Please add your company name and initial use case (optional) below.
- Intuit - Streaming ML inference and to prepare data for ML model training in real-time.
- B|Cubed - Digital Signal Processing Communication Systems. We receive RF energy and use numaflows to transform the RF to individual bits into intelligible data.
- Atlan - Numaflow powers real time notifications, stream processing ecosystem at Atlan.
- Valegachain Analytics Numaflow is used to extract, transform, and load cryptocurrency blocks and mempool transactions in data lakes, as well as for activity alerts.
- Lockheed Martin Perform ELT processing on high and low volume data streams of sensor data as recieved from IOT type systems.
- Seekr Numaflow coordinates multiple ML pipelines to rate and extract information from the pipeline input.
- BEUMER Group - Signal processing for IoT-sensors, providing predictive maintenance solutions for the Intra-logistics sector.
- NTT - AI/ML pipeline for realizing Accelerator Chaining. Presented at KubeCon EU 25.