diff --git a/docs/deploy/configurations.md b/docs/deploy/configurations.md
index 3974f127a..a891e552b 100644
--- a/docs/deploy/configurations.md
+++ b/docs/deploy/configurations.md
@@ -64,51 +64,53 @@ Currently, you can set only 1 namespace to watch in this flag. See [this Kuberne
 !!!warning ""
     The --cluster-name flag is mandatory and the value must match the name of the kubernetes cluster. If you specify an incorrect name, the subnet auto-discovery will not work.
-|Flag                                   | Type                            | Default         | Description |
-|aws-api-endpoints                      | AWS API Endpoints Config        |                 | AWS API endpoints mapping, format: serviceID1=URL1,serviceID2=URL2 |
-|aws-api-throttle                       | AWS Throttle Config             | [default value](#default-throttle-config ) | throttle settings for AWS APIs, format: serviceID1:operationRegex1=rate:burst,serviceID2:operationRegex2=rate:burst |
-|aws-max-retries                        | int                             | 10              | Maximum retries for AWS APIs |
-|aws-region                             | string                          | [instance metadata](#instance-metadata)   | AWS Region for the kubernetes cluster |
-|aws-vpc-id                             | string                          | [instance metadata](#instance-metadata)   | AWS VPC ID for the Kubernetes cluster |
-|allowed-certificate-authority-arns     | stringList                      | []              | Specify an optional list of CA ARNs to filter on in cert discovery (empty means all CAs are allowed) |
-|backend-security-group                 | string                          |                 | Backend security group id to use for the ingress rules on the worker node SG|
-|cluster-name                           | string                          |                 | Kubernetes cluster name|
-|default-ssl-policy                     | string                          | ELBSecurityPolicy-2016-08 | Default SSL Policy that will be applied to all Ingresses or Services that do not have the SSL Policy annotation |
-|default-tags                           | stringMap                       |                 | AWS Tags that will be applied to all AWS resources managed by this controller. Specified Tags takes highest priority |
-|default-target-type                    | string                          | instance        | Default target type for Ingresses and Services - ip, instance |
-|[disable-ingress-class-annotation](#disable-ingress-class-annotation)       | boolean                         | false           | Disable new usage of the `kubernetes.io/ingress.class` annotation |
-|[disable-ingress-group-name-annotation](#disable-ingress-group-name-annotation)  | boolean                         | false           | Disallow new use of the `alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/group.name` annotation |
-|disable-restricted-sg-rules            | boolean                         | false           | Disable the usage of restricted security group rules |
-|enable-backend-security-group          | boolean                         | true            | Enable sharing of security groups for backend traffic |
-|enable-endpoint-slices                 | boolean                         | false           | Use EndpointSlices instead of Endpoints for pod endpoint and TargetGroupBinding resolution for load balancers with IP targets. |
-|enable-leader-election                 | boolean                         | true            | Enable leader election for the load balancer controller manager. Enabling this will ensure there is only one active controller manager |
-|enable-pod-readiness-gate-inject       | boolean                         | true            | If enabled, targetHealth readiness gate will get injected to the pod spec for the matching endpoint pods |
-|enable-shield                          | boolean                         | true            | Enable Shield addon for ALB |
-|[enable-waf](#waf-addons)                             | boolean                         | true            | Enable WAF addon for ALB |
-|[enable-wafv2](#waf-addons)                           | boolean                         | true            | Enable WAF V2 addon for ALB |
-|external-managed-tags                  | stringList                      |                 | AWS Tag keys that will be managed externally. Specified Tags are ignored during reconciliation |
-|[feature-gates](#feature-gates)        | stringMap                       |                 | A set of key=value pairs to enable or disable features |
-|health-probe-bind-addr                 | string                          | :61779          | The address the health probes binds to |
-|ingress-class                          | string                          | alb             | Name of the ingress class this controller satisfies |
-|ingress-max-concurrent-reconciles      | int                             | 3               | Maximum number of concurrently running reconcile loops for ingress |
-|kubeconfig                             | string                          | in-cluster config | Path to the kubeconfig file containing authorization and API server information |
-|leader-election-id                     | string                          | aws-load-balancer-controller-leader | Name of the leader election ID to use for this controller |
-|leader-election-namespace              | string                          |                 | Name of the leader election ID to use for this controller |
-|load-balancer-class                    | string                          | service.k8s.aws/nlb| Name of the load balancer class specified in service `spec.loadBalancerClass` reconciled by this controller |
-|log-level                              | string                          | info            | Set the controller log level - info, debug |
-|metrics-bind-addr                      | string                          | :8080           | The address the metric endpoint binds to |
-|service-max-concurrent-reconciles      | int                             | 3               | Maximum number of concurrently running reconcile loops for service |
-|[sync-period](#sync-period)                            | duration                        | 10h0m0s         | Period at which the controller forces the repopulation of its local object stores|
-|targetgroupbinding-max-concurrent-reconciles | int                       | 3               | Maximum number of concurrently running reconcile loops for targetGroupBinding |
-|targetgroupbinding-max-exponential-backoff-delay | duration              | 16m40s          | Maximum duration of exponential backoff for targetGroupBinding reconcile failures |
-|tolerate-non-existent-backend-service  | boolean                         | true            | Whether to allow rules which refer to backend services that do not exist (When enabled, it will return 503 error if backend service not exist) |
-|tolerate-non-existent-backend-action  | boolean                         | true            | Whether to allow rules which refer to backend actions that do not exist (When enabled, it will return 503 error if backend action not exist) |
-|watch-namespace                        | string                          |                 | Namespace the controller watches for updates to Kubernetes objects, If empty, all namespaces are watched. |
-|webhook-bind-port                      | int                             | 9443            | The TCP port the Webhook server binds to |
