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File metadata and controls

566 lines (455 loc) · 23.1 KB



Torchserve metrics can be broadly classified into frontend and backend metrics.

Frontend Metrics:

  • API request status metrics
  • Inference request metrics
  • System utilization metrics

Note: System utilization metrics are collected periodically (default: once every minute)

Backend Metrics:

  • Default model metrics
  • Custom model metrics

Note: Torchserve provides an API to collect custom model metrics.

Default frontend and backend metrics are shown in the Default Metrics section.

Metrics Mode

Three metrics modes are supported, i.e log, prometheus and legacy with the default mode being log. The metrics mode can be configured using the metrics_mode configuration option in or TS_METRICS_MODE environment variable. For further details on and environment variable based configuration, refer Torchserve Configuration docs.

Log Mode

In log mode, metrics are logged and can be aggregated by metric agents. Metrics are collected by default at the following locations in log mode:

  • Frontend metrics - log_directory/ts_metrics.log
  • Backend metrics - log_directory/model_metrics.log

The location of log files and metric files can be configured in the log4j2.xml file

Prometheus Mode

In prometheus mode, metrics are made available in prometheus format via the metrics API endpoint.

Legacy Mode

legacy mode enables backwards compatibility with Torchserve releases <= 0.7.1, where:

  • ts_inference_requests_total, ts_inference_latency_microseconds and ts_queue_latency_microseconds are only available via the metrics API endpoint in prometheus format.
  • Frontend metrics are logged to log_directory/ts_metrics.log
  • Backend metrics are logged to log_directory/model_metrics.log

Note: To enable full backwards compatibility with releases <= 0.7.1, use legacy metrics mode with Model Metrics Auto-Detection enabled.

Getting Started

Using Example demonstrating Custom Metrics as reference:

  1. Create a custom metrics configuration file OR utilize the default metrics.yaml file.

  2. Set metrics_config argument equal to the yaml file path in the being used:


    If a metrics_config argument is not specified, the default metrics.yaml config file will be used.

  3. Set the metrics mode you would like, using the metrics_mode configuration option in or TS_METRICS_MODE environment variable. If not set, log mode will be used by default.

  4. Use Custom Metrics API to emit custom metrics if any, in the handler.

  5. Run torchserve and specify the path to file after ts-config flag:

    torchserve --ncs --start --model-store model_store --models my_model=model.mar --ts-config /<path>/<to>/<config>/<file>/

  6. Collect metrics depending on mode chosen:

    If log mode, check:

    • Frontend metrics - log_directory/ts_metrics.log
    • Backend metrics - log_directory/model_metrics.log

    Else, if using prometheus mode, use the Metrics API endpoint.

Metrics Configuration

TorchServe defines metrics configuration in a yaml file, including both frontend metrics (i.e. ts_metrics) and backend metrics (i.e. model_metrics). When TorchServe is started, the metrics definition is loaded and makes the corresponding metrics available either as logs or via the metrics API endpoint based on the metrics_mode configuration.

Dynamic updates to the metrics configuration file is not supported. In order to account for updates made to the metrics configuration file, Torchserve will need to be restarted.

Model Metrics Auto Detection

By default, metrics that are not defined in the metrics configuration file will not be logged in the metrics log files or made available via the metrics API endpoint. Backend model metrics can be auto-detected by setting model_metrics_auto_detect to true in or using the TS_MODEL_METRICS_AUTO_DETECT environment variable. By default, model metrics auto-detection is disabled.

Warning: Using auto-detection of backend metrics will have performance impact in the form of latency overhead, typically at model load and first inference for a given model. This cold start behavior is because, it is during model load and first inference that new metrics are typically emitted by the backend and is detected and registered by the frontend. Subsequent inferences could also see performance impact if new metrics are updated for the first time. For use cases where multiple models are loaded/unloaded often, the latency overhead can be mitigated by specifying known metrics in the metrics configuration file, ahead of time.

Metrics Configuration Format

The metrics configuration yaml file is formatted with Prometheus Metric Types terminology:

dimensions: # dimension aliases
  - &model_name "ModelName"
  - &level "Level"

ts_metrics:  # frontend metrics
  counter:  # metric type
    - name: NameOfCounterMetric  # name of metric
      unit: ms  # unit of metric
      dimensions: [*model_name, *level]  # dimension names of metric (referenced from the above dimensions dict)
    - name: NameOfGaugeMetric
      unit: ms
      dimensions: [*model_name, *level]
    - name: NameOfHistogramMetric
      unit: ms
      dimensions: [*model_name, *level]

model_metrics:  # backend metrics
  counter:  # metric type
    - name: InferenceTimeInMS  # name of metric
      unit: ms  # unit of metric
      dimensions: [*model_name, *level]  # dimension names of metric (referenced from the above dimensions dict)
    - name: NumberOfMetrics
      unit: count
      dimensions: [*model_name]
    - name: GaugeModelMetricNameExample
      unit: ms
      dimensions: [*model_name, *level]
    - name: HistogramModelMetricNameExample
      unit: ms
      dimensions: [*model_name, *level]

Note: When adding custom model_metrics in the metrics configuration file, ensure to include ModelName and Level dimension names towards the end of the list of dimensions since they are included by default by the following custom metrics APIs: add_metric, add_counter, add_time, add_size and add_percent.

