| 1 | +/* |
| 2 | + * 2024 Luca Bösch [email protected] |
| 3 | + * |
| 4 | + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General |
| 5 | + * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your |
| 6 | + * option) any later version. |
| 7 | + * |
| 8 | + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the |
| 10 | + * See the GNU General Public License for more details. |
| 11 | + * |
| 12 | + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see |
| 13 | + * https://www.gnu.org/licenses/. |
| 14 | + */ |
| 15 | + |
| 16 | +SELECT |
| 17 | + 'https://www.example.org/moodle' AS "sourcesystem", -- the source system. |
| 18 | + '1,2,3,45,678,9012' AS "authorizedusers", -- the authorized users |
| 19 | + qn.id AS "questionid", -- the question id. |
| 20 | + qn.parent AS "questionparent", -- the parent question id, given it has one. |
| 21 | + qn.name AS "questionname", -- the question name. |
| 22 | + qn.questiontext, -- the question text. |
| 23 | + qn.questiontextformat, qn.generalfeedback, qn.generalfeedbackformat, |
| 24 | + qn.defaultmark, |
| 25 | + qn.penalty, qn.qtype, qn.length, qn.stamp AS "questionstamp", qn.timecreated AS "qntimecreated", -- when this question was created. |
| 26 | + lpad(EXTRACT(DAY FROM to_timestamp(qn.timecreated+3600))::text, 2, '0') || '.' || lpad(EXTRACT(MONTH FROM to_timestamp(qn.timecreated+3600))::text, 2, '0') || '.' || EXTRACT(YEAR FROM |
| 27 | + to_timestamp(qn.timecreated+3600)) || ' ' || lpad(EXTRACT(HOUR FROM to_timestamp(qn.timecreated+3600))::text, 2, '0') || ':' || lpad(EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM to_timestamp(qn.timecreated+3600))::text, 2, |
| 28 | + '0') || ':' || lpad(EXTRACT(SECOND FROM to_timestamp(qn.timecreated+3600))::text, 2, '0') "qntimecreatedstring", -- when this question was created. |
| 29 | + qn.timemodified AS "qntimemodified", -- when this question was modified. |
| 30 | + lpad(EXTRACT(DAY FROM to_timestamp(qn.timemodified+3600))::text, 2, '0') || '.' || lpad(EXTRACT(MONTH FROM to_timestamp(qn.timemodified+3600))::text, 2, '0') || '.' || EXTRACT(YEAR FROM |
| 31 | + to_timestamp(qn.timemodified+3600)) || ' ' || lpad(EXTRACT(HOUR FROM to_timestamp(qn.timemodified+3600))::text, 2, '0') || ':' || lpad(EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM to_timestamp(qn.timemodified+3600))::text, 2, |
| 32 | + '0') || ':' || lpad(EXTRACT(SECOND FROM to_timestamp(qn.timemodified+3600))::text, 2, '0') "qntimemodifiedstring", -- when this question was modified. |
| 33 | + qn.createdby AS "qncreatedby", -- by whom this question was created. |
| 34 | + qn.modifiedby AS "qnmodifiedby", -- by whom this question was modified. |
| 35 | + qna.id AS "questionanswersid", qna.answer, qna.answerformat, |
| 36 | + qtkprimer.optiontext "kprime option text", |
| 37 | + qtkprimer.number "kprime option row number", |
| 38 | + qtkprimec.responsetext "kprime option responsetext", |
| 39 | + qtkprimew.weight "kprime option weight", |
| 40 | + qmr.optiontext "mtf option text", |
