| Name | Role | Website | Tagline | TWTR |
| Aaron Jensen (aaronjensen
) | Senior Automation Engineer @ WebMD Health Services | pshdo.com | Creator/owner of Carbon, http://get-carbon.org | |
| Adam Bertram (
) | Senior Automation Engineer @ Genomic Health | Github | Adam the Automator | |
| Andrew Marwood (
) | Senior DevOps Engineer @ Traceone | | | |
| Andrew Pearce (
) | Systems Development Engineer @ Amazon Web Services | techielife.net | Breeding Windows cattle in the AWS ecosystem using PowerShell and DSC. | |
| Andrew White (
) | Site Ops Engineer @ AngiesList.com | | Awesome painter, QA, Operations guy with sense of humor | |
| Ben Gelens (bgelens
) | CloudOS Consultant @ Inovativ | GitHub | Mainly PowerShell, DSC, Azure, Azure Stack and Azure Pack. | |
| Bill Jones (
) | Lead Database Engineer @ SalesForce.com | | Lord of MySQL & Awesome at Operations, formerly AL | |
| Bob Dean (bob-dean
) | Infrastructure Architect @ Mitre.org | | Windows, PowerShell, DSC | | |
| Brad Williamson (
) | DevOps @ State of Oklahoma Public Sector | | Chef, Windows, PowerShell, VMware | |
| Brandon Olin (devblackops
) | Lead Systems Engineer @ Columbia Sportswear | devblackops.io | Does PowerShell, DSC, Chef, and other duties as assigned. | |
| Carlos Murray (
) | | | Currently working on entering IT | |
| Chase Campos (chewster
) | Site Reliability Engineer @ AngiesList.com | | | |
| Chris Hunt (cdhunt
) | Systems Engineer @ Ticketmaster | automatedops.com | SaaS Operator. PowerShell.org TechLetter Editor | |
| Chris Lee (
) | Senior ? @ Kinney Group | | Awesome Jack of all Trades guy, big on Jenkins/Linux. | |
| Chris Smith (chlsmith
) | DevOps @ Trek Bikes | http://coffeeandpizza.net | | |
| Chris Wahl (
) | Tech Evangelist @ Rubrik | http://wahlnetwork.com/ | Host of the Datanauts Podcast | |
| Cobus Bernard (
) | DevOps @ HealthQ | cobus.io | DevOpser with Chef, Ansible, Jenkins. Also Codes. Playing with Docker | |
| Daniel Scott-Raynsford (dscottraynsford
) | DevOps Contractor | dscottraynsford.wordpress.com | Is there a DSC resource for that? | |
| Dave Wyatt (
) | Operations Engineer @ DevOpsGuys | davewyatt.wordpress.com | Chief Pesterer of Pester :D | |
| David Wilson (
) | Software Engineer @ Microsoft | daviwil.com | I make PowerShell editing tools. PowerShell ISE, Visual Studio Code, etc. | |
| Derek Ardolf (
) | Systems Development Engineer @ Amazon Web Services | halfwaytoinfinite.com | DevOps Evangelist, PowerShell Fiend, Linux Friend, Automating All The Things | |
| Doug Finke (
) | Architect @ BlueMetal | dougfinke.com | DevOps/Azure/PowerShell | |
| Eric Anderson (
) | Senior DevOps / Customer Success @ Avi Networks | ericsysmin.com | Everything DevOps! (Salt, Puppet, Ansible, Jenkins, AWS Architect, OpenStack Engineer | |
| Eric Courville (organicit
) | Senior Member @ Verizon | organicit.io | PowerShell MVP & Lover of Linux | |
| Flynn Bundy (
) | Systems Engineer @ Coolblue | flynnbundy.com | A Windows based Systems Engineer currently residing in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. | |
| Gael Colas (gaelcolas
) | Cloud Automation Architect Consultant | GitHub Blog | PowerShell, DSC, CloudStack, Azure: currently developping PaaS/IaaS solutions for a EU cloud provider | |
| Glenn Sarti (
) | Senior Software Developer (Windows) @ Puppet | Blog,GitHub | Windows Software and Infrastructure Developer. With a penchant for DevOps, Puppet, Neo4j and anything Windows related. | |
| Greg Vauter (
) | Automation? @ Interactive Intelligence | GitHub | Automation Guy? Let me know what to put! | |
| Hamid Maddi (hamid
) | Automation Engineer @ Interactive Intelligence | | Super Openstack/Infrastructure Guy | |
| Jaap Brasser (jaapbrasser
) | Cloud and Automation Engineer | JaapBrasser.com | Automating a way | |
| Jared Barnett (
) | Systems Architect @ Verizon Enterprise Solutions | LinkedIn | Developer, transitioning to DevOps, always learning | |
| Jody Tooley (
) | DevOps Manager @ AngiesList.com | | Awesome Docker + Jenkins Skills, weak at Starcraft | |
| Joe Beaudry (jbeaudry
) | Systems Engineer @ Brainshark | ctrlaltshoot.com | Swiss army knife of random infrastructure skills. | |
| Joel Bennett (jaykul
) | DevOps @ Questionmark | HuddledMasses | I fix things with code | |
| John Wenzler (
) | DevOps @ iFit | GitHub | DevOps Guy @ iFit | |
| Joshua Duffney (josh
) | Senior Systems Engineer @ ACI Worldwide | LinkedIn | Powershell guy, gives talks and links us to awesome devops vids | |
| June Blender (juneb
