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+    "BYOH",
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+    "k0smotron",
+    "Kamaji",
diff --git a/design/hostclaim-multitenancy.md b/design/hostclaim-multitenancy.md
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+ This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
+ Unported License.
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+<!-- cSpell:ignore Sylva Schiff Kanod argocd GitOps -->
+# HostClaim: Sharing BareMetalHost between Multiple Tenants
+## Status
+## Summary
+We introduce a new Custom Resource (named HostClaim) which will facilitate
+the creation of multiple clusters for different tenants. A HostClaim decouples
+the client need from the actual implementation of the
+compute resource: it establishes a security boundary
+A HostClaim expresses that one wants to start a given
+OS image with an initial configuration (typically cloud-init or ignition
+configuration files) on a compute resource that meets a set of requirements
+(host selectors).
+The status and metadata of the HostClaim provide the necessary information
+for the end user to define and manage his workload on the compute resource,
+but they do not grant full control over the resource (typically, BMC
+credentials of servers are not exposed to the tenant).
+## Motivation
+The standard approach to implementing multi-tenancy in cluster-api is to follow the
+[multi tenancy contract](https://cluster-api.sigs.k8s.io/developer/architecture/controllers/multi-tenancy#contract).
+To adhere to this contract with cluster-api-provider-metal3, the clusters must
+be put in different namespaces and the BareMetalHost objects must be defined
+in those namespaces. In this setup, the tenants are the owners of the servers
+and it becomes difficult to share the same server between different clusters if
+they belong to different tenants.
+In order to improve server usage, we would like to have a pool of servers that
+clusters can lease depending on their workload. If we maintain the Metal3
+constraints, all clusters must be defined in the same namespace where the
+BareMetalHosts are defined.
+Unless very complex access control rules are defined, cluster administrators
+have visibility and probably control over all clusters and servers as the server
+credentials are stored with the BareMetalHost resource.
+We need to relax the constraint that the cluster and the BareMetalHosts are
+in the same namespace but we also need a solution that gives sufficient control
+and visibility over the workload deployed on those servers so that tenants
+can maintain the level of information they have had so far.
+This proposal tackles the objective through three changes:
+* it introduces a new resource called HostClaim that decouples
+  the definition of the workload performed by
+  the Metal3 machine controller from the actual compute resource.
+  This resource acts as a security boundary.
+* it uses the HardwareData resource as the only visible resource for end-users
+  containing both hardware details and metadata used for selection and templating.
+* it introduces a HostDeployPolicy resource that describes the namespaces that contain
+  the HostClaims authorized to be bound to BareMetalHosts in the namespace of the
+  HostDeployPolicy resource.
+### Goals
+* Split responsibilities between infrastructure teams (role *infrastructure manager*),
+  who manage servers, and cluster administrators (role *cluster manager*),
+  who create/update/scale bare-metal clusters deployed
+  on those servers, using traditional Kubernetes RBAC to ensure isolation.
+* Define a resource where a user can request a compute resource to execute
+  an arbitrary workload described by an OS image and an initial configuration.
+  The user (role *end-user*, a cluster manager is an end-user) does not need
+  to know exactly which BareMetalHost is used and does not control its BMC.
+* Using BareMetalHosts defined in other clusters. Support as described here
+  will be limited to the use with cluster-api as it will be handled at the
+  level of the Metal3Machine.
+### Non-Goals
+* Compute resource quotas. The HostClaim resource should make it possible to
+  develop a framework to limit the number/size of compute resources allocated
+  to a tenant, similar to how quotas work for pods. However, the specification
+  of such a framework will be addressed in another design document.
+* Implementing network isolation between tenant clusters using a common set
+  of BareMetalHosts.
+## Proposal
+### User Stories
+#### Deployment of Simple Workloads
+##### User Point of View
+As an *end-user*, I would like to execute a workload on an arbitrary server.
+The OS image is available in qcow format on a remote server at ``url_image``.
+It supports cloud-init and a script can launch the workload at boot time
+(e.g., a systemd service).
+The cluster offers bare-metal as a service using Metal3 baremetal-operator.
+However, as a regular user, I am not allowed to directly access the definitions
+of the servers, but I can read the result of the inspection (HardwareData).
+The HardwareData resource also contains a copy of the metadata of the
+BareMetalHost visible to the end-user.
+All HardwareData are labeled with an ``infra-kind`` label whose
+value depends on the characteristics of the computer.