-|webhook-cert-dir                       | string                          | /tmp/k8s-webhook-server/serving-certs | The directory that contains the server key and certificate |
-|webhook-cert-file                      | string                          | tls.crt | The server certificate name |
-|webhook-key-file                       | string                          | tls.key | The server key name |
+| Flag                                                                            | Type                            | Default                                    | Description                                                                                                                                    |
+| aws-api-endpoints                                                               | AWS API Endpoints Config        |                                            | AWS API endpoints mapping, format: serviceID1=URL1,serviceID2=URL2                                                                             |
+| aws-api-throttle                                                                | AWS Throttle Config             | [default value](#default-throttle-config ) | throttle settings for AWS APIs, format: serviceID1:operationRegex1=rate:burst,serviceID2:operationRegex2=rate:burst                            |
+| aws-max-retries                                                                 | int                             | 10                                         | Maximum retries for AWS APIs                                                                                                                   |
+| aws-region                                                                      | string                          | [instance metadata](#instance-metadata)    | AWS Region for the kubernetes cluster                                                                                                          |
+| aws-vpc-id                                                                      | string                          | [instance metadata](#instance-metadata)    | AWS VPC ID for the Kubernetes cluster                                                                                                          |
+| aws-vpc-tags                                                                    | stringMap                       |                                            | Tags for the Kubernetes cluster VPC, When both flags `--aws-vpc-id` and `--aws-vpc-tags` are specified, the controller prioritizes `--aws-vpc-id` and ignores the other flag.
+| aws-vpc-tag-key                                                            | string                          | Name                                       | Optional tag key used with aws-vpc-tags add only if VPC name tag key is not the default value "Name"
+| allowed-certificate-authority-arns                                              | stringList                      | []                                         | Specify an optional list of CA ARNs to filter on in cert discovery (empty means all CAs are allowed)                                           |
+| backend-security-group                                                          | string                          |                                            | Backend security group id to use for the ingress rules on the worker node SG                                                                   |
+| cluster-name                                                                    | string                          |                                            | Kubernetes cluster name                                                                                                                        |
+| default-ssl-policy                                                              | string                          | ELBSecurityPolicy-2016-08                  | Default SSL Policy that will be applied to all Ingresses or Services that do not have the SSL Policy annotation                                |
+| default-tags                                                                    | stringMap                       |                                            | AWS Tags that will be applied to all AWS resources managed by this controller. Specified Tags takes highest priority                           |
+| default-target-type                                                             | string                          | instance                                   | Default target type for Ingresses and Services - ip, instance                                                                                  |
+| [disable-ingress-class-annotation](#disable-ingress-class-annotation)           | boolean                         | false                                      | Disable new usage of the `kubernetes.io/ingress.class` annotation                                                                              |
+| [disable-ingress-group-name-annotation](#disable-ingress-group-name-annotation) | boolean                         | false                                      | Disallow new use of the `alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/group.name` annotation                                                                      |
+| disable-restricted-sg-rules                                                     | boolean                         | false                                      | Disable the usage of restricted security group rules                                                                                           |
+| enable-backend-security-group                                                   | boolean                         | true                                       | Enable sharing of security groups for backend traffic                                                                                          |
+| enable-endpoint-slices                                                          | boolean                         | false                                      | Use EndpointSlices instead of Endpoints for pod endpoint and TargetGroupBinding resolution for load balancers with IP targets.                 |
+| enable-leader-election                                                          | boolean                         | true                                       | Enable leader election for the load balancer controller manager. Enabling this will ensure there is only one active controller manager         |
+| enable-pod-readiness-gate-inject                                                | boolean                         | true                                       | If enabled, targetHealth readiness gate will get injected to the pod spec for the matching endpoint pods                                       |
+| enable-shield                                                                   | boolean                         | true                                       | Enable Shield addon for ALB                                                                                                                    |
+| [enable-waf](#waf-addons)                                                       | boolean                         | true                                       | Enable WAF addon for ALB                                                                                                                       |