| 41 | + qmc.responsetext "mtf option responsetext", |
| 42 | + qmw.weight "mtf option weight", |
| 43 | + qna.fraction, qna.feedback, qna.feedbackformat, |
| 44 | + qnv.id AS "questionversionid", qnv.questionbankentryid, qnv.version, qnv.questionid, qnv.status, |
| 45 | + qbe.questioncategoryid, qbe.idnumber as "questionbankentryidnumber", qbe.ownerid AS "ownerid", |
| 46 | + qnr.id AS "questionreferencesid", qnr.usingcontextid, qnr.component, qnr.questionarea, qnr.itemid, qnr.version as "questionreferencesversion", |
| 47 | + qc.id AS "questioncategoriesid", qc.name AS "questioncategoryname", qc.contextid AS "questioncategorycontextid", qc.info, qc.infoformat, qc.stamp AS "questioncategorystamp", qc.parent AS |
| 48 | + "questioncategoryparent", qc.sortorder, qc.idnumber as "questioncategoryidnumber", |
| 49 | + qs.slot, |
| 50 | + qs.effectiveweight, |
| 51 | + qs.discriminationindex, |
| 52 | + qs.discriminativeefficiency, |
| 53 | + qs.sd, |
| 54 | + qs.facility, |
| 55 | + qs.randomguessscore, -- An estimate of the score a student would get by guessing randomly. |
| 56 | +-- u.id AS "userid", |
| 57 | + MD5(u.username) "qbeusername", |
| 58 | + ctx.id AS "contextid", ctx.path, |
| 59 | + qnat.id AS "questionattemptsid", qnat.timemodified AS "qatimemodified", |
| 60 | + lpad(EXTRACT(DAY FROM to_timestamp(qnat.timemodified+3600))::text, 2, '0') || '.' || lpad(EXTRACT(MONTH FROM to_timestamp(qnat.timemodified+3600))::text, 2, '0') || '.' || EXTRACT(YEAR FROM |
| 61 | + to_timestamp(qnat.timemodified+3600)) || ' ' || lpad(EXTRACT(HOUR FROM to_timestamp(qnat.timemodified+3600))::text, 2, '0') || ':' || lpad(EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM |
| 62 | + to_timestamp(qnat.timemodified+3600))::text, 2, '0') || ':' || lpad(EXTRACT(SECOND FROM to_timestamp(qnat.timemodified+3600))::text, 2, '0') "qatimemodifiedstring", |
| 63 | + qas.id AS "qastepid", |
| 64 | + qas.timecreated AS "qastepcreated", |
| 65 | + lpad(EXTRACT(DAY FROM to_timestamp(qas.timecreated+3600))::text, 2, '0') || '.' || lpad(EXTRACT(MONTH FROM to_timestamp(qas.timecreated+3600))::text, 2, '0') || '.' || EXTRACT(YEAR FROM |
| 66 | + to_timestamp(qas.timecreated+3600)) || ' ' || lpad(EXTRACT(HOUR FROM to_timestamp(qas.timecreated+3600))::text, 2, '0') || ':' || lpad(EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM to_timestamp(qas.timecreated+3600))::text, 2, |
| 67 | + '0') || ':' || lpad(EXTRACT(SECOND FROM to_timestamp(qas.timecreated+3600))::text, 2, '0') "qastepcreatedstring", |
| 68 | + qasd.name AS "questionattemptstepdataname", |
| 69 | + qasd.value AS "questionattemptstepdatavalue", |
| 70 | + qzat.id AS "quizattemptsid", |
| 71 | + qzat.uniqueid AS "quizattemptsuniqueid", |
| 72 | + qz.id AS "quizid", -- the quiz id. |
| 73 | + qz.name AS "quizname", -- the quiz name. |
| 74 | + qz.grade AS "quizgrade", -- the quiz maximum grade. |
| 75 | + qzfb.feedbacktext, -- the quiz feedback. |
| 76 | + qzfb.feedbacktextformat, -- the quiz feedback text format. |