+* I can read HardwareData in namespace ``infra``. I can find which selector
+  I should use to find a machine with the right hardware details.
+* I create a resource with the following content:
+  ```yaml
+  apiVersion: metal3.io/v1alpha1
+  kind: HostClaim
+  metadata:
+    name: my-host
+  spec:
+    online: false
+    hostSelector:
+      matchLabels:
+        infra-kind: medium
+  ```
+* After a while, the system associates the claim with a real server, and
+  the resource's status is populated with the following information:
+  ```yaml
+  status:
+    bareMetalHost:
+      name: server-123
+      namespace: infra
+    conditions:
+    - lastTransitionTime: "2024-03-29T14:33:19Z"
+      status: "True"
+      type: Ready
+    - lastTransitionTime: "2024-03-29T14:33:19Z"
+      status: "True"
+      type: AssociateBMH
+    lastUpdated: "2024-03-29T14:33:19Z"
+  ```
+* I create three secrets in the same namespace ``my-user-data``,
+  ``my-metadata``, and ``my-network-data``. I use the information from the
+  status and meta data to customize the scripts they contain.
+* I modify the HostClaim to point to those secrets and start the server:
+  ```yaml
+  apiVersion: metal3.io/v1alpha1
+  kind: HostClaim
+  metadata:
+    name: my-host
+  spec:
+    online: true
+    image:
+      checksum: https://url_image.qcow2.md5
+      url: https://url_image.qcow2
+      format: qcow2
+    userData:
+      name: my-user-data
+    networkData:
+      name: my-network-data
+    hostSelector:
+      matchLabels:
+        infra-kind: medium
+  ```
+* The workload is launched. When the machine is fully provisioned, the boolean
+  field ready in the status becomes true. I can stop the server by changing
+  the online status. I can also perform a reboot by targeting specific
+  annotations in the reserved ``host.metal3.io`` domain.
+* When I destroy the host, the association is broken and another user can take
+  over the server.
+##### Server Administrator Point of View
+As the owner of the bare-metal servers, I would like to easily control the users
+that can use my servers and control the information I share about the servers.
+In each namespace hosting BareMetalHosts, I define one
+or several HostDeployPolicy resources. Each resource defines a filter on the
+namespaces of the HostClaims in the field ``hostclaimNamespaces``.
+The specification of the HostDeployPolicy contains one or several of the
+optional fields:
+* ``namespaces``: the content of this field is a list of namespaces. The name of
+  the namespace where the HostClaim is must be a member of the list.
+* ``nameMatches``: the content of this field is a regular expression
+  (in Golang re2 syntax). The name of the namespace where the HostClaim is located
+  must match this regular expression.
+* ``withLabels``: the content of the field is a list of strings representing
+  labels. The namespace of the HostClaim must have a label belonging to the
+  list.
+To successfully match, the namespace must fulfill the constraints of all the
+fields that are defined. An empty HostDeployPolicy authorizes all namespaces.
+A HostClaim is authorized to bind a BareMetalHost if and only if the namespace
+of the HostClaim is successfully filtered by at least one HostDeployPolicy in
+the namespace of the BareMetalHost. In that case, the binding between the
+HostClaim and the BareMetalHost is authorized.
+A HostDeployPolicy specification also contains a field ``metadataCopy``. It defines
+rules for which annotations are copied (``annotationsMatch``) and which
+labels are copied (``labelsMatch``). Both fields contain regular expressions.
+For example,
+apiVersion: metal3.io/v1alpha1
+kind: HostDeployPolicy
+  name: policy
+  namespace: infra
+  hostclaimNamespaces:
+    namespaces:
+    - cluster1
+    - cluster2
+  metadataCopy:
+    annotationsMatch: 'mydomain/.*'
+    labelsMatch: 'selectors/.*'
+will make the BareMetalHosts in namespace ``infra`` to HostClaims in namespaces
+``cluster1`` and ``cluster2``. All labels in domain ``selectors`` will be
+available for selection as annotations in ``mydomain`` for constructing
+cloud-init ``metadata``.
+#### Multi-tenancy
+As an infrastructure administrator I would like to host several isolated
+All the servers in the data-center are registered as BareMetalHost in one or
+several namespaces under the control of the infrastructure manager. Namespaces
+are created for each tenant of the infrastructure. They create
+standard cluster definitions in those namespaces.
