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cvs2svn Documentation

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cvs2svn is a program that can be used to migrate a CVS repository to Subversion (otherwise known as "SVN") or Git


  • The list of cvs2svn features explains briefly why converting a repository from CVS is nontrivial and gives a comprehensive list of cvs2svn's many features.

  • The document you are currently reading contains a lot of general information about converting from CVS, and specifically how to use cvs2svn to convert your repository to Subversion.

  • describes how to use cvs2svn to convert your CVS repository to git.

  • The FAQ provides frequently asked questions and answers, including important topics such as how to convert multiple projects within a single repository, how to fix problems with end-of-line translation, how to get more help and how to report bugs including a useful test case.


cvs2svn requires the following:

  • Direct (filesystem) access to a copy of the CVS repository that you want to convert. cvs2svn parses the files in the CVS repository directly, so it is not enough to have remote CVS access. See the FAQ for more information and a possible workaround.

  • Python 2, version 2.4 or later. See (cvs2svn does not work with Python 3.x.)

  • A compatible database library, usually gdbm, and the corresponding Python bindings. Neither dumbdbm nor standard dbm is sufficient.

  • If you use the --use-rcs option, then RCS's co program is required. The RCS home page is See the --use-rcs flag for more details.

  • If you use the --use-cvs option, then the cvs command is required. The CVS home page is See the --use-cvs flag for more details.

These dependencies are no longer so easy to find, so it might be convenient to use the Dockerfile in this repository to run cvs2svn inside a container. This can be done by running

make docker-image
docker run -it --rm \
    --mount 'src=/path/to/my/cvs,dst=/cvs,readonly' \
    --mount 'type=volume,src=/tmp,dst=/tmp' \
    cvs2svn [OPTS] /cvs

CVSNT repositories

cvs2svn does not support conversion of CVSNT repositories. Some people have indicated success with such conversions, while others have had problems. In other words, such conversions, even if apparently successful, should be checked carefully before use. See the FAQ for more information.


  • As root, run make install.

  • Or, if you do not wish to install cvs2svn on your system, you can simply run it out of this directory. As long as it can find the cvs2svn_rcsparse library, it should be happy.

  • If you want to create Unix-style manpages for the main programs, run make man.

Deciding how much to convert

If you're looking to switch an existing CVS repository to Subversion, you have a number of choices for migrating your existing CVS data to a Subversion repository, depending on your needs.

There are a few basic routes to choose when switching from CVS to Subversion, and the one you choose will depend on how much historical data you want in your Subversion repository. You may be content to refer to your existing (soon-to-be-converted-to-read-only) CVS repository for "pre-Subversion" data and start working with a new Subversion repository. Maybe you prefer to squeeze every last drop of data out of your CVS repository into your Subversion repository. Then again, perhaps you want a conversion somewhere in between these two. Based on these needs, we've come up with these different recommended paths for converting your CVS repository to a Subversion repository.

If you decide that top-skimming doesn't meet your needs and you're going to use cvs2svn (yay!), then be sure to read the section below on prepping your repository before you start your conversion.


This is the quickest and easiest way to get started in your new repository. You're basically going to export the latest revision of your cvs repository, possibly do some rearranging, and then import the resulting files into your Subversion repository. Typically, if you top-skim, that means you'll be either be keeping your old CVS repository around as a read-only reference for older data or just tossing that historical data outright (Note to you data packrats who have just stopped breathing, please take a deep breath and put down the letter opener. You don't have to do this yourself—it's just that some people don't feel the same way you do about historical data. They're really not bad people. Really.)

  • Pros: Quick, easy, convenient, results in a very compact and "neat" Subversion repository.

  • Cons: You've got no historical data, no branches, and no tags in your Subversion repository. If you want any of this data, you'll have to go back into the CVS Repository and get it.

Trunk only

If you decide that you'd like to have the main development line of your historical data in your Subversion repository but don't need to carry over the tags and branches, you may want to skip converting your CVS tags and branches entirely and only convert the "trunk" of your repository. To do this, you'll use the --trunk-only switch to cvs2svn.

  • Pros: Saves disk space in your new Subversion repository. Attractive to neatniks.

  • Cons: You've got no branches and no tags in your Subversion repository.

