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71 lines (64 loc) · 1.9 KB

File metadata and controls

71 lines (64 loc) · 1.9 KB

Fonts parser


The fonts parser accepts a directory, which it'll recursively search for font files. Supported file types depend on the target platform, for example iOS only supports TTF and OTF font files.


The output context has the following structure:

  • families: Array — list of font families
    • name : String — name of the font family
    • fonts: Array — list of fonts in the font family
      • name : String — the font's postscript name
      • path : String — the path to the font, relative to the folder being scanned
      • style: String — the designer's description of the font's style, like "bold", "oblique", …


- fonts:
  - name: ".SFNSDisplay-Black"
    path: "Fonts/SFNSDisplay-Black.otf"
    style: "Black"
  - name: ".SFNSDisplay-Bold"
    path: "Fonts/SFNSDisplay-Bold.otf"
    style: "Bold"
  - name: ".SFNSDisplay-Heavy"
    path: "Fonts/SFNSDisplay-Heavy.otf"
    style: "Heavy"
  - name: ".SFNSDisplay-Regular"
    path: "Fonts/SFNSDisplay-Regular.otf"
    style: "Regular"
  name: ".SF NS Display"
- fonts:
  - name: ".SFNSText-Bold"
    path: "Fonts/SFNSText-Bold.otf"
    style: "Bold"
  - name: ".SFNSText-Heavy"
    path: "Fonts/SFNSText-Heavy.otf"
    style: "Heavy"
  - name: ".SFNSText-Regular"
    path: "Fonts/SFNSText-Regular.otf"
    style: "Regular"
  name: ".SF NS Text"
- fonts:
  - name: "Avenir-Black"
    path: "Fonts/Avenir.ttc"
    style: "Black"
  - name: "Avenir-BlackOblique"
    path: "Fonts/Avenir.ttc"
    style: "Black Oblique"
  - name: "Avenir-Book"
    path: "Fonts/Avenir.ttc"
    style: "Book"
  - name: "Avenir-Roman"
    path: "Fonts/Avenir.ttc"
    style: "Roman"
  name: "Avenir"
- fonts:
  - name: "ZapfDingbatsITC"
    path: "Fonts/ZapfDingbats.ttf"
    style: "Regular"
  name: "Zapf Dingbats"
- fonts:
  - name: "private"
    path: "Fonts/class.ttf"
    style: "internal"
  name: "public"