Default Metrics Configuration

Default metrics are provided in the default metrics configuration file metrics.yaml.

Metric Types

TorchServe Metrics use Metric Types that are in line with the Prometheus Metric Types.

Metric types are an attribute of Metric objects. Users will be restricted to the existing metric types when adding custom metrics.

class MetricTypes(enum.Enum):
    COUNTER = "counter"
    GAUGE = "gauge"
    HISTOGRAM = "histogram"

Default Metrics

Default Frontend Metrics

Metric Name Type Unit Dimensions Semantics
Requests2XX counter Count Level, Hostname Total number of requests with response in 200-300 status code range
Requests4XX counter Count Level, Hostname Total number of requests with response in 400-500 status code range
Requests5XX counter Count Level, Hostname Total number of requests with response status code above 500
ts_inference_requests_total counter Count model_name, model_version, hostname Total number of inference requests received
ts_inference_latency_microseconds counter Microseconds model_name, model_version, hostname Total inference latency in Microseconds
ts_queue_latency_microseconds counter Microseconds model_name, model_version, hostname Total queue latency in Microseconds
QueueTime gauge Milliseconds Level, Hostname Time spent by a job in request queue in Milliseconds
WorkerThreadTime gauge Milliseconds Level, Hostname Time spent in worker thread excluding backend response time in Milliseconds
WorkerLoadTime gauge Milliseconds WorkerName, Level, Hostname Time taken by worker to load model in Milliseconds
CPUUtilization gauge Percent Level, Hostname CPU utilization on host
MemoryUsed gauge Megabytes Level, Hostname Memory used on host
MemoryAvailable gauge Megabytes Level, Hostname Memory available on host
MemoryUtilization gauge Percent Level, Hostname Memory utilization on host
DiskUsage gauge Gigabytes Level, Hostname Disk used on host
DiskUtilization gauge Percent Level, Hostname Disk used on host
DiskAvailable gauge Gigabytes Level, Hostname Disk available on host
GPUMemoryUtilization gauge Percent Level, DeviceId, Hostname GPU memory utilization on host, DeviceId
GPUMemoryUsed gauge Megabytes Level, DeviceId, Hostname GPU memory used on host, DeviceId
GPUUtilization gauge Percent Level, DeviceId, Hostname GPU utilization on host, DeviceId

Default Backend Metrics

Metric Name Type Unit Dimensions Semantics
HandlerTime gauge ms ModelName, Level, Hostname Time spent in backend handler
PredictionTime gauge ms ModelName, Level, Hostname Backend prediction time

Custom Metrics API

TorchServe enables the handler to emit custom metrics that are then made available based on the configured metrics_mode.

Example with custom handler showing usage of custom metrics APIs.

The custom handler code is provided with a context of the current request consisting of a metrics object:

# Access metrics object in context as follows
def initialize(self, context):
    metrics = context.metrics

Note: The custom metrics API is not to be confused with the metrics API endpoint which is a HTTP API that is used to fetch metrics in the prometheus format.

Default Dimensions

Metrics will have a couple of default dimensions if not already specified:

  • ModelName: {name_of_model}
  • Level: Model

Create Dimension Object(s)

Dimensions for metrics can be defined as objects

from ts.metrics.dimension import Dimension

# Dimensions are name value pairs
dim1 = Dimension(name, value)
dim2 = Dimension(some_name, some_value)
dimN= Dimension(name_n, value_n)

Add Generic Metrics

Generic metrics default to COUNTER metric type

Function API to add generic metrics without default dimensions

    def add_metric_to_cache(
        metric_name: str,
        unit: str,
        dimension_names: list = [],
        metric_type: MetricTypes = MetricTypes.COUNTER,
    ) -> CachingMetric:
        Create a new metric and add into cache. Override existing metric if already present.

        metric_name str
            Name of metric
        unit str
            unit can be one of ms, percent, count, MB, GB or a generic string
        dimension_names list
            list of dimension name strings for the metric
        metric_type MetricTypes
            Type of metric Counter, Gauge, Histogram
        newly created Metrics object

CachingMetric APIs to update a metric

    def add_or_update(
        value: int or float,
        dimension_values: list = [],
        request_id: str = "",
    Update metric value, request id and dimensions

    value : int, float
        metric to be updated
    dimension_values : list
        list of dimension value strings
    request_id : str
        request id to be associated with the metric
    def update(
        value: int or float,
        request_id: str = "",
        dimensions: list = [],
    BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY: Update metric value

    value : int, float
        metric to be updated
    request_id : str
        request id to be associated with the metric
    dimensions : list
        list of Dimension objects
# Example usage
metrics = context.metrics
# Add metric
distance_metric = metrics.add_metric_to_cache(name='DistanceInKM', unit='km', dimension_names=[...])
# Update metric
distance_metric.add_or_update(value=distance, dimension_values=[...], request_id=context.get_request_id())
# OR
distance_metric.update(value=distance, request_id=context.get_request_id(), dimensions=[...])