Pick and choose

Let's say, for example, that you want to convert your CVS repository's historical data but you have no use for the myriad daily build tags that you've got in your CVS repository. In addition to that, you want some branches but would prefer to ignore others. In this case, you'll want to use the --exclude switch to instruct cvs2svn which branches and tags it should ignore.

  • Pros: You only get what you want from your CVS repository. Saves some space.

  • Cons: If you forgot something, you'll have to go to your CVS repository.

Full conversion

If you want to convert your entire CVS repository, including all tags and branches, you want a full conversion. This is cvs2svn's default behavior.

  • Pros: Converts every last byte of your CVS repository.

  • Cons: Requires more disk space.


You can convert your repository (or repositories) piece by piece using a combination of the above.

  • Pros: You get exactly what you want.

  • Cons: Importing converted repositories multiple times into a single Subversion repository will likely break date-based range commands (e.g. svn diff -r {2002-02-17:2002-03-18}) since Subversion does a binary search through the repository for dates. While this is not the end of the world, it can be a minor inconvenience.

One project at a time

If you have many diverse projects in your CVS repository and you don't want to move them all to Subversion at once, you may want to convert to Subversion one project at a time. This requires a few extra steps, but it can make the conversion of a large CVS repository much more manageable. See "How can I convert my CVS repository one module at a time? in the cvs2svn FAQ for a detailed example of converting your CVS repository one project at a time.

  • Pros: Allows multiple projects in a single repository to convert to Subversion according to a schedule that works best for them.

  • Cons: Requires some extra steps to accomplish the conversion. Importing converted repositories multiple times into a single Subversion repository will likely break date-based range commands (e.g. svn diff -r {2002-02-17:2002-03-18}) since Subversion does a binary search through the repository for dates. While this is not the end of the world, it can be a minor inconvenience.

Prepping your repository

There are a number of reasons that you may need to prep your CVS Repository. If you decide that you need to change part of your CVS repository, we strongly recommend working on a copy of it instead of working on the real thing. cvs2svn itself does not make any changes to your CVS repository, but if you start moving things around and deleting things in a CVS repository, it's all too easy to shoot yourself in the foot.

End-of-line translation

One of the most important topics to consider when converting a repository is the distinction between binary and text files. If you accidentally treat a binary file as text your repository contents will be corrupted.

Text files are handled differently than binary files by both CVS and Subversion. When a text file is checked out, the character used to denote the end of line ("EOL") is converted to the local computer's format. This is usually the most convenient behavior for text files. Moreover, both CVS and Subversion allow "keywords" in text files (such as $Id$), which are expanded with version control information when the file is checked out. However, if line-end translation or keyword expansion is applied to a binary file, the file will usually be corrupted.

CVS treats a file as text unless you specifically tell it that the file is binary. You can tell CVS that a file is binary by using the command cvs admin -kb FILENAME. But often CVS users forget to specify which files are binary, and as long as the repository is only used under Unix, they may never notice a problem, because the internal format of CVS is the same as the Unix format. But Subversion is not as forgiving as CVS if you tell it to treat a binary file as text.

If you have been conscientious about marking files as binary in CVS, then you should be able to use --default-eol=native. If you have been sloppy, then you have a few choices:

  • Convert your repository with cvs2svn's default options. Your text files will be treated as binary, but that usually isn't very harmful (at least no information will be lost).

  • Mend your slovenly ways by fixing your CVS repository before conversion: run cvs admin -kb FILENAME for each binary file in the repository. Then you can use --default-eol=native along with the anal-retentive folks.

  • Use cvs2svn options to help cvs2svn deduce which files are binary during the conversion. The useful options are --eol-from-mime-type, --keywords-off, --auto-props, and --default-eol. See the FAQ for more information.

Converting part of repository

If you want to convert a subdirectory in your repository, you can just point cvs2svn at the subdirectory and go. There is no need to delete the unwanted directories from the CVS repository.

If the subdirectory that you are converting contains any files that you don't want converted into your new Subversion repository, you should delete them or move them aside. Such files can be deleted from HEAD after the conversion, but they will still be visible in the repository history.

Lastly, even though you can move and copy files and directories around in Subversion, you may want to do some rearranging of project directories before running your conversion to get the desired repository project organization.

Command line vs. options file

There are two ways to specify the options that define a conversion: via the cvs2svn command line, or via an options file. The command line is useful for simple conversions, but the options file method is recommended for nontrivial conversions as it gives the user more flexibility.