+When the cluster is started, a HostClaim is created for each Metal3Machine
+associated to the cluster. The ``hostSelector`` is inherited from the
+Metal3Machine. As in the original workflow, it is used to choose the BareMetalHost
+associated with the cluster, but the associated BareMetalHost is not in the same
+namespace as the HostClaim. The exact definition of the BareMetalHost remains
+hidden from the cluster user, only a small parts of its status is copied
+back to the HostClaim resource (actual power state). The status of the HostClaim
+contains a reference to the BareMetalHost and so to the HardwareData that is
+readable by the end user.
+With the help of HardwareData, the data template controller has enough details to
+compute the different secrets (userData, metaData and networkData) associated to
+the Metal3Machine. Those secrets are linked to the HostClaim and, ultimately, to
+the BareMetalHost.
+When the cluster is modified, new Machine and Metal3Machine resources replace
+the previous ones. The HostClaims follow the life-cycle of the Metal3Machines
+and are destroyed with them. The BareMetalHosts are recycled and are bound to
+new HostClaims, potentially belonging to other clusters.
+#### Compute Resources in Another Cluster
+As a user I would like to describe my cluster within a specific management
+cluster. However the resources I intend to use (such as BareMetalHosts or
+KubeVirt virtual machines) will be defined in a separate cluster.
+The multi-tenancy extension for BareMetalHost is extended to HostClaims.
+Metal3Machine field ``identityRef`` points to a
+secret containing a kubeconfig object. This kubeconfig will be utilized instead
+of the HostClaim controller service account to create and manage HostClaim
+  apiVersion: metal3.io/v1alpha1
+  kind: HostClaim
+  metadata:
+    name: host-claim-yyyy
+    namespace: user1-ns
+  spec:
+    credentials: bmh-cluster-credentials
+    userData:
+      name: user-data-yyyy
+    hostSelector:
+      ...
+    image:
+      checksum: https://image_url.qcow2.md5
+      format: qcow2
+      url: https://image_url.qcow2.md5
+    online: true
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: Secret
+  name: user-data-yyyy
+  format: cloud-config
+  value: ....
+#### Manager Cluster Bootstrap
+As a cluster administrator I would like to install a new bare-metal cluster from
+a transient cluster.
+The bootstrap process can be performed as usual from an ephemeral cluster
+(e.g., a KinD cluster). The constraint that all resources must be in the same
+namespace (Cluster and BareMetalHost resources) must be respected. The
+BareMetalHost should be marked as movable.
+The only difference with the behavior without Host is the presence of an
+intermediate Host resource but the chain of resources is kept during the
+transfer and the pause annotation is used to stop Ironic.
+Because this operation is only performed by the administrator of a cluster
+manager, the fact that the cluster definition and the BareMetalHosts are in
+the same namespace should not be an issue.
+Tenant clusters using BareMetalHosts in other namespaces cannot be pivoted. It
+can be expected from a security point of view as it would give the bare-metal
+servers credentials to the tenants.
+When servers are managed on a separate cluster using the identityRef field in
+the machine template to access the BareMetalHost resources,
+pivot can be performed as usual but the tenant cluster will still need the
+cluster hosting Ironic.
+## Design Details
+### Implementation Details/Notes/Constraints
+#### Split between cluster-api-provider-metal3 and baremetal-operator
+The HostClaim controller is part of the baremetal-operator project. A
+BareMetalHost controller must create the HardwareData with the right metadata
+and update those metadata when they are modified on the BareMetalHost. To
+reduce the load, it may be interesting to have a different set of events
+that trigger the main BareMetalHost controller from the ones that trigger
+the synchronization of metadata.
+The introduction of HostClaims transfers the BareMetalHost selection process
+from the cluster-api-provider-metal3 project to the baremetal-operator project
+As we need to keep the legacy behavior, this will not simplify the code of
+the provider.
+#### Impact on Metal3Data controller
+The Metal3Data controller must target either BareMetalHost or HostClaims
+(in fact the HardwareData pointed by the HostClaim) for some template fields:
+* ``fromLabel`` and ``fromAnnotation`` where object is ``baremetalhost``.
+* ``fromHostInterface`` and ``fromAnnotation`` in network data definition
+The solution is to introduce an intermediate abstract object.
+#### Impact on NodeReuse
+NodeReuse is implemented in the HostClaim controller with the same algorithm
+as in the original workflow, but the content of the label on the BareMetalHost
+is slightly different.
+When a machine template is marked for node reuse, the generated HostClaim
+``nodeReuse`` field contains a string identifying the deployment or the
+control-plane it belongs to (using the algorithm that was used at the time of
+BareMetalHost deletion).
