to trigger software installations and restarts. For security, interprocess communication uses a username and password. supervisor.username specifies the username.
  • supervisor.password: the password associated with supervisor.username.
  • rabbitmq.auth.password: in order to launch a background task, docassemble code needs to communicate with the pod running the RabbitMQ task queue. rabbitmq.auth.password specifies the password that RabbitMQ will accept.
  • rabbitmq.auth.erlangCookie: RabbitMQ nodes use a cookie to authenticate with each other. rabbitmq.auth.erlangCookie specifies the cookie.
  • redis.auth.password: the pods that run docassemble code need to be able to access the Redis service. For security, access to Redis requires a password. redis.auth.password specifies that password.
  • postgresql.auth.username: when a PostgreSQL server is deployed inside of the cluster, the pods that run docassemble code need to be able to access the PostgreSQL database. For security, access to the PostgreSQL requires a username password. postgresql.auth.username specifies the username.
  • postgresql.auth.password: this is the password associated with postgresql.auth.username.

For more information about configuration options, see the values.yaml file in jhpyle/charts and the values.yaml files inside of the dependencies.

If you want to install a new version, first update your repository cache by running:

helm repo update


The Helm chart installs the following backend services (unless disabled using configuration values):

  • MinIO for object storage (S3-compatible).
  • Ingress NGINX Controller to provide sticky sessions for websockets traffic. It also acts as an Ingress for regular web traffic.
  • PostgreSQL for the backend SQL storage system.
  • Redis for the backend in-memory storage system.
  • RabbitMQ for supporting the Celery-based background task system.
  • Gotenberg for DOCX to PDF conversion.
  • An API for monitoring the cluster.

The chart also installs a single backend docassemble server, which has a CONTAINERROLE of log:cron:mail, and a number of application servers (the number of which is given by the replicas value), which have a CONTAINERROLE of web:celery.

If successful, the installation of the docassemble Helm chart will create Kubernetes resources similar to the following:

jsmith@mycomputer:~$ kubectl get all
NAME                                                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/mydocassemble-daredis-master-0                            1/1     Running   0          23m
pod/mydocassemble-docassemble-796ff45967-mkd5b                1/1     Running   0          23m
pod/mydocassemble-docassemble-796ff45967-njsnt                1/1     Running   0          23m
pod/mydocassemble-docassemble-backend-c6488ddc5-2rqtv         1/1     Running   0          23m
pod/mydocassemble-docassemble-monitor-6b4c87b6fd-rn49f        1/1     Running   0          23m
pod/mydocassemble-ingress-nginx-controller-6994cc5c9f-s4gj2   1/1     Running   0          23m
pod/mydocassemble-minio-6475c45468-btjx7                      1/1     Running   0          23m
pod/mydocassemble-postgresql-0                                1/1     Running   0          23m
pod/mydocassemble-rabbitmq-0                                  1/1     Running   0          23m

NAME                                                       TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP                                                               PORT(S)                                 AGE
service/kubernetes                                         ClusterIP       <none>                                                                    443/TCP                                 173m
service/mydocassemble-daredis-headless                     ClusterIP      None             <none>                                                                    6379/TCP                                23m
service/mydocassemble-daredis-master                       ClusterIP    <none>                                                                    6379/TCP                                23m
service/mydocassemble-docassemble-backend-service          ClusterIP   <none>                                                                    8082/TCP,514/TCP,25/TCP                 23m
service/mydocassemble-docassemble-monitor-service          ClusterIP    <none>                                                                    80/TCP                                  23m
service/mydocassemble-docassemble-service                  ClusterIP      <none>                                                                    80/TCP,5000/TCP                         23m
service/mydocassemble-ingress-nginx-controller             LoadBalancer   80:31917/TCP                            23m
service/mydocassemble-ingress-nginx-controller-admission   ClusterIP   <none>                                                                    443/TCP                                 23m
service/mydocassemble-minio                                ClusterIP   <none>                                                                    9000/TCP,9001/TCP                       23m
service/mydocassemble-postgresql                           ClusterIP   <none>                                                                    5432/TCP                                23m
service/mydocassemble-postgresql-hl                        ClusterIP      None             <none>                                                                    5432/TCP                                23m
service/mydocassemble-rabbitmq                             ClusterIP   <none>                                                                    5672/TCP,4369/TCP,25672/TCP,15672/TCP   23m
service/mydocassemble-rabbitmq-headless                    ClusterIP      None             <none>                                                                    4369/TCP,5672/TCP,25672/TCP,15672/TCP   23m

