Setja "strict": true í sdk tsconfig?
GITHUB ACTIONS Laga Static output fyrir typedocs
Generate a library:
nx g @nrwl/js:library
Generate an app:
# Nextjs app
nx g @nx/next:app my-new-app
# React app
nx g @nx/react:application sdk-example-react --directory examples/sdk-react
Generate a publishable library ( TODO : not currently using the nx way of publishing)
nx g @nrwl/react:lib sdk-provider --publishable --importPath @monerium/sdk-provider
Generate a component
nx g @nx/react:component libs/ui/src/my-component
Move an app
// Lets say we have app1 at apps/app1 and we want to move it to apps/examples/app1
nx g move --project app1 examples/app1
// Lets we want to rename apps/examples/app1 to apps/examples/app2
nx g move --project examples-app1 examples/app2
Want to release a specific version of a package?
Add "release-at": "x.x.x"
to .release-please-manifest.json
- [] Add instructions to provider README
- [] Reduce stuff in package