) | Technical Evangelist @ SAPIEN Technologies, Inc. | sapien.com/blog | Programmer/Writer. Writes help. Reads help. Lives PowerShell. | |
| Justino Garcia (
) | | | | |
| Ken Erwin (ken
) | Senior Automation Engineer @ Kinney Group | devopslibrary.com | DevOps Library Founder, also Sensu course by OReilly is mine :) | |
| Levi Geinert (
) | Windows Automation Guy @ Target | | Chef and Windows Automation | |
| Martez Reed (
) | Senior Automation Engineer ? @ Kinney Group | www.greenreedtech.com | | |
| Matt Wrock (mwrockx
) | Software Development Engineer @ Chef | hurryupandwait.io | Open Source Enthusiast and creator of Boxstarter. | |
| Matthew Walter (
) | Site Reliability Engineer @ SeamlessDocs | ohaiwalt.com | Making compliance great again. | |
| Matt Stratton (
) | Solutions Engineer @ Chef | arresteddevops.com | Co-host of Arrested DevOps. Chef Enthusiast. Whovian. Chicago. | |
| Matthew Hodgkins (
) | Senior Systems Engineer @ Coolblue | hodgkins.io | PowerShell, Metrics, Monitoring, Automation lover and Aussie living in the Netherlands. | |
| Matt Hitchcock (
) | Secure Infra Consultant @ Microsoft (SG) | hitchcode.com | Doing Cloud, DevOps/Infra-as-Code & Identity related stuff at Microsoft in APJ | |
| Michael Greene (
) | Principal Program Manager @ Microsoft, ECG CAT team | GitHub | Microsoft Principal Program Manager, CAT Team, focus on PowerShell and Cloud Architecture | |
| Mikal Wade (
) | Site Operations Manager @ Angies List | | | |
| Nicholas H (leskat
) | Mortar Infantry @ Swiss Army | | Windows automation, PowerShell, SCCM, Security, Blowing things up | |
| Patrick Lavalley (pat
) | | | | |
| Phil (phil
) | Site Ops @ Angies List | | | |
| Ray Crawford (raycrawford
) | IaaS Service Manager @ Procter & Gamble | Github | Cloudifying and Automating an Outsourced Enterprise one box at at time | |
| Rob Reynolds (
) | Senior Software Engineer @ Puppet | codebetter.com/robreynolds | Creator of Chocolatey (package manager for Windows) / Puppet <3 Windows | |
| Rob Nelson (
) | Infrastructure Engineer @ ATT | Blog, Github | Fixer of Things With Power Cables | |
| Robin Blanchard (
) | Awesome Linux guy @ Nephila Advisors | | Awesome at Big Data/Linux/Storage/Hadoop | |
| Rodney (rodney
) | ? @ Interactive Intelligence | | Master of VOIP | |
| Roger Futrell (rogfut
) | DevOps System Administrator @ Costco Travel | Blog | DevOps stuff, Powershell | |
| Ryan McAdams(mcadams
) | DevOps Manager @ Interactive Intelligence | | Openstack + VOIP + Slight minecraft skill | |
| Shawn Hall (s.hall
) | DevOps @ Indianapolis Company | | PowerShell + Puppet Skills | |
| Shawn Neal (sneal
) | Solutions Architect @ Pivotal | codingonstilts.com | Windows DevOps Contributor: Vagrant, Packer, CloudFoundry, WinRM gem, Chef | |
| Steven Murawski (
) | Software Development Engineer @ Chef | stevenmurawski.com | Total Chef Expert | |
| Stephen Owen (
) | Automation and Management Consultant | foxdeploy.com | System Center, PowerShell, Windows mgmt | |
| Stuart Preston (
) | Director/Owner at Pendrica | stuartpreston.net | Author of Using Chef with Microsoft Azure and a bunch of related tools | |
| Toby Matherly (
) | Infra Automation @ Interactive Intelligence | | Openstack Expert | |
| Trevor Hess (trevorghess
) | Principal Consultant @ 10th Magnitude | arresteddevops.com | Co-Host of Arrested DevOps | |
| Trond Hindenes (
) | Cloud Architect @ Nordcloud (NO) | hindenes.com/trondsworking/ | I do things with PowerShell, Azure and Ansible | |
| Tyson J. Hayes (
) | Service Engineer @ Microsoft, Turn 10 Studios | GitHub | Service Engineer for Turn 10 Studios | |
| Jason Morgan (
) | Tools and Innovation Engineer @ Verizon | GitHub | I like computers | |
| Warren Frame (
) | Infrastructure Engineer @ Harvard FAS Research Computing | ramblingcookiemonster... | Perpetual student. Occasionally writes about PowerShell. | |
| Mike Lombardi (
) | PowerShell Developer @ Maritz IT Services, Inc | Blog,Github | Continually Improving PowerShell ShadowBeard | |
| Keith Hill (
) | Developer @ Keysight Technologies, Inc | Blog, Github | MVP / Creator PSCX, Contributor to VSCode-PowerShell, PowerShellEditorServices and Plaster | |
| Will Schroeder (
) | Red Teamer/Offensive Developer @ Veris Group's Adaptive Threat Division | Blog, Github | PowerShell MVP, Contributor to PowerSploit, that PowerShell Empire guy | |
| Jason Barbier (
) | Service Engineer @ Turn 10 Studios | Blog,GitHub | Why am I scheduling a downtime, I thought this is what the SLA and cluster were for. | |
|Irwin Strachan (
) | Technical Consultant @ Centric Managed Services | Blog, Github | | |