+When the HostClaim is deleted, the BareMetalHost is tagged with the node reuse
+label ``infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/node-reuse`` with a value
+joining the namespace of the HostClaim and the value of the ``nodeReuse`` field.
+When a new HostClaim is created, if the ``nodeReuse`` field is set, the
+claim will try to bind a BareMetalHost with the label
+``infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/node-reuse`` set to the right value.
+### Risks and Mitigations
+#### Handling of Roles and HostDeployPolicy
+Roles and HostDeployPolicy have complementary roles but must be
+maintained in a coordinated manner.
+Each cluster manager must have a namespace for his HostClaims. This can
+be the cluster namespace or another one if the cluster description
+and the BareMetalHosts are not in the same management cluster. In this
+namespace he must have full rights on HostClaims and the associated secrets.
+He should also have read rights (but no modification permissions) on HardwareData
+in at least all the namespaces that allow his own HostClaim namespace for
+binding with BareMetalHost. HostDeployPolicy should be consistent with those
+rights but nothing will ensure the coherence. Deployment may then fail as the remote
+user will not be able to access the HardwareData resource to build cloud-init metadata.
+#### Security Impact of Making BareMetalHost Selection Cluster-wide
+The main difference between Metal3 machines and HostClaims it the
+selection process where a HostClaim can be bound to a BareMetalHost
+in another namespace. We must make sure that the binding is expected
+from both the owner of BareMetalHost resources and the HostClaim resource,
+especially when we upgrade the metal3 cluster api provider to a version
+supporting HostClaim.
+Choosing between HostClaims and BareMetalHost is done at the level of
+the Metal3Machine controller through a configuration flag. When the HostClaim
+mode is activated, all clusters are deployed with HostClaim resources.
+For the server administrator, the HostDeployPolicy restrict the BareMetalHosts
+that can be used by HostClaims and the namespaces of those resources.
+The owner of the HostClaim restricts the server through the use of selectors.
+There can be only one server administrator and the tenants must trust the
+semantic of the labels used for selection so a new mechanism is not necessary
+on the tenant side.
+#### Tenants Trying to Bypass the Selection Mechanism
+The fact that a HostClaim is bound to a specific BareMetalHost will appear
+as a label in the HostClaim and the HostClaim controller will use it to find
+the associated BareMetalHost. This label could be modified by a malicious
+But the BareMetalHost has also a consumer reference. The label is only an
+indication of the binding. If the consumer reference is invalid (different
+from the HostClaim label), the label MUST be erased and the HostClaim
+controller MUST NOT accept the binding.
+#### Performance Impact
+The proposal introduces a new resource with an associated controller between
+the Metal3Machine and the BareMetalHost. There will be some duplication
+of information between the BareMetalHost and the HostClaim status. The impact
+for each node should still be limited especially when compared to the cost of
+each Ironic action.
+#### Impact on Other Cluster Api Components
+There should be none: other components should mostly rely on Machine and Cluster
+objects. Some tools may look at Metal3Machine conditions where some condition
+names may be modified but the semantic of Ready condition will be preserved.
+### Work Items
+### Dependencies
+### Test Plan
+### Upgrade / Downgrade Strategy
+### Version Skew Strategy
+## Drawbacks
+## Alternatives
+### Multi-Tenancy Without HostClaim
+We assume that we have a Kubernetes cluster managing a set of clusters for
+cluster administrators (referred to as tenants in the following). Multi-tenancy
+is a way to ensure that tenants have only control over their clusters.
+There are at least two other ways for implementing multi-tenancy without
+HostClaim. These methods proxy the entire definition of the cluster
+or proxy the BareMetalHost itself.
+#### Isolation Through Overlays
+A solution for multi-tenancy is to hide all cluster resources from the end
+user. In this approach, clusters and BareMetalHosts are defined within a single
+namespace, but the cluster creation process ensures that resources
+from different clusters do not overlap.
+This approach was explored in the initial versions of the Kanod project.
+Clusters must be described by the tenant in a git repository and the
+descriptions are imported by a GitOps framework (argocd). The definitions are
+processed by an argocd plugin that translates the YAML expressing the user's
+intent into Kubernetes resources, and the naming of resources created by
+this plugin ensures isolation.
+Instead of using a translation plugin, it would be better to use a set of
+custom resources. However, it is important to ensure that they are defined in
+separate namespaces.
