| 1 | +_help_parse: Options affecting listfile parsing |
| 2 | +parse: |
| 3 | + _help_additional_commands: |
| 4 | + - Specify structure for custom cmake functions |
| 5 | + additional_commands: |
| 6 | + foo: |
| 7 | + flags: |
| 8 | + - BAR |
| 9 | + - BAZ |
| 10 | + kwargs: |
| 11 | + HEADERS: '*' |
| 12 | + SOURCES: '*' |
| 13 | + DEPENDS: '*' |
| 14 | + _help_override_spec: |
| 15 | + - Override configurations per-command where available |
| 16 | + override_spec: {} |
| 17 | + _help_vartags: |
| 18 | + - Specify variable tags. |
| 19 | + vartags: [] |
| 20 | + _help_proptags: |
| 21 | + - Specify property tags. |
| 22 | + proptags: [] |
| 23 | +_help_format: Options affecting formatting. |
| 24 | +format: |
| 25 | + _help_disable: |
| 26 | + - Disable formatting entirely, making cmake-format a no-op |
| 27 | + disable: false |
| 28 | + _help_line_width: |
| 29 | + - How wide to allow formatted cmake files |
| 30 | + line_width: 80 |
| 31 | + _help_tab_size: |
| 32 | + - How many spaces to tab for indent |
| 33 | + tab_size: 4 |
| 34 | + _help_use_tabchars: |
| 35 | + - If true, lines are indented using tab characters (utf-8 |
| 36 | + - 0x09) instead of <tab_size> space characters (utf-8 0x20). |
| 37 | + - In cases where the layout would require a fractional tab |
| 38 | + - character, the behavior of the fractional indentation is |
| 39 | + - governed by <fractional_tab_policy> |
| 40 | + use_tabchars: false |
| 41 | + _help_fractional_tab_policy: |
| 42 | + - If <use_tabchars> is True, then the value of this variable |
| 43 | + - indicates how fractional indentions are handled during |
| 44 | + - whitespace replacement. If set to 'use-space', fractional |
| 45 | + - indentation is left as spaces (utf-8 0x20). If set to |
| 46 | + - '`round-up` fractional indentation is replaced with a single' |
| 47 | + - tab character (utf-8 0x09) effectively shifting the column |
| 48 | + - to the next tabstop |
| 49 | + fractional_tab_policy: use-space |
| 50 | + _help_max_subgroups_hwrap: |
| 51 | + - If an argument group contains more than this many sub-groups |
| 52 | + - (parg or kwarg groups) then force it to a vertical layout. |
| 53 | + max_subgroups_hwrap: 2 |
| 54 | + _help_max_pargs_hwrap: |
| 55 | + - If a positional argument group contains more than this many |
| 56 | + - arguments, then force it to a vertical layout. |
| 57 | + max_pargs_hwrap: 6 |
| 58 | + _help_max_rows_cmdline: |
| 59 | + - If a cmdline positional group consumes more than this many |
| 60 | + - lines without nesting, then invalidate the layout (and nest) |
| 61 | + max_rows_cmdline: 2 |
| 62 | + _help_separate_ctrl_name_with_space: |
| 63 | + - If true, separate flow control names from their parentheses |
| 64 | + - with a space |
| 65 | + separate_ctrl_name_with_space: false |
| 66 | + _help_separate_fn_name_with_space: |
| 67 | + - If true, separate function names from parentheses with a |
| 68 | + - space |
| 69 | + separate_fn_name_with_space: false |
| 70 | + _help_dangle_parens: |
| 71 | + - If a statement is wrapped to more than one line, than dangle |
| 72 | + - the closing parenthesis on its own line. |
| 73 | + dangle_parens: false |
| 74 | + _help_dangle_align: |
| 75 | + - If the trailing parenthesis must be 'dangled' on its on |
| 76 | + - 'line, then align it to this reference: `prefix`: the start' |
| 77 | + - 'of the statement, `prefix-indent`: the start of the' |
| 78 | + - 'statement, plus one indentation level, `child`: align to' |
| 79 | + - the column of the arguments |
| 80 | + dangle_align: prefix |
| 81 | + _help_min_prefix_chars: |
| 82 | + - If the statement spelling length (including space and |
| 83 | + - parenthesis) is smaller than this amount, then force reject |
| 84 | + - nested layouts. |
| 85 | + min_prefix_chars: 4 |
| 86 | + _help_max_prefix_chars: |
| 87 | + - If the statement spelling length (including space and |