+| [enable-wafv2](#waf-addons)                                                     | boolean                         | true                                       | Enable WAF V2 addon for ALB                                                                                                                    |
+| external-managed-tags                                                           | stringList                      |                                            | AWS Tag keys that will be managed externally. Specified Tags are ignored during reconciliation                                                 |
+| [feature-gates](#feature-gates)                                                 | stringMap                       |                                            | A set of key=value pairs to enable or disable features                                                                                         |
+| health-probe-bind-addr                                                          | string                          | :61779                                     | The address the health probes binds to                                                                                                         |
+| ingress-class                                                                   | string                          | alb                                        | Name of the ingress class this controller satisfies                                                                                            |
+| ingress-max-concurrent-reconciles                                               | int                             | 3                                          | Maximum number of concurrently running reconcile loops for ingress                                                                             |
+| kubeconfig                                                                      | string                          | in-cluster config                          | Path to the kubeconfig file containing authorization and API server information                                                                |
+| leader-election-id                                                              | string                          | aws-load-balancer-controller-leader        | Name of the leader election ID to use for this controller                                                                                      |
+| leader-election-namespace                                                       | string                          |                                            | Name of the leader election ID to use for this controller                                                                                      |
+| load-balancer-class                                                             | string                          | service.k8s.aws/nlb                        | Name of the load balancer class specified in service `spec.loadBalancerClass` reconciled by this controller                                    |
+| log-level                                                                       | string                          | info                                       | Set the controller log level - info, debug                                                                                                     |
+| metrics-bind-addr                                                               | string                          | :8080                                      | The address the metric endpoint binds to                                                                                                       |
+| service-max-concurrent-reconciles                                               | int                             | 3                                          | Maximum number of concurrently running reconcile loops for service                                                                             |
+| [sync-period](#sync-period)                                                     | duration                        | 10h0m0s                                    | Period at which the controller forces the repopulation of its local object stores                                                              |
+| targetgroupbinding-max-concurrent-reconciles                                    | int                       | 3                                          | Maximum number of concurrently running reconcile loops for targetGroupBinding                                                                  |
+| targetgroupbinding-max-exponential-backoff-delay                                | duration              | 16m40s                                     | Maximum duration of exponential backoff for targetGroupBinding reconcile failures                                                              |
+| tolerate-non-existent-backend-service                                           | boolean                         | true                                       | Whether to allow rules which refer to backend services that do not exist (When enabled, it will return 503 error if backend service not exist) |
+| tolerate-non-existent-backend-action                                            | boolean                         | true                                       | Whether to allow rules which refer to backend actions that do not exist (When enabled, it will return 503 error if backend action not exist)   |
+| watch-namespace                                                                 | string                          |                                            | Namespace the controller watches for updates to Kubernetes objects, If empty, all namespaces are watched.                                      |
+| webhook-bind-port                                                               | int                             | 9443                                       | The TCP port the Webhook server binds to                                                                                                       |
+| webhook-cert-dir                                                                | string                          | /tmp/k8s-webhook-server/serving-certs      | The directory that contains the server key and certificate                                                                                     |
+| webhook-cert-file                                                               | string                          | tls.crt                                    | The server certificate name                                                                                                                    |
+| webhook-key-file                                                                | string                          | tls.key                                    | The server key name                                                                                                                            |
 ### disable-ingress-class-annotation
diff --git a/docs/deploy/installation.md b/docs/deploy/installation.md
index 5e42d6266..146417d23 100644
--- a/docs/deploy/installation.md
+++ b/docs/deploy/installation.md
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ You can set the IMDSv2 as follows:
 aws ec2 modify-instance-metadata-options --http-put-response-hop-limit 2 --http-tokens required --region <region> --instance-id <instance-id>
-Instead of depending on IMDSv2, you can specify the AWS Region and the VPC via the controller flags `--aws-region` and `--aws-vpc-id`.
