Performant macOS and iOS TextView with line numbers and much more. (NSTextView/UITextView reimplementation)
The goal of this project is to build NSTextView/UITextView replacement reusable component utilizing TextKit 2 framework. due to many good reasons.
The component is mainly developed to serve Swift Studio needs as a source code editor.
TextKit 2 was announced during WWDC 2021 as a TextKit 1 replacement for text layout and whatnot. Apple announced that NSTextView
, the view component specialized for text editing, will adopt TextKit 2 and provide support along TextKit 1 bit. As I started to learn more about NSTextView
+ TextKit2, I realized that as of today (Feb 2022), neither NSTextView
nor TextKit 2 classes are fully functional. Along the way, I reported several bug reports to Apple requesting DTS (support tickets). Eventually, I got blocked by specific bugs that pushed me to start this project.
- macOS text system integration
- Performant Text editing
- Display line numbers
- Display invisible characters
- Customization of colors and fonts
- Toggle line wrapping on and off
- Adjust the height of lines
- Highlight/Select ranges in the text view
- Multi-cursor editing
- Search/Replace the text
- Spelling and Grammar
- Dictation
- Customizable Completion support
- Smooth scrolling of long content
- LTR (Left To Right) / RTL (Right To Left) layout
- Undo/Redo
- Plugins
- Anchored annotations (via plugin)
- Source Code syntax highlighting (via plugin)
The financial sustainability of the project is possible thanks to the ongoing contributions from our GitHub Sponsors
STTextView is already well-suited as a text editor component. However, it still needs improvements before the release of v1.0
Suggest or vote for new features: Feature Requests
- text dragging (partially implemented)
is distributed using the Swift Package Manager. Install it in a project by adding it as a dependency in your Package.swift
manifest or through “Package Dependencies” in Xcode project settings
let package = Package(
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")
The demo applications TextEdit and TextEdit.SwiftUI lets you explore the library.
Plugins in an STTextView component offer additional functionalities and customizations beyond the simple text display. They enhance the core capabilities of the text view by adding features such as syntax highlighting, word count tracking, and more. These plugins expand the STTextView's utility while maintaining a modular and adaptable software structure.
- Plugin-Neon Source Code Syntax Highlighting with TreeSitter and Neon.
- Plugin-TextFormation Typing completions with TextFormation.
- Plugin-Annotations Anchored annotations (eg. inlined error message)) plugin.
- Plugin-Template Dummy plugin template repository ready to build new plugin.
- ... add more plugins
The TextView
is a SwiftUI view that wraps the STTextView.
- Support for rich text (attributed string)
- Faster than SwiftUI.TextEdit (
import STTextViewSwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
@State private var text = AttributedString("Hello World!")
@State private var selection: NSRange?
var body: some View {
text: $text,
selection: $selection,
options: [.wrapLines, .highlightSelectedLine],
plugins: [plugin1(), plugin2()]
.textViewFont(.preferredFont(forTextStyle: .body))
The STTextView
is an NSView
subclass and can be initialized like any other view. It has an API that is similar to that of NSTextView.
import STTextView
let textView = STTextView()
(macOS) add to scroll view
let textView = STTextView()
let scrollView = NSScrollView()
scrollView.documentView = textView
let scrollView = STTextView.scrollableTextView()
let textView = scrollView.documentView as! STTextView
The text view can be customized in a variety of ways.
let paragraph = NSParagraphStyle.default.mutableCopy() as! NSMutableParagraphStyle
// Set the line-height to 110%
paragraph.lineHeightMultiple = 1.1
paragraph.defaultTabInterval = 28
// Default Paragraph style
textView.typingAttributes[.paragraphStyle] = paragraph
// Set default font
textView.font = NSFont.monospacedSystemFont(ofSize: 14, weight: .regular)
// Set default text color
textView.textColor = .textColor
// Set text value
textView.text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ornare lobortis sem a vulputate."
textView.addAttributes([.foregroundColor:], range: NSRange(location: 10, length: 5))
// Wrap/No wrap lines to editor width
textView.isHorizontallyResizable = true
// Highlight the selected line.
textView.highlightSelectedLine = true
Add gutter with line numbers
textView.showLineNumbers = true
textView.gutterView?.drawSeparator = true
(macOS) Enable an optional search-and-replace find interface inside a view, usually a scroll view.
textView.isIncrementalSearchingEnabled = true
textView.textFinder.incrementalSearchingShouldDimContentView = true
List of TextKit 2 issues and bugs related to NSTextView and the TextKit framework I reported to Apple so far:
- FB9856587: TextKit2 unexpected additional line fragment for the last line
- FB9925766: NSTextSelectionNavigation.deletionRanges only works at the end of the word
- FB9925647: NSTextLayoutManager.replaceContents(in range: with attributedString:) is documented but is not part of the public API
- FB9907261: NSTextElementProvider.replaceContents(in:with:) does not replace content as documented
- FB9692714: Rendering attributes do not draw properly
- FB9886911: NSTextView can't properly layout and display long lines (this one is nasty since it causes the view to "jump" whenever text attribute updates)
- FB9713415: NSTextView drawInsertionPoint(in:color:turnedOn) is never called
- FB9971054: NSLayoutManager.enumerateCaretOffsetsInLineFragment ignores starting location
- FB9971054: NSTextView assert on selection when setup with TextKit2
- FB9743449, FB10019859: NSTextContentStorage.textElements(for:) returns no element, while enumerateTextElements does return elements
- FB11898356: textSelections(interactingAt:inContainerAt:anchors:modifiers:selecting:bounds:) produces wrong selections for certain locations
- FB12726775: Documentation to the NSTextParagraph.paragraphContentRange is incorrect
- FB13272586: NSTextContainer.size default value is not as documented
- FB13290979: NSTextContainer.lineFragmentPadding does not affect end of the fragment usageBoundsForTextContainer rectangle
- FB13291926: NSTextLayoutManager.usageBoundsForTextContainer observer is never trigerred
- FB13789916: NSTextInputClient.setMarkedText provide bogus selection range for Chinese keyboard
- FB14700414: NSTextList doesn't work since macOS 14 (regression)
- FB15131180: TextKit extra line frame is incorrect and does not respect layout fragment size (regression)
... I'm aware that the list of issues is not complete. I managed to workaround most of the problems in STTextView.
(ST prefix stands for "Swift sTudio" because SS is not good prefix since 1939)
Start a new discussion topic or a pull request.
I'd love to hear from you! Get in touch via X/Twitter @krzyzanowskim, Mastodon
If you are creating an open-source application under a license compatible with the GNU GPL license v3, you may use STTextView under the terms of the GPLv3.
Get one starting from €5.
If you want to use STTextView to develop non-open-sourced products and applications, the Commercial license is appropriate. With this option, your source code is kept proprietary. You won't have to change your whole application source code to an open-source license. Purchase a STTextView Commercial License