This document shows how to run a custom build of both the machine-api-operator (MAO) and the BareMetal Machine actuator, cluster-api-provider-baremetal (CAPBM).
This is helpful if you want to try some changes not in the current release image. You can check with a command like:
oc adm release info --commits | grep baremetal
It’s assumed that you start by bringing up a cluster as usual.
The cluster-version-operator needs to be told to stop managing the machine-api-operator's Deployment. Without this, it will scale the MAO back up within a few minutes of you scaling it down.
Then the deployment running the machine-api-operator needs to be scaled down to stop the service.
Both of these steps are handled by the "" script.
If you want to run a custom version of the cluster-api-provider-baremetal (CAPB or "actuator"), you need to disable the version the machine-api-operator started. You do not need to follow this step if you are only going to run a custom version of the baremetal-operator.
oc delete deployment -n openshift-machine-api machine-api-controllers
git clone
cd machine-api-operator
# Make any necessary changes
make machine-api-operator
If you have trouble building the MAO with the above command, you can try running podman manually. Fix the paths to reflect your environment, first.
sudo podman run --rm -v "/home/${USER}/go/src/":/go/src/ -w /go/src/ golang:1.10 ./hack/ machine-api-operator
This step is only needed if you want to run a custom build of the actuator, and not just a custom build of the MAO.
cd ..
git clone
cd cluster-api-provider-baremetal
# Make necessary changes
podman build -t .
podman login
podman push
After building your custom CAPBM image, you will need to create a custom images file for the MAO to use.
cd ../machine-api-operator
cp pkg/operator/fixtures/images.json custom-images.json
Edit custom-images.json
to have a modified image for the BareMetal case:
"clusterAPIControllerAWS": "",
"clusterAPIControllerOpenStack": "",
"clusterAPIControllerLibvirt": "",
"machineAPIOperator": "",
"clusterAPIControllerBareMetal": "",
"clusterAPIControllerAzure": ""
to extract the images being used by the current
machine-api-operator if you have not customized the list:
./ > custom-images.json
Update the kubeconfig
path to reflect your own environment.
bin/machine-api-operator start --images-json=custom-images.json --kubeconfig=/home/${USER}/dev-scripts/ocp/$CLUSTER_NAME/auth/kubeconfig -v 4
metal3 relies on ironic, a database, and other services that normally
run inside the cluster. These can be launched with the script
"metal3-dev/". The script stops the machine-api-operator,
scales down the Deployment containing the services related to the
baremetal-operator, and creates a new Deployment called
"metal3-development" containing everything the baremetal-operator
relies on. Finally, it uses the source in
to build and run a
version of the baremetal-operator from source, including updating the
CRD for the BareMetalHost.
To restore the version of the baremetal-operator deployed with the cluster, run
The cluster API provider component is part of a Pod created by the machine-api-operator. The same Pod runs several other components which must be running for the cluster to function properly. The script
"metal3-dev/". The script stops the
machine-api-operator, scales down the Deployment it created, and
creates a new Deployment called "capbm-development" containing
everything the old Deployment contained except for the
cluster-api-provider-baremetal. Finally, it runs make run
to build
and run a version of CAPBM from source.
To restore the version of CAPBM deployed with the cluster, run