Command line method

A command-line conversion allows the use of all of the command line options listed below (except for --options). This method allows almost all of the built-in conversion options to be selected, with the primary limitation that it does not support multiproject conversions. However, it may require a long command line to specify all of the options for a complicated conversion.

Options file method

The options file method allows full control of the conversion process, including multiproject conversions. It also allows expert users to customize the conversion even more radically by writing Python code. Finally, the options file used in the conversion can be retained as permanent record of the options used in a conversion.

To use the options file method, you need to create a file defining all of the options that are to be used for the conversion. A heavily-commented sample options file, cvs2svn-example.options, is included in the cvs2svn distribution. The easiest way to create your own options file is to make a copy of the sample file and modify it as directed by the comments in that file.

Note: The options file format changes frequently. Please be sure to base your options file on the cvs2svn-example.options file from the version of cvs2svn that you plan to use.

To start a conversion using an options file, invoke cvs2svn like this:

$ cvs2svn --options=OPTIONSFILE

Only the following options are allowed in combination with --options: -h/--help, --help-passes, --version, -v/--verbose, -q/--quiet, -p/--pass/--passes, --dry-run, and --profile.

Note: If you want to customize your conversion using your own Python classes, these classes must be defined in a separate Python file then imported into the options file. See the FAQ for more details.

Symbol handling

cvs2svn converts CVS tags and branches into Subversion tags and branches. This section discusses issues related to symbol handling.

HINT: If there are problems with symbol usage in your repository, they are usually reported during CollateSymbolsPass of the conversion, causing the conversion to be interrupted. However, it is not necessary to restart the whole conversion to fix the problems. Usually it is sufficient to adjust the symbol-handling options then re-start cvs2svn starting at CollateSymbolsPass, by adding the option -p CollateSymbolsPass:. This trick can save a lot of time if you have a large repository, as it might take a few iterations before you find the best set of options to convert your repository.

Placement of trunk, branches, and tags directories

cvs2svn converts CVS branches and tags into Subversion branches and tags following the standard Subversion convention. For single-project conversions, the default is to put the trunk, branches, and tags directories at the top level of the repository tree, though this behavior can be changed by using the --trunk, --branches, and --tags options. For multiproject conversions, you must specify the location of each project's trunk, branches, and tags directory in the options file; repository layout strategies are discussed in the Subversion book. For even finer control over the conversion, you can use a --symbol-hints file to specify the SVN path to be used for each CVS tag and branch.

Excluding tags and branches

Often a CVS repository contains tags and branches that will not be needed after the conversion to Subversion. You can instruct cvs2svn to exclude such symbols from the conversion, in which case they will not be present in the resulting Subversion repository. Please be careful when doing this; excluding symbols causes information that was present in CVS to be omitted in Subversion, thereby discarding potentially useful historical information. Also be aware that if you exclude a branch, then all CVS revisions that were committed to that branch will also be excluded.

To exclude a tag or branch, use the option --exclude=SYMBOL. You can also exclude a whole group of symbols matching a specified regular expression; for example, --exclude='RELEASE_0_.*'. (The regular expression has to match the whole symbol name for the rule to apply.)

However, please note the following restriction. If a branch has a subbranch or a tag on it, then the branch cannot be excluded unless the dependent symbol is also excluded. cvs2svn checks for this situation; if it occurs then CollateSymbolsPass outputs an error message like the following:

ERROR: The branch 'BRANCH' cannot be excluded because the following symbols depend on it:

In such a case you can either exclude the dependent symbol(s) (in this case by using --exclude=TAG --exclude=SUBBRANCH) or not exclude BRANCH.

Excluding vendor branches

There is one more special case related to branch handling. A vendor branch is a CVS branch that is used to track source code received from an outside source. A vendor branch typically has CVS branch number 1.1.1 and revision numbers,, etc. Vendor branches are created automatically whenever the cvs import command is used. Vendor branches have the strange property that, under certain circumstances, a file that appears on a vendor branch also implicitly exists on trunk. cvs2svn knows all about vendor branches and does its best to ensure that a file that appears on a vendor branch is also copied to trunk, to give Subversion behavior that is as close as possible to the CVS behavior.

