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Analyze Text Data Using Parallel Function Calls with Ollama

To run the code shown on this page, open the MLX file in MATLAB®: mlx-scripts/AnalyzeTextDataUsingParallelFunctionCallwithOllama.mlx

This example shows how to detect multiple function calls in a single user prompt and use this to extract information from text data.

Function calls allow you to describe a function to Ollama™ in a structured way. When you pass a function to the model together with a prompt, the model detects how often the function needs to be called in the context of the prompt. If the function is called at least once, then the model creates a JSON object containing the function and argument to request.

This example contains four steps:

  • Create an unstructured text document containing fictional customer data.
  • Create a prompt, asking Ollama to extract information about different types of customers.
  • Create a function that extracts information about customers.
  • Combine the prompt and the function. Use Ollama to detect how many function calls are included in the prompt and to generate a JSON object with the function outputs.

Extracting data from text

The customer record contains fictional information.

record = ["Customer John Doe, 35 years old. Email: [email protected]";
    "Jane Smith, age 28. Email address: [email protected]";
    "Customer named Alex Lee, 29, with email [email protected]";
    "Evelyn Carter, 32, email: [email protected]";
    "Jackson Briggs is 45 years old. Contact email: [email protected]";
    "Aria Patel, 27 years old. Email contact: [email protected]";
    "Liam Tanaka, aged 28. Email: [email protected]";
    "Sofia Russo, 24 years old, email: [email protected]"];

Define the function that extracts data from the customers record using the openAIFunction function.

f = openAIFunction("extractCustomerData", "Extracts data from customer records");
f = addParameter(f, "name", type="string", description="customer name", RequiredParameter=true);
f = addParameter(f, "age", type="number", description="customer age");
f = addParameter(f, "email", type="string", description="customer email", RequiredParameter=true);

Create a message with the customer record and an instruction.

record = join(record);
messages = messageHistory;
messages = addUserMessage(messages,"Extract data from the record: " + record);

Create a chat object. Specify the model to be "mistral-nemo", which supports parallel function calls.

model = "mistral-nemo";
chat = ollamaChat(model,"You are an AI assistant designed to extract customer data.",Tools=f);

Generate a response and extract the data.

[~, singleMessage, response] = generate(chat,messages);
if response.StatusCode == "OK"
    funcData = [singleMessage.tool_calls.function];
    extractedData = struct2table([funcData.arguments])
age email name
1 35 '[email protected]' 'John Doe'
2 28 '[email protected]' 'Jane Smith'
3 29 '[email protected]' 'Alex Lee'
4 32 '[email protected]' 'Evelyn Carter'
5 45 '[email protected]' 'Jackson Briggs'
6 27 '[email protected]' 'Aria Patel'
7 28 '[email protected]' 'Liam Tanaka'
8 24 '[email protected]' 'Sofia Russo'

Calling an external function

In this example, use a local function searchCustomerData defined at the end of this script.

Create a message with the information you would like to get from the local function.

prompt = "Who are our customers under 30 and older than 27?";
messages = messageHistory;
messages = addUserMessage(messages,prompt);

Define the function that retrieves customer information using openAIFunction.

f = openAIFunction("searchCustomerData", "Get the customers who match the specified and age");
f = addParameter(f,"minAge",type="integer",description="The minimum customer age",RequiredParameter=true);
f = addParameter(f,"maxAge",type="integer",description="The maximum customer age",RequiredParameter=true);

Create a chat object with a model supporting function calls.

model = "mistral-nemo";
chat = ollamaChat(model,"You are an AI assistant designed to search customer data.",Tools=f);

Generate a response

[~, singleMessage, response] = generate(chat,messages);

Check if the response contains a request for tool calling. Use jsonencode to display nested struct compactly.

if isfield(singleMessage,'tool_calls')
    tcalls = singleMessage.tool_calls;
  "function": {
    "name": "searchCustomerData",
    "arguments": {
      "maxAge": 30,
      "minAge": 28

And add the tool call to the message history.

messages = addResponseMessage(messages,singleMessage);

Call the searchCustomerData function and add the results to the messages.

messages = processToolCalls(extractedData,messages, tcalls);

Step 3: Generate a response with the function result.

[txt, singleMessage, response] = generate(chat,messages);
if response.StatusCode == "OK"
txt = 
    " Our customers under 30 and older than 27 are:
     - **Jane Smith**: Age: 28, Email: [email protected]
     - **Alex Lee**: Age: 29, Email: [email protected]
     - **Liam Tanaka**: Age: 28, Email: [email protected]"

Helper functions

Function that searches specific customers based on age range

function json = searchCustomerData(data, minAge, maxAge)
    result = data(data.age >= minAge & data.age <= maxAge,:);
    result = table2struct(result);
    json = jsonencode(result);

Function that uses the tool calls to execute the function and add the results to the messages

function msg = processToolCalls(data, msg, toolCalls)
    for ii = 1:numel(toolCalls)
        funcId = "";
        if isfield(toolCalls(ii),"id")
            funcId = string(toolCalls(ii).id);
        funcName = string(toolCalls(ii);
        if funcName == "searchCustomerData"
            funcArgs = toolCalls(ii).function.arguments;
            keys = fieldnames(funcArgs);
            if all(ismember(["minAge","maxAge"],keys))
                    funcResult = searchCustomerData(data,funcArgs.minAge,funcArgs.maxAge);
                catch ME
                msg = addToolMessage(msg, funcId, funcName, funcResult);
                error("Unknown arguments provided: " + join(keys))
            error("Unknown function called: " + funcName)

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