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Joshua Koehler joshua-koehler
Software engineer building cloud native architecture at Gen.


Blake Scampone MasterTemple
Computer Science Graduate from Biola University
Pablo R. Dinella PabloDinella

Elvenworks São Paulo, SP

Scott Walter ScottJWalter
Just another digital nomad roaming the information superhighway, looking for adventure and enlightenment.

Minneapolis, MN

Gregory Jordan lordfrishetti1
Christian, husband, father of 6, composer, songwriter, hymnologist, and, on occasion, a software engineer.

Birmingham Metro, Alabama, USA

Gabe Wilson g-i-w
Follower of Jesus; husband and father of four; hardware & software innovator.

TriVector Services NASA Marshall Space Flight Center

Jose Francisco Falanga josefalanga

San Martin, Mendoza, Argentina

Agne Tallroth AgneTallroth
Jesus Kristus är HERREN.


Mark G. Bilby mgbilby
Digital Humanist doing all the things | PhD, RS/JCA (Virginia) | MSLIS (Drexel) | Principal, Clavis Consulting, LLC (Kansas) | Member, Optimized IP, LLC (Calif)

Clavis Consulting, LLC (Kansas) United States

Guilherme Mourão guipmourao
Data-Driven Marketing Strategist, Front End Developer, SEO Specialist and Biker

Brasil Belo Horizonte

Dan biblenerd
Husband, father, thinker, anachronism detector, coder, and geek. That sentence was intentionally written with an Oxford Comma.


FreeBSD<$>Haskell<*>Emacs >>= Fire
Rene Nyffenegger ReneNyffenegger

Digitale Daten Winterthur-Zürich-Switzerland

Robert RobH123
Long-time promoter of open-licensed Bible-related software and resources.

@Freely-Given-org New Zealand