However, often vendor branches exist for reasons unrelated to tracking outside sources. Indeed, some CVS documentation recommends using the cvs import command to import your own code into your CVS repository (which is arguably a misuse of the cvs import command). Vendor branches created by this practice are useless and would only serve to clutter up your Subversion repository. Therefore, cvs2svn allows vendor branches to be excluded, in which case the vendor branch revisions are grafted onto the history of trunk. This is allowed even if other branches or tags appear to sprout from the vendor branch, in which case the dependent tags are grafted to trunk as well. Such branches can be recognized in the --write-symbol-info output by looking for a symbol that is a "pure import" in the same number of files that it appears as a branch. It is typically advantageous to exclude such branches.

Tag/branch inconsistencies

In CVS, the same symbol can appear as a tag in some files (e.g., cvs tag SYMBOL file1.txt) and a branch in others (e.g., cvs tag -b SYMBOL file2.txt). Subversion takes a more global view of your repository, and therefore works better when each symbol is used in a self-consistent way—either always as a branch or always as a tag. cvs2svn provides features to help you resolve these ambiguities.

If your repository contains inconsistently-used symbols, then CollateSymbolsPass, by default, uses heuristics to decide which symbols to convert as branches and which as tags. Often this behavior will be adequate, and you don't have to do anything special. You can use the --write-symbol-info=FILENAME option to cause cvs2svn to list to FILENAME all of the symbols in your repository and how it chose to convert them.

However, if you want to take finer control over how symbols are converted, you can do so. The first step is probably to change the default symbol handling style from heuristic (the default value) to strict using the option --symbol-default=strict. With the strict setting, cvs2svn prints error messages and aborts the conversion if there are any ambiguous symbols. The error messages look like this:

ERROR: It is not clear how the following symbols should be converted.
Use --symbol-hints, --force-tag, --force-branch, --exclude, and/or
--symbol-default to resolve the ambiguity.
    'SYMBOL1' is a tag in 1 files, a branch in 2 files and has commits in 0 files
    'SYMBOL2' is a tag in 2 files, a branch in 1 files and has commits in 0 files
    'SYMBOL3' is a tag in 1 files, a branch in 2 files and has commits in 1 files

You have to tell cvs2svn how to fix the inconsistencies, then restart the conversion at CollateSymbolsPass.

There are three ways to deal with an inconsistent symbol: treat it as a tag, treat it as a branch, or exclude it from the conversion altogether.

In the example above, the symbol SYMBOL1 was used as a branch in two files but used as a tag in only one file. Therefore, it might make sense to convert it as a branch, by using the option --force-branch=SYMBOL1. However, no revisions were committed on this branch, so it would also be possible to convert it as a tag, by using the option --force-tag=SYMBOL1. If the symbol is not needed at all, it can be excluded by using --exclude=SYMBOL1.

Similarly, SYMBOL2 was used more often as a tag, but can still be converted as a branch or a tag, or excluded.

SYMBOL3, on the other hand, was sometimes used as a branch, and at least one revision was committed on the branch. It can be converted as a branch, using --force-branch=SYMBOL3. But it cannot be converted as a tag (because tags are not allowed to have revisions on them). If it is excluded, using --exclude=SYMBOL3, then both the branch and the revisions on the branch will be left out of the Subversion repository.

If you are not so picky about which symbols are converted as tags and which as branches, you can ask cvs2svn to decide by itself. To do this, specify the --symbol-default=OPTION, where OPTION can be either heuristic (the default; decide how to treat each ambiguous symbol based on whether it was used more often as a branch or as a tag in CVS), branch (treat every ambiguous symbol as a branch), or tag (treat every ambiguous symbol as a tag). You can use the --force-branch and --force-tag options to specify the treatment of particular symbols, in combination with --symbol-default to specify the default to be used for other ambiguous symbols.

Finally, you can have cvs2svn write a text file showing how each symbol was converted, by using the --write-symbol-info option. If you disagree with any of cvs2svn's choices, you can make a copy of this file, edit it, then pass it to cvs2svn by using the --symbol-hints option. In this manner you can influence how each symbol is converted and also the parent line of development of each symbol (the line of development from which the symbol sprouts).

Command line reference

cvs2svn [OPTIONS]... [-s SVN-REPOS-PATH|--dumpfile=PATH|--dry-run] CVS-REPOS-PATH
cvs2svn [OPTIONS]... --options=PATH
  • CVS-REPOS-PATH — The filesystem path of the part of the CVS repository that you want to convert. It is not possible to convert a CVS repository to which you only have remote access; see the FAQ for details. This doesn't have to be the top level directory of a CVS repository; it can point at a project within a repository, in which case only that project will be converted. This path or one of its parent directories has to contain a subdirectory called CVSROOT (though the CVSROOT directory can be empty).