+Instead of depending on IMDSv2, you can specify the AWS Region via the controller flag `--aws-region`, and the AWS VPC via controller flag `--aws-vpc-id` or by specifying vpc tags via the flag `--aws-vpc-tags` and an optional flag `--aws-vpc-tag-key` if you have a different key for the tag other than "Name". When both flags `--aws-vpc-id` and `--aws-vpc-tags` are specified, the controller prioritizes `--aws-vpc-id`and ignores the other flag.
 ## Configure IAM
diff --git a/main.go b/main.go
index 88cc1755a..5b1682b77 100644
--- a/main.go
+++ b/main.go
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ package main
 import (
 	elbv2deploy "sigs.k8s.io/aws-load-balancer-controller/pkg/deploy/elbv2"
@@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ func main() {
-	cloud, err := aws.NewCloud(controllerCFG.AWSConfig, metrics.Registry)
+	cloud, err := aws.NewCloud(controllerCFG.AWSConfig, metrics.Registry, ctrl.Log)
 	if err != nil {
 		setupLog.Error(err, "unable to initialize AWS cloud")
diff --git a/pkg/aws/cloud.go b/pkg/aws/cloud.go
index 403813fce..faba5cec4 100644
--- a/pkg/aws/cloud.go
+++ b/pkg/aws/cloud.go
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 package aws
 import (
+	"context"
@@ -10,6 +11,7 @@ import (
+	"github.com/go-logr/logr"
 	amerrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/errors"
@@ -49,7 +51,7 @@ type Cloud interface {
 // NewCloud constructs new Cloud implementation.
-func NewCloud(cfg CloudConfig, metricsRegisterer prometheus.Registerer) (Cloud, error) {
+func NewCloud(cfg CloudConfig, metricsRegisterer prometheus.Registerer, logger logr.Logger) (Cloud, error) {
 	hasIPv4 := true
 	addrs, err := net.InterfaceAddrs()
 	if err == nil {
@@ -112,14 +114,11 @@ func NewCloud(cfg CloudConfig, metricsRegisterer prometheus.Registerer) (Cloud,
 	ec2Service := services.NewEC2(sess)
-	if len(cfg.VpcID) == 0 {
-		vpcID, err := inferVPCID(metadata, ec2Service)
-		if err != nil {
-			return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to introspect vpcID from EC2Metadata or Node name, specify --aws-vpc-id instead if EC2Metadata is unavailable")
-		}
-		cfg.VpcID = vpcID
+	vpcID, err := getVpcID(cfg, ec2Service, metadata, logger)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get VPC ID")
+	cfg.VpcID = vpcID
 	return &defaultCloud{
 		cfg:         cfg,
 		ec2:         ec2Service,
@@ -132,6 +131,20 @@ func NewCloud(cfg CloudConfig, metricsRegisterer prometheus.Registerer) (Cloud,
 	}, nil
+func getVpcID(cfg CloudConfig, ec2Service services.EC2, metadata services.EC2Metadata, logger logr.Logger) (string, error) {
+	if cfg.VpcID != "" {
+		logger.V(1).Info("vpcid is specified using flag --aws-vpc-id, controller will use the value", "vpc: ", cfg.VpcID)
+		return cfg.VpcID, nil
+	}
+	if cfg.VpcTags != nil {
+		return inferVPCIDFromTags(ec2Service, cfg.VpcNameTagKey, cfg.VpcTags[cfg.VpcNameTagKey])
+	}
+	return inferVPCID(metadata, ec2Service)
 func inferVPCID(metadata services.EC2Metadata, ec2Service services.EC2) (string, error) {
 	var errList []error
 	vpcId, err := metadata.VpcID()
@@ -168,6 +181,28 @@ func inferVPCID(metadata services.EC2Metadata, ec2Service services.EC2) (string,
 	return "", amerrors.NewAggregate(errList)
+func inferVPCIDFromTags(ec2Service services.EC2, VpcNameTagKey string, VpcNameTagValue string) (string, error) {