| 88 | + - parenthesis) is larger than the tab width by more than this |
| 89 | + - amount, then force reject un-nested layouts. |
| 90 | + max_prefix_chars: 10 |
| 91 | + _help_max_lines_hwrap: |
| 92 | + - If a candidate layout is wrapped horizontally but it exceeds |
| 93 | + - this many lines, then reject the layout. |
| 94 | + max_lines_hwrap: 2 |
| 95 | + _help_line_ending: |
| 96 | + - What style line endings to use in the output. |
| 97 | + line_ending: unix |
| 98 | + _help_command_case: |
| 99 | + - Format command names consistently as 'lower' or 'upper' case |
| 100 | + command_case: canonical |
| 101 | + _help_keyword_case: |
| 102 | + - Format keywords consistently as 'lower' or 'upper' case |
| 103 | + keyword_case: unchanged |
| 104 | + _help_always_wrap: |
| 105 | + - A list of command names which should always be wrapped |
| 106 | + always_wrap: [] |
| 107 | + _help_enable_sort: |
| 108 | + - If true, the argument lists which are known to be sortable |
| 109 | + - will be sorted lexicographicall |
| 110 | + enable_sort: true |
| 111 | + _help_autosort: |
| 112 | + - If true, the parsers may infer whether or not an argument |
| 113 | + - list is sortable (without annotation). |
| 114 | + autosort: false |
| 115 | + _help_require_valid_layout: |
| 116 | + - By default, if cmake-format cannot successfully fit |
| 117 | + - everything into the desired linewidth it will apply the |
| 118 | + - last, most aggressive attempt that it made. If this flag is |
| 119 | + - True, however, cmake-format will print error, exit with non- |
| 120 | + - zero status code, and write-out nothing |
| 121 | + require_valid_layout: false |
| 122 | + _help_layout_passes: |
| 123 | + - A dictionary mapping layout nodes to a list of wrap |
| 124 | + - decisions. See the documentation for more information. |
| 125 | + layout_passes: {} |
| 126 | +_help_markup: Options affecting comment reflow and formatting. |
| 127 | +markup: |
| 128 | + _help_bullet_char: |
| 129 | + - What character to use for bulleted lists |
| 130 | + bullet_char: '*' |
| 131 | + _help_enum_char: |
| 132 | + - What character to use as punctuation after numerals in an |
| 133 | + - enumerated list |
| 134 | + enum_char: . |
| 135 | + _help_first_comment_is_literal: |
| 136 | + - If comment markup is enabled, don't reflow the first comment |
| 137 | + - block in each listfile. Use this to preserve formatting of |
| 138 | + - your copyright/license statements. |
| 139 | + first_comment_is_literal: false |
| 140 | + _help_literal_comment_pattern: |
| 141 | + - If comment markup is enabled, don't reflow any comment block |
| 142 | + - which matches this (regex) pattern. Default is `None` |
| 143 | + - (disabled). |
| 144 | + literal_comment_pattern: null |
| 145 | + _help_fence_pattern: |
| 146 | + - Regular expression to match preformat fences in comments |
| 147 | + - default= ``r'^\s*([`~]{3}[`~]*)(.*)$'`` |
| 148 | + fence_pattern: ^\s*([`~]{3}[`~]*)(.*)$ |
| 149 | + _help_ruler_pattern: |
| 150 | + - Regular expression to match rulers in comments default= |
| 151 | + - '``r''^\s*[^\w\s]{3}.*[^\w\s]{3}$''``' |
| 152 | + ruler_pattern: ^\s*[^\w\s]{3}.*[^\w\s]{3}$ |
| 153 | + _help_explicit_trailing_pattern: |
| 154 | + - If a comment line matches starts with this pattern then it |
| 155 | + - is explicitly a trailing comment for the preceding argument. |
| 156 | + - Default is '#<' |
| 157 | + explicit_trailing_pattern: '#<' |
| 158 | + _help_hashruler_min_length: |
| 159 | + - If a comment line starts with at least this many consecutive |
| 160 | + - hash characters, then don't lstrip() them off. This allows |
| 161 | + - for lazy hash rulers where the first hash char is not |
| 162 | + - separated by space |
| 163 | + hashruler_min_length: 10 |
| 164 | + _help_canonicalize_hashrulers: |
| 165 | + - If true, then insert a space between the first hash char and |
