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Cherno.x Cherno-x
Security Engineer and RedTeam


Reverse engineer and pentester. Specializing in embedded hardware, firmware, and ELF binaries.

@wreckinglabs Canada

weekndr_sec ndr-repo
Pentester, Ethical Hacker, DFIR Analyst. Living off the land since 2024.

New York, NY

elliott elliottl
I'm what the youth call an OG.

Montreal, QC

jimicidal jimicidal
All content is mine unless otherwise noted.
B0y1n4o4 B0y1n4o4
Penetration Testing Engineer


Ceramicskate0 ceramicskate0
Hi 👋, Another unpopular former Red Teamer🥇 here. CRTO, CISSP, OASP, CEH, SEC+, NET+ SOC survivor

Looking for new opportunities Looking for new opportunities

Mohamed Belgazem mohamedbelgazem
Computer Science Engineering Student | Cybersecurity Enthusiast

Casablanca, Morocco

Youssef Hesham iossefy
a so-called hacker


Ross rossSec
BSc Ethical Hacker @ Abertay University OSCP+ Certified
Just a “haughty” Stargazer


0xsyr0 0xsyr0
Security engineer, penetration tester, red teamer and capture the flag player. Currently hacking for the highest (legal) bidder.

0x000000E3 Error: Unable to resolve

CyFun S4CH
Security Researcher | Red Teamer | CTF Player

iZOOlogic Inc India


World World

the scriptest kid u know
João Costa Jhounx
Cyber Security Analyst

Salvador, Bahia, Brasil

Thomas Wilson twilson-bf
Hacker @ Bishop Fox
