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Azure PowerShell

Azure PowerShell and Git on Alpine Linux, for provisioning Azure resources


The following PowerShell modules are installed:


(All example commands assume a 'local' build of the Docker image is available.)

This Docker image supports automated resource provisioning and application deployment to Azure, by running a PowerShell script inside an optimized Docker container.

docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/root/work az -File deploy.ps1

When PowerShell starts and the credentials of an authorized service principal are present in the environment variables AZ_CLIENT_ID, AZ_CLIENT_SECRET, and AZ_TENANT_ID, they are used to connect to Azure (see Profile.ps1).

An example invocation that takes advantage of this is given below:

docker run --rm -it -e AZ_CLIENT_ID -e AZ_CLIENT_SECRET -e AZ_TENANT_ID az -Command "Get-AzDefault"

The global constant $CidContext provides default parameter values for several cmdlets, and is initialized based on the SCM system in use (e.g. Git) and the execution environment (e.g. GitHub Actions, or Azure Pipelines). During initialization the following environment variables, when set, are used to override the values:

  • CID_ARTIFACTS_PATH: the path used as output path for build commands
  • CID_COMMIT: the identifier of the commit that is checked out
  • CID_DEPLOYMENT: the unique name of the deployment, typically a concatenation of several other values
  • CID_ENVIRONMENT: the environment to which an application is being deployed, e.g. prd
  • CID_NAME: the name of the unit that is being deployed or published
  • CID_RUN: the ID of the run, also known as the build or the action, depending on the execution environment's nomenclature
    • Azure DevOps (Server) Pipelines: BUILD_BUILDID
    • Bitbucket Pipelines: BITBUCKET_BUILD_NUMBER
    • GitHub Actions: GITHUB_RUN_ID
    • GitLab CI/CD pipelines: CI_JOB_ID
    • TeamCity: BUILD_NUMBER
  • CID_RUNNER: the execution environment (az, bit, gh, gl, or tc), detection is based on CID_RUN
  • CID_SCM: e.g. git


How to: Run automated tests

docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/root/work pester -Output Detailed

How to: update PowerShell and Git

Find the Docker tag corresponding to a newer version of PowerShell on Alpine Linux here and update the FROM statement in the Dockerfile accordingly.

Find the current version of Git for the version of Alpine Linux used by the base image here, and update the corresponding apk add command in the Dockerfile accordingly.

After building the local Docker image run it to check the PowerShell and Git versions:

docker run --rm -it az -Version
docker run --rm -it az -Command "git --version"

How to: update Azure PowerShell

Check the latest version of the Az module and check its dependencies for updates of the PowerShell modules that are installed and update the -RequiredVersion argument in the corresponding Install-Module commands in the Dockerfile accordingly.

docker run --rm -it aws -Command "Get-Module"