| 77 | + qzfb.mingrade AS "feedbackmingrade", -- the quiz feedback min grade. |
| 78 | + qzfb.maxgrade AS "feedbackmaxgrade", -- the quiz feedback max grade. |
| 79 | + c.id AS "courseid", |
| 80 | + cm.id AS "coursemodulesid", |
| 81 | + m.name AS "modulename", |
| 82 | + (SELECT MD5(username) FROM mdl_user WHERE id = qzat.userid) AS "qzatuserid", |
| 83 | + uid.data AS "userinfodata" |
| 84 | + |
| 85 | +FROM mdl_question qn |
| 86 | +LEFT JOIN mdl_question_answers qna |
| 87 | +ON qn.id = qna.question |
| 88 | + LEFT JOIN mdl_qtype_kprime_weights qtkprimew |
| 89 | + ON qn.id=qtkprimew.questionid |
| 90 | + LEFT JOIN mdl_qtype_kprime_rows qtkprimer |
| 91 | + ON qn.id=qtkprimer.questionid AND qtkprimer.number=qtkprimew.rownumber |
| 92 | + LEFT JOIN mdl_qtype_kprime_columns qtkprimec |
| 93 | + ON qn.id=qtkprimec.questionid AND qtkprimec.number=qtkprimew.columnnumber |
| 94 | + LEFT JOIN mdl_qtype_mtf_weights qmw |
| 95 | + ON qn.id=qmw.questionid |
| 96 | + LEFT JOIN mdl_qtype_mtf_rows qmr |
| 97 | + ON qn.id=qmr.questionid AND qmr.number=qmw.rownumber |
| 98 | + LEFT JOIN mdl_qtype_mtf_columns qmc |
| 99 | + ON qn.id=qmc.questionid AND qmc.number=qmw.columnnumber |
| 100 | + LEFT JOIN mdl_question_versions qnv |
| 101 | + ON qn.id = qnv.questionid |
| 102 | + LEFT JOIN mdl_question_bank_entries qbe |
| 103 | + ON qbe.id = qnv.questionbankentryid |
| 104 | + LEFT JOIN mdl_question_references qnr |
| 105 | + ON qbe.id = qnr.questionbankentryid AND qnr.version = qnv.version |
| 106 | + LEFT JOIN mdl_question_categories qc |
| 107 | + ON qbe.questioncategoryid = qc.id |
| 108 | + LEFT JOIN mdl_question_statistics qs |
| 109 | + ON qn.id = qs.questionid |
| 110 | + LEFT JOIN mdl_user u |
| 111 | + ON qbe.ownerid = u.id |
| 112 | + LEFT JOIN mdl_context ctx |
| 113 | + ON qnr.usingcontextid = ctx.id |
| 114 | + LEFT JOIN mdl_question_attempts qnat |
| 115 | + ON (qn.id = qnat.questionid OR qn.parent = qnat.questionid) |
| 116 | + LEFT JOIN mdl_question_attempt_steps qas |
| 117 | + ON qnat.id = qas.questionattemptid |
| 118 | + LEFT JOIN mdl_question_attempt_step_data qasd |
| 119 | + ON qas.id = qasd.attemptstepid |
| 120 | + LEFT JOIN mdl_quiz_attempts qzat |
| 121 | + ON qzat.uniqueid = qnat.questionusageid |
| 122 | + LEFT JOIN mdl_quiz qz |
| 123 | + ON qz.id = qzat.quiz |
| 124 | + LEFT JOIN mdl_quiz_feedback qzfb |
| 125 | + ON qz.id = qzfb.quizid |
| 126 | + LEFT JOIN mdl_course c |
| 127 | + ON c.id = qz.course |
| 128 | + LEFT JOIN mdl_course_modules cm |
| 129 | + ON cm.course = c.id AND cm.instance = qz.id |
| 130 | + LEFT JOIN mdl_modules m |
| 131 | + ON cm.module = m.id AND m.name = 'quiz' |
| 132 | + LEFT JOIN mdl_user_info_data uid |
| 133 | + ON u.id = uid.userid |
| 134 | + LEFT JOIN mdl_user_info_field uif |
| 135 | + ON uif.id = uid.fieldid AND uif.shortname = 'analytics' |
| 136 | + |
| 137 | +WHERE cm.course=%%COURSEID%% AND cm.id = %%CMID%% AND((uid.data IS NULL) OR (uid.data !='1')) |
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