Configuration via options file

  • --options=PATH — Read the conversion options from the specified file. See section "options file method" for more information.

Output options

  • -s PATH, --svnrepos PATH — Write the output of the conversion into a Subversion repository located at PATH. This option causes a new Subversion repository to be created at PATH unless the --existing-svnrepos option is also used.

  • --existing-svnrepos — Load the converted CVS repository into an existing Subversion repository, instead of creating a new repository. (This option should be used in combination with -s/--svnrepos.) The repository must either be empty or contain no paths that overlap with those that will result from the conversion. Please note that you need write permission for the repository files.

  • --fs-type=TYPE — Pass the --fs-type=TYPE option to svnadmin create if creating a new Subversion repository.

  • --bdb-txn-nosync — Pass the --bdb-txn-nosync switch to svnadmin create if creating a new Subversion repository.

  • --create-option=OPT — Pass OPT to svnadmin create if creating a new Subversion repository (can be specified multiple times to pass multiple options).

  • --dumpfile=PATH — Output the converted CVS repository into a Subversion dumpfile instead of a Subversion repository (useful for importing a CVS repository into an existing Subversion repository). PATH is the filename in which to store the dumpfile.

  • --dry-run — Do not create a repository or a dumpfile; just print the details of what cvs2svn would do if it were really converting your repository.

Conversion options

  • --trunk-only — Convert only the main line of development from the CVS repository (commonly referred to in Subversion parlance as "trunk"), ignoring all tags and branches.

  • --trunk=PATH — The top-level path to use for trunk in the Subversion repository. The default value is "trunk".

  • --branches=PATH — The top-level path to use for branches in the Subversion repository. The default value is "branches".

  • --tags=PATH — The top-level path to use for tags in the Subversion repository. The default value is "tags".

  • --include-empty-directories — Treat empty subdirectories within the CVS repository as actual directories, creating them when the parent directory is created and removing them if and when the parent directory is pruned.

  • --no-prune — When all files are deleted from a directory in the Subversion repository, don't delete the empty directory (the default is to delete any empty directories.

  • --encoding=ENC — Use ENC as the encoding for filenames, log messages, and author names in the CVS repos. (By using an --options file, it is possible to specify one set of encodings to use for filenames and a second set for log messages and author names.) This option may be specified multiple times, in which case the encodings are tried in order until one succeeds. Default: ascii. Other possible values include the standard Python encodings.

  • --fallback-encoding=ENC — If none of the encodings specified with --encoding succeed in decoding an author name or log message, then fall back to using ENC in lossy replace mode. Use of this option may cause information to be lost, but at least it allows the conversion to run to completion. This option only affects the encoding of log messages and author names; there is no fallback encoding for filenames. (By using an --options file, it is possible to specify a fallback encoding for filenames.) Default: disabled.

  • --no-cross-branch-commits — Prevent the creation of SVN commits that affect multiple branches or trunk and a branch. Instead, break such changesets into multiple commits, one per branch.

  • --retain-conflicting-attic-files — If a file appears both inside an outside of the CVS attic, retain the attic version in an SVN subdirectory called Attic. (Normally this situation is treated as a fatal error.)

Symbol handling

  • --symbol-transform=PAT:SUB — Transform RCS/CVS symbol names before entering them into Subversion. PAT is a Python regular expression pattern that is matched against the entire symbol name. If it matches, the symbol is replaced with SUB, which is a replacement pattern using Python's reference syntax. You may specify any number of these options; they will be applied in the order given on the command line.

