diff --git a/.github/workflows/weekly-go-version-check.yaml b/.github/workflows/weekly-go-version-check.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2d3ea53443c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/weekly-go-version-check.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+name: Weekly go version check
+  # workflow_dispatch:
+  # push:
+  #   branches:
+  #     - automate-go-patching
+  schedule:
+    # Cron for every Mon at 12:00 UTC.
+    - cron: "0 12 * * 1"
+  contents: write
+  pull-requests: write
+  weekly-go-patch-version-check:
+    name: Check go patch version
+    strategy:
+      fail-fast: false
+      matrix:
+        branch: [main]
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    steps:
+      - name: Checkout code
+        uses: actions/checkout@9bb56186c3b09b4f86b1c65136769dd318469633
+      - name: Get changed files
+        id: changed-files
+        uses: tj-actions/changed-files@48d8f15b2aaa3d255ca5af3eba4870f807ce6b3c
+        with:
+          files: |
+            ./*file | egrep -v "Dockerfile"
+      - name: Get latest go patch version
+        id: patch-version
+        run: |
+          echo "GO_PATCH_VERSION=$(curl --silent https://go.dev/VERSION?m=text | sed -n 's/^go\([0-9.]*\).*/\1/p')" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+      - name: Replace go_patch_version in Makefile
+        run: sed -i 's/GO_VERSION ?= [0-9\.]*/GO_VERSION ?= ${{ env.GO_PATCH_VERSION }}/' Makefile
+      - name: Replace go_patch_version in Tiltfile
+        run: sed -i 's/golang:[0-9\.]*/golang:${{ env.GO_PATCH_VERSION }}/' Tiltfile
+      - name: Create Pull Request
+        uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@5e914681df9dc83aa4e4905692ca88beb2f9e91f # tag=v7.0.5
+        with:
+          commit-message: Bump to Go ${{ env.GO_PATCH_VERSION }}
+          title: "Bump to Go patch version ${{ env.GO_PATCH_VERSION }}"
+          body: |
+            This PR promotes current GO version to the latest patch version of ${{ env.GO_PATCH_VERSION }}
+          branch: promote-go-patch-version-${{ env.GO_PATCH_VERSION }}