Note: Calling add_metric_to_cache will not emit the metric, add_or_update will need to be called on the metric object as shown above.

Function API to add generic metrics with default dimensions

    def add_metric(
        name: str,
        value: int or float,
        unit: str,
        idx: str = None,
        dimensions: list = [],
        metric_type: MetricTypes = MetricTypes.COUNTER,
        Add a generic metric
            Default metric type is counter

        name : str
            metric name
        value: int or float
            value of the metric
        unit: str
            unit of metric
        idx: str
            request id to be associated with the metric
        dimensions: list
            list of Dimension objects for the metric
        metric_type MetricTypes
            Type of metric Counter, Gauge, Histogram
# Example usage
metrics = context.metrics
metric = metrics.add_metric(name='DistanceInKM', value=10, unit='km', dimensions=[...])

Add Time-Based Metrics

Time-based metrics default to GAUGE metric type

    def add_time(self, name: str, value: int or float, idx=None, unit: str = 'ms', dimensions: list = None,
                 metric_type: MetricTypes = MetricTypes.GAUGE):
        Add a time based metric like latency, default unit is 'ms'
            Default metric type is gauge

        name : str
            metric name
        value: int
            value of metric
        idx: int
            request_id index in batch
        unit: str
            unit of metric,  default here is ms, s is also accepted
        dimensions: list
            list of Dimension objects for the metric
        metric_type: MetricTypes
           type for defining different operations, defaulted to gauge metric type for Time metrics

Note: Default unit is ms

Supported units: ['ms', 's']

# Example usage
metrics = context.metrics
metrics.add_time(name='InferenceTime', value=end_time-start_time, idx=None, unit='ms', dimensions=[...])

Add Size-Based Metrics

Size-based metrics default to GAUGE metric type

    def add_size(self, name: str, value: int or float, idx=None, unit: str = 'MB', dimensions: list = None,
                 metric_type: MetricTypes = MetricTypes.GAUGE):
        Add a size based metric
            Default metric type is gauge

        name : str
            metric name
        value: int, float
            value of metric
        idx: int
            request_id index in batch
        unit: str
            unit of metric, default here is 'MB', 'kB', 'GB' also supported
        dimensions: list
            list of Dimension objects for the metric
        metric_type: MetricTypes
           type for defining different operations, defaulted to gauge metric type for Size metrics

Note: Default unit is MB.

Supported units: ['MB', 'kB', 'GB', 'B']

# Example usage
metrics = context.metrics
metrics.add_size(name='SizeOfImage', value=img_size, idx=None, unit='MB', dimensions=[...])

Add Percentage-Based Metrics

Percentage-based metrics default to a GAUGE metric type

    def add_percent(self, name: str, value: int or float, idx=None, dimensions: list = None,
                    metric_type: MetricTypes = MetricTypes.GAUGE):
        Add a percentage based metric
            Default metric type is gauge

        name : str
            metric name
        value: int, float
            value of metric
        idx: int
            request_id index in batch
        dimensions: list
            list of Dimension objects for the metric
        metric_type: MetricTypes
           type for defining different operations, defaulted to gauge metric type for Percent metrics

Inferred unit: percent

# Example usage
metrics = context.metrics
metrics.add_percent(name='MemoryUtilization', value=utilization_percent, idx=None, dimensions=[...])

Add Counter-Based Metrics

Counter-based metrics default to COUNTER metric type

    def add_counter(self, name: str, value: int or float, idx=None, dimensions: list = None):
        Add a counter metric or increment an existing counter metric
            Default metric type is counter
        name : str
            metric name
        value: int or float
            value of metric
        idx: int
            request_id index in batch
        dimensions: list
            list of Dimension objects for the metric
# Example usage
metrics = context.metrics
metrics.add_counter(name='CallCount', value=call_count, idx=None, dimensions=[...])

Inferred unit: count

Getting A Metric

Users can get a metric from the cache. The CachingMetric object is returned, so the user can access the methods of CachingMetric to update the metric: (i.e. CachingMetric.add_or_update(value, dimension_values), CachingMetric.update(value, dimensions))

    def get_metric(
        metric_name: str,
        metric_type: MetricTypes = MetricTypes.COUNTER,
) -> CachingMetric:
    Create a new metric and add into cache

    metric_name str
        Name of metric

    metric_type MetricTypes
        Type of metric Counter, Gauge, Histogram

    Metrics object or MetricsCacheKeyError if not found
# Example usage
metrics = context.metrics
# Get metric
gauge_metric = metrics.get_metric(metric_name = "GaugeMetricName", metric_type = MetricTypes.GAUGE)
# Update metric
gauge_metric.add_or_update(value=gauge_metric_value, dimension_values=[...], request_id=context.get_request_id())
# OR
gauge_metric.update(value=gauge_metric_value, request_id=context.get_request_id(), dimensions=[...])