+	vpcs, err := ec2Service.DescribeVPCsAsList(context.Background(), &ec2.DescribeVpcsInput{
+		Filters: []*ec2.Filter{
+			{
+				Name:   aws.String("tag:" + VpcNameTagKey),
+				Values: []*string{aws.String(VpcNameTagValue)},
+			},
+		},
+	})
+	if err != nil {
+		return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch VPC ID with tag: %w", err)
+	}
+	if len(vpcs) == 0 {
+		return "", fmt.Errorf("no VPC exists with tag: %w", err)
+	}
+	if len(vpcs) > 1 {
+		return "", fmt.Errorf("multiple VPCs exists with tag: %w", err)
+	}
+	return *vpcs[0].VpcId, nil
 var _ Cloud = &defaultCloud{}
 type defaultCloud struct {
diff --git a/pkg/aws/cloud_config.go b/pkg/aws/cloud_config.go
index 784c5602d..079321565 100644
--- a/pkg/aws/cloud_config.go
+++ b/pkg/aws/cloud_config.go
@@ -12,9 +12,12 @@ const (
 	flagAWSAPIEndpoints  = "aws-api-endpoints"
 	flagAWSAPIThrottle   = "aws-api-throttle"
 	flagAWSVpcID         = "aws-vpc-id"
+	flagAWSVpcTags       = "aws-vpc-tags"
 	flagAWSVpcCacheTTL   = "aws-vpc-cache-ttl"
 	flagAWSMaxRetries    = "aws-max-retries"
+	flagAWSVpcNameTagKey = "aws-vpc-tag-key"
 	defaultVpcID         = ""
+	defaultVpcNameTagKey = "Name"
 	defaultRegion        = ""
 	defaultAPIMaxRetries = 10
@@ -29,6 +32,12 @@ type CloudConfig struct {
 	// VpcID for the LoadBalancer resources.
 	VpcID string
+	// VPC tags List
+	VpcTags map[string]string
+	// VPC Name Tag Key, default "Name"
+	VpcNameTagKey string
 	// VPC cache TTL in minutes
 	VpcCacheTTL time.Duration
@@ -43,6 +52,8 @@ func (cfg *CloudConfig) BindFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
 	fs.StringVar(&cfg.Region, flagAWSRegion, defaultRegion, "AWS Region for the kubernetes cluster")
 	fs.Var(cfg.ThrottleConfig, flagAWSAPIThrottle, "throttle settings for AWS APIs, format: serviceID1:operationRegex1=rate:burst,serviceID2:operationRegex2=rate:burst")
 	fs.StringVar(&cfg.VpcID, flagAWSVpcID, defaultVpcID, "AWS VpcID for the LoadBalancer resources")
+	fs.StringToStringVar(&cfg.VpcTags, flagAWSVpcTags, nil, "AWS VPC tags List,format: tagkey1=tagvalue1,tagkey2=tagvalue2")
+	fs.StringVar(&cfg.VpcNameTagKey, flagAWSVpcNameTagKey, defaultVpcNameTagKey, "AWS tag key for identifying the VPC")
 	fs.IntVar(&cfg.MaxRetries, flagAWSMaxRetries, defaultAPIMaxRetries, "Maximum retries for AWS APIs")
 	fs.StringToStringVar(&cfg.AWSEndpoints, flagAWSAPIEndpoints, nil, "Custom AWS endpoint configuration, format: serviceID1=URL1,serviceID2=URL2")
diff --git a/pkg/aws/services/ec2.go b/pkg/aws/services/ec2.go
index 43c79a2c2..80230f96f 100644
--- a/pkg/aws/services/ec2.go
+++ b/pkg/aws/services/ec2.go
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package services
 import (
@@ -10,17 +11,20 @@ import (
 type EC2 interface {
-	// wrapper to DescribeInstancesPagesWithContext API, which aggregates paged results into list.
+	// DescribeInstancesAsList wraps the DescribeInstancesPagesWithContext API, which aggregates paged results into list.
 	DescribeInstancesAsList(ctx context.Context, input *ec2.DescribeInstancesInput) ([]*ec2.Instance, error)
-	// wrapper to DescribeNetworkInterfacesPagesWithContext API, which aggregates paged results into list.
+	// DescribeNetworkInterfacesAsList wraps the DescribeNetworkInterfacesPagesWithContext API, which aggregates paged results into list.