NAME                                                     READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/mydocassemble-docassemble                2/2     2            2           23m
deployment.apps/mydocassemble-docassemble-backend        1/1     1            1           23m
deployment.apps/mydocassemble-docassemble-monitor        1/1     1            1           23m
deployment.apps/mydocassemble-ingress-nginx-controller   1/1     1            1           23m
deployment.apps/mydocassemble-minio                      1/1     1            1           23m

NAME                                                                DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/mydocassemble-docassemble-796ff45967                2         2         2       23m
replicaset.apps/mydocassemble-docassemble-backend-c6488ddc5         1         1         1       23m
replicaset.apps/mydocassemble-docassemble-monitor-6b4c87b6fd        1         1         1       23m
replicaset.apps/mydocassemble-ingress-nginx-controller-6994cc5c9f   1         1         1       23m
replicaset.apps/mydocassemble-minio-6475c45468                      1         1         1       23m

NAME                                            READY   AGE
statefulset.apps/mydocassemble-daredis-master   1/1     23m
statefulset.apps/mydocassemble-postgresql       1/1     23m
statefulset.apps/mydocassemble-rabbitmq         1/1     23m

The IP address of the docassemble application is the external IP address of the <release-name>-ingress-nginx-controller service, which in this example is This particular example output comes from EKS; other implementations of Kubernetes will give different output.

The IP address of the monitoring API is the cluster IP address of the <release-name>-docassemble-monitor-service, which in this example is This is not exposed to an external IP address and should not be, because the API does not use authentication.

Cleaning up

To delete the system, run:

helm delete mydocassemble

Note that this does not delete all of the resources created by helm install. The Persistent Volume Claims and Persistent Volumes will continue to exist (they contain application data). In addition, a Config Map resource and a Secret resource created by ingress-nginx will still exist. If you wish to delete everything, run:

helm delete mydocassemble
kubectl get pvc | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v NAME | xargs kubectl delete pvc
kubectl get pv | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v NAME | xargs kubectl delete pv
kubectl delete configmap ingress-controller-leader
kubectl delete secret mydocassemble-ingress-nginx-admission

Should you use Kubernetes?

Running docassemble in the cloud with Kubernetes is several times more expensive (and complicated) than running a single server in the cloud with Docker. However, Kubernetes is a scalable and modern approach to software installation, and Helm helps to manage a lot of the complexity of Kubernetes deployment.

Before putting anything into production with Kubernetes, make sure you understand how data is being stored. Kubernetes "Persistent Volumes" are a way to store application data that survive software upgrades, but it is not easy to gain access to the information on the volumes.

If you deploy on Kubernetes, it is recommended that you externalize data storage. For example, if deploying on Amazon Web Services, you can externalize SQL using RDS for the SQL server, externalize Redis using Amazon ElastiCache for Redis or Amazon MemoryDB for Redis, and externalize object storage using S3. In your values.yaml file, you would then set inClusterMinio, inClusterPostgres, and inClusterRedis to false.

Managed services will give you greater control over your application data than if your application data are stored on persistent volumes on your Kubernetes nodes. There is no guarantee that a persistent volume created with one version of an application, like Redis, PostgreSQL, or MinIO, will continue to work if the pods running those applications are stopped and restarted running under a new version.

Recommendations for getting started with Kubernetes

How to deploy Kubernetes is beyond the scope of this README, so this section only provides very basic information.

Microsoft Azure

If you use Microsoft Azure, you can deploy Kubernetes by installing the az and kubectl command line utilities. In Azure Portal, you can go to "Kubernetes services" and add a new Kubernetes service. Then from your local machine, you can do:

az aks get-credentials --resource-group <name of resource group> --name docassemble <name of kubernetes service>

This will write credentials to ~/.kube/config so that you can interact with your cluster using kubectl. You can install Helm and run the helm command to install the docassemble chart.

Amazon Web Services

If you use Amazon Web Services, the easiest way to get started with Kubernetes is to install the aws command and link it to your Amazon account. Then install the eksctl and kubectl command line utilities.

The easiest way to start a cluster is with a command like eksctl create cluster --nodes 3 --node-type t3.medium --version 1.22. You can then install Helm and install the docassemble chart with helm install as described above.


The Helm chart works on minikube. To run a server locally (without HTTPS) you can create a file values.yaml containing something like:

usingSslTermination: false
adminPassword: xxxsecretxxx

Then start minikube and install the Helm chart:

minikube start --nodes 3
helm install -f values.yaml mydocassemble jhpyle/docassemble

To access the web interface, you will probably need to use kubectl port-forward.

Known issues

Depending on the Kubernetes version and the platform, you may have an issue where ingress-nginx gets stuck running the ingress-nginx-admission-patch job. Helm may fail with:

Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: failed post-install: timed out waiting for the condition

The way around this is to add the following to a values.yaml file:

      enabled: false

Then install with:

helm install -f values.yaml mydocassemble jhpyle/docassemble