    This option can be useful if you're converting a repository in which the developer used directory-wide symbol names like 1_0, 1_1 and 2_1 as a kludgy form of release tagging (the C-x v s command in Emacs VC mode encourages this practice). A command like

      cvs2svn --symbol-transform='([0-9])-(.*):release-\1.\2' -s SVN RCS

    will transform a local CVS repository into a local SVN repository, performing the following sort of mappings of RCS symbolic names to SVN tags:

    • 1-0release-1.0
    • 1-1release-1.1
    • 2-0release-2.0
  • --symbol-hints=PATH — Read symbol conversion hints from PATH. The format of PATH is the same as the format output by --write-symbol-info, namely a text file with four whitespace-separated columns:

      project-id symbol conversion svn-path parent-lod-name
    • project-id is the numerical ID of the project to which the symbol belongs, counting from 0. project-id can be set to . if project-specificity is not needed.
    • symbol-name is the name of the symbol being specified.
    • conversion specifies how the symbol should be converted, and can be one of the values branch, tag, or exclude. If conversion is ., then this rule does not affect how the symbol is converted.
    • svn-path is the name of the SVN path to which this line of development should be written. If svn-path is omitted or ., then this rule does not affect the SVN path of this symbol.
    • parent-lod-name is the name of the symbol from which this symbol should sprout, or .trunk. if the symbol should sprout from trunk. If parent-lod-name is omitted or ., then this rule does not affect the preferred parent of this symbol.

    The file may contain blank lines or comment lines (lines whose first non-whitespace character is #).

    The simplest way to use this option is to run the conversion through CollateSymbolsPass with --write-symbol-info option, copy the symbol info and edit it to create a hints file, then re-start the conversion at CollateSymbolsPass with this option enabled.

  • --symbol-default=OPT — Specify how to convert ambiguous symbols (i.e., those that appear in the CVS archive as both branches and tags). OPT is one of the following:

    • heuristic: Decide how to treat each ambiguous symbol based on whether it was used more often as a branch or tag in CVS. (This is the default behavior.)
    • strict: No default; every ambiguous symbol has to be resolved manually using --symbol-hints, --force-branch, --force-tag, or --exclude.
    • branch: Treat every ambiguous symbol as a branch.
    • tag: Treat every ambiguous symbols as a tag.
  • --force-branch=REGEXP Force symbols whose names match REGEXP to be branches.

  • --force-tag=REGEXP — Force symbols whose names match REGEXP to be tags. This will cause an error if such a symbol has commits on it.

  • --exclude=REGEXP — Exclude branches and tags whose names match REGEXP from the conversion.

  • --keep-trivial-imports — Do not exclude branches that were only used for a single import. (By default such branches are excluded because they are usually created by the inappropriate use of cvs import.)

Subversion properties

  • --username=NAME — Use NAME as the author for cvs2svn-synthesized commits (the default value is no author at all.

  • --auto-props=FILE — Specify a file in the format of Subversion's config file, whose [auto-props] section can be used to set arbitrary properties on files in the Subversion repository based on their filenames. (The [auto-props] section header must be present; other sections of the config file, including the enable-auto-props setting, are ignored.) Filenames are matched to the filename patterns case-insensitively, consistent with Subversion's behavior. The auto-props file might have content like this:

      *.txt = svn:mime-type=text/plain;svn:eol-style=native
      *.doc = svn:mime-type=application/msword;!svn:eol-style

    Please note that cvs2svn allows properties to be explicitly unset: if cvs2svn sees a setting like !svn:eol-style (with a leading exclamation point), it forces the property to remain unset, even if later rules would otherwise set the property.

  • --mime-types=FILE — Specify an apache-style mime.types file for setting svn:mime-type properties on files in the Subversion repository.

  • --eol-from-mime-type — For files that don't have the kb expansion mode but have a known mime type, set the eol-style based on the mime type. For such files, set the svn:eol-style property to native if the mime type begins with text/, and leave it unset (i.e., no EOL translation) otherwise. Files with unknown mime types are not affected by this option. This option has no effect unless the --mime-types option is also specified.

  • --default-eol=STYLE — Set svn:eol-style to STYLE for files that don't have the kb expansion mode and whose end-of-line translation mode hasn't been determined by one of the other options. STYLE can be binary (default), native, CRLF, LF, or CR.

  • --keywords-off — By default, cvs2svn sets svn:keywords on CVS files to Author Date Id Revision if the file's svn:eol-style property is set (see the --default-eol option). The --keywords-off switch prevents cvs2svn from setting svn:keywords for any file. (The result for files that do contain keyword strings is somewhat unexpected: the keywords will be left with the expansions that they had when committed to CVS, which is usually the expansion for the previous revision.)

  • --keep-cvsignore — Include .cvsignore files in the output. (Normally they are unneeded because cvs2svn sets the corresponding svn:ignore properties.)