+This approach has several drawbacks:
+* The plugin or the controllers for the abstract clusters are complex
+  applications if we want to support many options, and they become part of
+  the trusted computing base of the cluster manager.
+* It introduces a new level of access control that is distinct from the
+  Kubernetes model. If we want tooling or observability around the created
+  resources, we would need custom tools that adhere to this new policy, or we
+  would need to reflect everything we want to observe in the new custom
+  resources.
+#### Ephemeral BareMetalHost
+Another solution is to have separate namespaces for each cluster but
+import BareMetalHosts in those namespaces on demand when new compute resources
+are needed. This solution was explored in a research project named Kanod.
+The cluster requires a resource that acts as a source of BareMetalHosts, which
+can be parameterized on servers requirements and the number of replicas. The
+concept of
+in Kanod is similar to ReplicaSets for pods. This concept is also used in
+[this proposal](https://github.com/metal3-io/metal3-docs/pull/268) for a
+Metal3Host resource. The number of replicas must be synchronized with the
+requirements of the cluster. It may be updated by a
+[separate controller](https://gitlab.com/Orange-OpenSource/kanod/kanod-poolscaler)
+checking the requirements of machine deployments and control-planes.
+The main security risk is that when a cluster releases a BareMetalHost, it may
+keep the credentials that provide full control over the server.
+This can be resolved if those credentials are temporary. In Kanod BareMetalPool
+obtain new servers from a REST API implemented by a
+[BareMetalHost broker](https://gitlab.com/Orange-OpenSource/kanod/brokerdef).
+The broker implementation utilizes either the fact that Redfish is in fact an
+HTTP API to implement a proxy or the capability of Redfish to create new users
+with a Redfish ``operator`` role to implemented BareMetalHost resources with
+a limited lifespan.
+A pool is implemented as an API that is protected by a set of credentials that
+identify the user.
+The advantages of this approach are:
+* Support for pivot operation, even for tenant clusters, as it provides a
+  complete bare-metal-as-a-service solution.
+* Cluster administrators have full access to the BMC and can configure servers
+  according to their needs using custom procedures that are not exposed by
+  standard Metal3 controllers.
+* Network isolation can be established before the BareMetalHost is created in
+  the scope of the cluster. There is no transfer of servers from one network
+  configuration to another, which could invalidate parts of the introspection.
+The last drawback can be mitigated by having different network configurations
+for the provisioning of servers and for their use as cluster node.
+The disadvantages of the BareMetalPool approach are:
+* The implementation of the broker with its dedicated server is quite complex.
+* To have full dynamism over the pool of servers, a new type of autoscaler is
+  needed.
+* Unnecessary inspection of servers are performed when they are transferred
+  from a cluster (tenant) to another.
+* The current implementation of the proxy is limited to the Redfish protocol
+  and would require significant work for IPMI.
+### Alternative Implementations of HostClaims
+#### Not using HardwareData
+The first proof of concept of HostClaims copied inspection data from the BareMetalHost
+to the HostClaim. There was no inventory of available hardware visible to the end-user.
+The code was also more complex especially because of metadata synchronization (details in next
+#### Alternative Handling of Metadata
+Here are some alternative handling of metadata associated to BareMetalHosts
+and used by the Metal3 provider (selection and construction of cloud-init/ignition
+* **Keep metadata in baremetalhost. Copy to HostClaims** : the purpose of HostClaims is to hide
+  BareMetalHost from users. Selectors and important metadata values would be
+  hidden from their user. Even if infrastructure managers can convey information
+  through other means, this is awkward. The proof of concept had complex rules to maintain
+  HostClaim metadata synchronized with BareMetalHosts.
+* **Metadata in HardwareData without synchronization** : infrastructure managers
+  must then create empty HardwareData to define the metadata visible from end users. It simplifies
+  HostDeployPolicy. The main drawback is that it is a non compatible change with current deployments
+  of BareMetalHosts. Process annotating BareMetalHosts automatically would require modifications.
+* **Metadata in a new custom resource** : This custom resource would only exist for this purpose. Too
+  many custom resources for a single concept is not a good idea.
+* **Keep some metadata on HardwareData not automatically synchronized with BareMetalHost metadata** :
+  metadata on HardwareData with keys that are not explicitly handled by the HostDeployPolicy would
+  be preserved. This is complex. The only purpose would be for automatic process labelling HardwareData
+  from their content, but they can always label BareMetalHost instead of HardwareData. The cost
+  of maintaining such partial synchronization is high.
+## References