 	DescribeNetworkInterfacesAsList(ctx context.Context, input *ec2.DescribeNetworkInterfacesInput) ([]*ec2.NetworkInterface, error)
-	// wrapper to DescribeSecurityGroupsPagesWithContext API, which aggregates paged results into list.
+	// DescribeSecurityGroupsAsList wraps the DescribeSecurityGroupsPagesWithContext API, which aggregates paged results into list.
 	DescribeSecurityGroupsAsList(ctx context.Context, input *ec2.DescribeSecurityGroupsInput) ([]*ec2.SecurityGroup, error)
-	// wrapper to DescribeSubnetsPagesWithContext API, which aggregates paged results into list.
+	// DescribeSubnetsAsList wraps the DescribeSubnetsPagesWithContext API, which aggregates paged results into list.
 	DescribeSubnetsAsList(ctx context.Context, input *ec2.DescribeSubnetsInput) ([]*ec2.Subnet, error)
+	// DescribeVPCsAsList wraps the DescribeVpcsPagesWithContext API, which aggregates paged results into list.
+	DescribeVPCsAsList(ctx context.Context, input *ec2.DescribeVpcsInput) ([]*ec2.Vpc, error)
 // NewEC2 constructs new EC2 implementation.
@@ -79,3 +83,14 @@ func (c *defaultEC2) DescribeSubnetsAsList(ctx context.Context, input *ec2.Descr
 	return result, nil
+func (c *defaultEC2) DescribeVPCsAsList(ctx context.Context, input *ec2.DescribeVpcsInput) ([]*ec2.Vpc, error) {
+	var result []*ec2.Vpc
+	if err := c.DescribeVpcsPagesWithContext(ctx, input, func(output *ec2.DescribeVpcsOutput, _ bool) bool {
+		result = append(result, output.Vpcs...)
+		return true
+	}); err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	return result, nil
diff --git a/pkg/aws/services/ec2_mocks.go b/pkg/aws/services/ec2_mocks.go
index 0e2419f51..e3ffd34e3 100644
--- a/pkg/aws/services/ec2_mocks.go
+++ b/pkg/aws/services/ec2_mocks.go
@@ -20597,6 +20597,21 @@ func (mr *MockEC2MockRecorder) DescribeTrunkInterfaceAssociationsWithContext(arg
 	return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "DescribeTrunkInterfaceAssociationsWithContext", reflect.TypeOf((*MockEC2)(nil).DescribeTrunkInterfaceAssociationsWithContext), varargs...)
+// DescribeVPCsAsList mocks base method.
+func (m *MockEC2) DescribeVPCsAsList(arg0 context.Context, arg1 *ec2.DescribeVpcsInput) ([]*ec2.Vpc, error) {
+	m.ctrl.T.Helper()
+	ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "DescribeVPCsAsList", arg0, arg1)
+	ret0, _ := ret[0].([]*ec2.Vpc)
+	ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
+	return ret0, ret1
+// DescribeVPCsAsList indicates an expected call of DescribeVPCsAsList.
+func (mr *MockEC2MockRecorder) DescribeVPCsAsList(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
+	mr.mock.ctrl.T.Helper()
+	return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "DescribeVPCsAsList", reflect.TypeOf((*MockEC2)(nil).DescribeVPCsAsList), arg0, arg1)
 // DescribeVerifiedAccessEndpoints mocks base method.
 func (m *MockEC2) DescribeVerifiedAccessEndpoints(arg0 *ec2.DescribeVerifiedAccessEndpointsInput) (*ec2.DescribeVerifiedAccessEndpointsOutput, error) {
diff --git a/test/framework/framework.go b/test/framework/framework.go
index cb042227f..4402f16d1 100644
--- a/test/framework/framework.go
+++ b/test/framework/framework.go
@@ -55,18 +55,18 @@ func InitFramework() (*Framework, error) {
 		return nil, err
+	logger, loggerReporter := utils.NewGinkgoLogger()
 	cloud, err := aws.NewCloud(aws.CloudConfig{
 		Region:         globalOptions.AWSRegion,
 		VpcID:          globalOptions.AWSVPCID,
 		MaxRetries:     3,
 		ThrottleConfig: throttle.NewDefaultServiceOperationsThrottleConfig(),
-	}, nil)
+	}, nil, logger)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
-	logger, loggerReporter := utils.NewGinkgoLogger()
 	f := &Framework{
 		Options:   globalOptions,
 		RestCfg:   restCfg,