  • --cvs-revnums — Record CVS revision numbers as file properties in the Subversion repository. (Note that unless it is removed explicitly, the last CVS revision number will remain associated with the file even after the file is changed within Subversion.)

Extraction options

  • --use-internal-co — Use internal code to extract the contents of CVS revisions. This is the default extraction option. This is up to 50% faster than --use-rcs, but needs a lot of disk space: roughly the size of your CVS repository plus the peak size of a complete checkout of the repository with all branches that existed and still had commits pending at a given time. If this option is used, the $Log$ keyword is not handled.

  • --use-rcs — Use RCS's co command to extract the contents of CVS revisions. RCS is much faster than CVS, but in certain rare cases it has problems with data that CVS can handle. Specifically:

    • RCS can't handle spaces in author names.
    • "Unterminated keyword" misread by RCS.
    • RCS handles the $Log$ keyword differently than CVS

    If you are having trouble in OutputPass of a conversion when using the --use-rcs option, the first thing to try is using the --use-cvs option instead.

  • --use-cvs — If RCS co is having trouble extracting CVS revisions, you may need to pass this flag, which causes cvs2svn to use CVS instead of RCS to read the repository. See --use-rcs for more information.

Environment options

  • --tmpdir=PATH — Use the directory PATH for all of cvs2svn's temporary data (which can be a lot of data). The default is to store the temporary data in a subdirectory under the platform's usual place for temporary files (e.g., /tmp). Please note that if you want to use the --passes feature, you have to pass the same --tmpdir option at each invocation.

  • --svnadmin=PATH — If the svnadmin program is not in your $PATH, you should specify its absolute path with this switch. (svnadmin is needed when the -s/--svnrepos output option is used.)

  • --co=PATH — If the co program (a part of RCS) is not in your $PATH you should specify its absolute path with this switch. (co is needed if the --use-rcs extraction option is used.)

  • --cvs=PATH — If the cvs program is not in your $PATH you should specify its absolute path with this switch. (cvs is needed if the --use-cvs extraction option is used.)

Partial conversions

  • -p PASS, --pass PASS — Execute only pass PASS of the conversion. PASS can be specified by name or by number (see --help-passes).

  • -p [START]:[END], --passes [START]:[END] — Execute passes START through END of the conversion (inclusive). START and END can be specified by name or by number (see --help-passes). If START or END is missing, it defaults to the first or last pass, respectively.

Information options

  • --version — Print the version number.

  • --help, -h — Print the usage message and exit with success.

  • --help-passes — Print the numbers and names of the conversion passes and exit with success.

  • --man — Write the manpage for this program to standard output.

  • --verbose, -v — Tell cvs2svn to print lots of information about what it's doing to stdout. This option can be specified twice to get debug-level output.

  • --quiet, -q — Tell cvs2svn to operate in quiet mode, printing little more than pass starts and stops to stdout. This option may be specified twice to suppress all non-error output.

  • --write-symbol-info=PATH — Write symbol statistics and information about how symbols were converted to PATH during CollateSymbolsPass. See --symbol-hints for a description of the output format.

  • --skip-cleanup — Prevent the deletion of the temporary files that cvs2svn creates in the process of conversion.

  • --profile — Dump Python cProfile profiling data to the file cvs2svn.cProfile. In Python 2.4 and earlier, if cProfile is not installed, it will instead dump Hotshot profiling data to the file cvs2svn.hotshot.

A Few Examples

To create a new Subversion repository by converting an existing CVS repository, run the script like this:

$ cvs2svn --svnrepos NEW_SVNREPOS CVSREPOS

To create a new Subversion repository containing only trunk commits, and omitting all branches and tags from the CVS repository, do

$ cvs2svn --trunk-only --svnrepos NEW_SVNREPOS CVSREPOS

To create a Subversion dumpfile (suitable for svnadmin load) from a CVS repository, run it like this:

$ cvs2svn --dumpfile DUMPFILE CVSREPOS

To use an options file to define all of the conversion parameters, specify --options:

$ cvs2svn --options OPTIONSFILE

As it works, cvs2svn creates many temporary files (see --tmpdir). This is normal. After a pass completes successfully, the temporary files that are no longer needed are deleted automatically. If a pass fails, or if you specify the --skip-cleanup option, cvs2svn will leave the temporary files behind for possible debugging and/or resumption of the pass using the --passes option.