| 166 | + - remaining hash chars in a hash ruler, and normalize its |
| 167 | + - length to fill the column |
| 168 | + canonicalize_hashrulers: true |
| 169 | + _help_enable_markup: |
| 170 | + - enable comment markup parsing and reflow |
| 171 | + enable_markup: true |
| 172 | +_help_lint: Options affecting the linter |
| 173 | +lint: |
| 174 | + _help_disabled_codes: |
| 175 | + - a list of lint codes to disable |
| 176 | + disabled_codes: [] |
| 177 | + _help_function_pattern: |
| 178 | + - regular expression pattern describing valid function names |
| 179 | + function_pattern: '[0-9a-z_]+' |
| 180 | + _help_macro_pattern: |
| 181 | + - regular expression pattern describing valid macro names |
| 182 | + macro_pattern: '[0-9A-Z_]+' |
| 183 | + _help_global_var_pattern: |
| 184 | + - regular expression pattern describing valid names for |
| 185 | + - variables with global (cache) scope |
| 186 | + global_var_pattern: '[A-Z][0-9A-Z_]+' |
| 187 | + _help_internal_var_pattern: |
| 188 | + - regular expression pattern describing valid names for |
| 189 | + - variables with global scope (but internal semantic) |
| 190 | + internal_var_pattern: _[A-Z][0-9A-Z_]+ |
| 191 | + _help_local_var_pattern: |
| 192 | + - regular expression pattern describing valid names for |
| 193 | + - variables with local scope |
| 194 | + local_var_pattern: '[a-z][a-z0-9_]+' |
| 195 | + _help_private_var_pattern: |
| 196 | + - regular expression pattern describing valid names for |
| 197 | + - privatedirectory variables |
| 198 | + private_var_pattern: _[0-9a-z_]+ |
| 199 | + _help_public_var_pattern: |
| 200 | + - regular expression pattern describing valid names for public |
| 201 | + - directory variables |
| 202 | + public_var_pattern: '[A-Z][0-9A-Z_]+' |
| 203 | + _help_argument_var_pattern: |
| 204 | + - regular expression pattern describing valid names for |
| 205 | + - function/macro arguments and loop variables. |
| 206 | + argument_var_pattern: '[a-z][a-z0-9_]+' |
| 207 | + _help_keyword_pattern: |
| 208 | + - regular expression pattern describing valid names for |
| 209 | + - keywords used in functions or macros |
| 210 | + keyword_pattern: '[A-Z][0-9A-Z_]+' |
| 211 | + _help_max_conditionals_custom_parser: |
| 212 | + - In the heuristic for C0201, how many conditionals to match |
| 213 | + - within a loop in before considering the loop a parser. |
| 214 | + max_conditionals_custom_parser: 2 |
| 215 | + _help_min_statement_spacing: |
| 216 | + - Require at least this many newlines between statements |
| 217 | + min_statement_spacing: 1 |
| 218 | + _help_max_statement_spacing: |
| 219 | + - Require no more than this many newlines between statements |
| 220 | + max_statement_spacing: 2 |
| 221 | + max_returns: 6 |
| 222 | + max_branches: 12 |
| 223 | + max_arguments: 5 |
| 224 | + max_localvars: 15 |
| 225 | + max_statements: 50 |
| 226 | +_help_encode: Options affecting file encoding |
| 227 | +encode: |
| 228 | + _help_emit_byteorder_mark: |
| 229 | + - If true, emit the unicode byte-order mark (BOM) at the start |
| 230 | + - of the file |
| 231 | + emit_byteorder_mark: false |
| 232 | + _help_input_encoding: |
| 233 | + - Specify the encoding of the input file. Defaults to utf-8 |
| 234 | + input_encoding: utf-8 |
| 235 | + _help_output_encoding: |
| 236 | + - Specify the encoding of the output file. Defaults to utf-8. |
| 237 | + - Note that cmake only claims to support utf-8 so be careful |
| 238 | + - when using anything else |
| 239 | + output_encoding: utf-8 |
| 240 | +_help_misc: Miscellaneous configurations options. |
| 241 | +misc: |
| 242 | + _help_per_command: |
| 243 | + - A dictionary containing any per-command configuration |
| 244 | + - overrides. Currently only `command_case` is supported. |
| 245 | + per_command: {} |
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