Temporarily skip diagnostic tests on GitHub Actions.
Temporarily skip diagnostic tests on GitHub Actions.
Clear LSP log after each unit test.
Clear LSP log after each unit test.
Improve code action support.
Improve code action support.
Diagnostic and code action test should start with unused include.
Diagnostic and code action test should start with unused include.
Added support for code actions and workspace edits.
Added support for code actions and workspace edits.
Only lazy-load Textadept documentation when using Textadept's Lua ser…
Only lazy-load Textadept documentation when using Textadept's Lua ser…
Revert publishDiagnostics workaround and fixed representation of empt…
Revert publishDiagnostics workaround and fixed representation of empt…
Lua LSP recognizes conventional 'M' as the current module.
Lua LSP recognizes conventional 'M' as the current module.
Fixed clangd check in tests.
Fixed clangd check in tests.
Enable clangd tests locally on macOS.
Enable clangd tests locally on macOS.
Fixed autocompletion lists when items have spaces in them.
Fixed autocompletion lists when items have spaces in them.
Pass userhome (log dir) to server.lua.
Pass userhome (log dir) to server.lua.
Workaround buggy language servers by explicitly sending a capabilitie…
Workaround buggy language servers by explicitly sending a capabilitie…
Updated dkjson dependency URL.
Updated dkjson dependency URL.
Notify servers that diagnostics are supported.
Notify servers that diagnostics are supported.
Updated copyright information.
Updated copyright information.
Added release note for GitHub Actions.
Added release note for GitHub Actions.
does not exist in the terminal version.
does not exist in the terminal version.Query for updated diagnostics if the buffer has since been modified.
Query for updated diagnostics if the buffer has since been modified.
Fixed inaccurate recording of 'goto' position for history navigation.
Fixed inaccurate recording of 'goto' position for history navigation.
Fixed active parameter calculation if documented Lua function uses ':'.
Fixed active parameter calculation if documented Lua function uses ':'.
winapi may not be needed on Windows after all.
winapi may not be needed on Windows after all.
Fixed incorrect require from r142.
Fixed incorrect require from r142.
Work around Scintilla repeatedly sending SCN_DWELLSTART on Windows an…
Work around Scintilla repeatedly sending SCN_DWELLSTART on Windows an…
Fixed GitHub Actions workflow syntax error.
Fixed GitHub Actions workflow syntax error.
Lua language server on Windows uses winapi for background process exe…
Lua language server on Windows uses winapi for background process exe…