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About page is done here some screenshots Header and notification are top fixed : Next week I will work on Settings Page Current index.html.gz is under dist directory for early test : https://github.com/luc-github/ESP3D-WEBUI/blob/3.0/dist/index.html.gz |
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Import and board restart are now implemented - next step will be UI preferences settings for current UI settings then fw target settings |
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nice work ! |
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everything is here : https://github.com/luc-github/ESP3D-WEBUI/tree/3.0 But you need to have ESP3D 3.0 on ESP to makeit work or you can use the commands |
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Wow looks very nice!! Only one suggestions: Add some right padding to the icons on the buttons, so there is some room between the icons and the button text 🙂 Edit: And for the tabs (Features, Interface, Repetier): try to set border-radius on the top-right / bottom-right corner to 0 on the first, no border-radius on the middle on and top-left / bottom-left on the last button. Something like: .tab-button {
border-radius: 0;
.tab-button:first {
border-top-right-radius: 0;
border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
.tab-button:last {
border-top-left-radius: 0;
border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
} |
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yes tried also when looking for a solution and not really find nice for this usage too much stick together, so looks weird full pc page to have so tiny control , and for touch device I think it is better control has clear visible separation when they are close to each others IMHO I could not find proper solution so I have put button nav bar... |
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Next steps roadmap :
with import / export feature as other settings 2 - Terminal commands 3 - The jog control -TBD - I am still wondering if I improve current UI based on pronter face or define/use a new one Feedback are highly welcome 4 - File upload / monitoring - based on different possible SD , USB Disk/ etc.. TBD 5 - Specific panel according target Printer (temperature/extruder/ status/ DHT etc...) / CNC (probe/ status) 6 - Macro support 7 - Camera support (embedded / IP) 8 - TBC Still a lot of to do but path is clear and hope will go smoothly - no idea for ETA yet, sorry |
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Stream feature is now implemented for GRBL, buttons pause / resume / abort / clear error will appear according streaming status |
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Update : Still working on grblHal support (#252), implementing some suggestion and also needs for grblHal that does not use Flash so there are several rewrite ongoing. Most of change are already done for ESP3D / ESP3D embedded page / WebUI, still need to sync code of ESP3DLib and embedded page of ESP3DLib - it should be done next week hopefuly Once done everything will be pushed to github at once because all version need to be aligned to work together The grblHal support is now pretty well defined, just need to finalize the Machine tab to it, it will come after |
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I have pushed a breaking update of webUI v3 for the websocket subprotocol, you need to use the latest ESP3D V3 or latest ESP3DLib V3 to have proper communications |
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The web-UI will need some update soon to support GCODE Streaming for 3D Printer because it is only partially supported by CNC ESP3D-WebUI 3.0 currently, the ESP3D-WEBUI 3.0 is actually now used by ESP3D V3.0 / ESP3DLib V3.0 / ESP3D-TFT V1.0 and grblHAL |
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Here the TODO list to be done before enable the translation step: |
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API extensions as now new features: Documentation for API is now updated on https://esp3d.io Some Panels / Pages now have a full screen button, this feature was initially breaking modals/ toasts display in full screen but it is now fixed 🤞 Some fixes / feature miss have been implemented (e.g : proper support for tooltips for boolean and select controls) Due to number of fix and new features the size have been increased from 92579 to 94237 = 1,658Bytes The POC extension that will use almost all (click2go : #255 ) is still under dev, but now all API are ready it should be finished within few days 🤞 😸 |
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#255 is now closed, it is a good POC of what extensions API can do I think ^_^ |
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Just an update as I am working on private repository doing tests on 3d rendering : I have just finished a POC of GCODE visualizer - currently 3D for 3D printer it can also be used for 2D cnc , supporting mouse and touch it use only canvas for the representation, the POC is not yet optimized, but it can handle large files, I have tested 1MB and 16MB GCODE, the 16MB representation is fast but the animation/responsivness to view change is slow , when the 1MB file is working smoothly The key point is that the total code minimified and tar/gz is 5.46 KB, so it is really not bad 😸 using WebGL may increase the responsivness on large files, so I will try to use it TBC This may also be used to represent the bed mesh leveling visualiser like #106 and any fancy 3D rendering I am still frying my brain with matrix representation and matrix/angles operations because mathematics is not my favorite occupation, I have always prefered to write programs that solved maths for me 😉 Using such code would avoid any usage of the huge three / orbit libraries that may cost more than 150KB once minified and gzip vs less than 6Kb 🎆, and no need internet access , to be honest, I did not expect such result Let me know what you think |
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The extension that use iframe are currently not static, iframe content are reset at each redraw, which is not convenient because the content is lost if you go to settings / or even go to full screen - so behavior is not good, the gcodeviewer cannot be used in full screen because of this which is a pity |
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ESP3D-WEBUI is now Ok to move to Beta state I guess - current opened issues are more feature request for new extensions, only the wizard is missing and I am now really wondering if this one is still mandatory, so I may drop the feature or turn it as extension because it seems unnecessary to increase main code and main package for something that will be used once or never. |
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I have updated the doc with new tools and flow to generate the translations (https://esp3d.io/ESP3D-WebUI/Version_3.X/documentation/translation/), it should be easier, additionally, to save time I have also generated the translation references files and language packs for several languages ui some IA, feel free to test and submit corrections if needed (I am sure it is necessary ^_^)
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@luc-github First fast review looks good in German. Couldn't find new messages, are there any? |
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Now Framework is defined and components almost defined here, and wizard process is under definition here
It is time to discuss UI itself, to specify it's look and feel and behavior
Here a start :
menu items should be limited to minimum, and should be collapsed to list menu if mobile device
ESP3D -> an about box listing informations about current settings / browser / versions, links to Github and allowing web update feature for FW and UI
Dasboard -> everything related to machine (defined later)
Settings -> every settings in one place : ESP3D wifi / features settings, Machine settings / webUI preferences
Login -> if authentication is enabled, it will allow to log out and change user password
a camera switch if camera feature is enabled (on / off / overlay / embedded)
a fast access to Terminal command, not always need one but when need better to be easily accessible
Notification area - always visible, it should display important output informations
if dashboard is selected
and allow to manage files and start a job when possible
if settings is selected
The idea is to get most of important output first, then input according frequency of usage
e.g. no need to permanetly show settings neither files systems, no need to display autocheck control all the time, etc..
but even a feature is not always used, it should be easily accessible
Feedback suggestions are welcome
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