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Akash Pandey akashkod

@Kodnest Bangalore

Tyler Richards tjrgg
Co-Founder @trpkit

@Trpkit Minnesota

tcarson cpiprint
Developer from the Windy City.

CPIprint Chicago

Jesse Hoppo Jesse-11
Current software Engineering student(Honours), with a focus on ai and smart technologies.


Johannes Schießl johannesschiessl
Building Memorics. 16 y/o Student and Developer.

Building Memorics @ignotumdev Germany

Ice Lin smalltide
將來銀行 應用開發部 國立台北科技大學 電機工程博士 林鴻斌 (Ice)

NEXTBANK Taipei, Taiwan

Aziz Bouali saaya-code
A software engineer, trying to make an impact.

Tunis, Tunisia

Nathaniel Anzo Mugenyi anzonathan
I talk to computers... and sometimes Humans

Baseline Uganda

Nikodem Wrona nikodem-wrona
Full Stack Software Engineer @ Pickatale

Pickatale Kraków

Vojtěch Pavelka vojtechpavelka
Product Designer. Previously Productboard
Jack Jack5316
Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Electronic Science & Technology


Stíofán ♔ Ó Conchubhair theWhiteFox
👋 Hi, I'm Stephen! Learning, designing, and building Web UI apps with the latest tech. 🚀

Hybrid Dublin

Salim Ali Salim-Ali-94
i am an engineer working in the field of full-stack development

HealthDart South Africa

Alex Martin alexmartinfr
Holistic devsigner delighted by good UX

Nouvelle Aquitaine, France

jamie dunne jamiePDunne
Trading Technology

QTS Asia Hong Kong

Abed Abu-Hijleh aabuhijleh
TypeScript zealot, BSc in Computer Engineering, PhD in Googling

West Bank

Rafa RafaBlockDev
Entrepreneur and Fintech Consultant 🌎


Jacob Smith jacobsmith928
Former @packethost and @equinix. Currently investing and working on new things.

Humans of the Internet Vermont, USA

Anand Singh anand-rdps
IT Admin @rdpublicschool.

@rdpublicschool India

Vinny ViniciusBatestin
A coding enthusiast with a desire to learn and grow in the field of computer science.

Barcelona, ES

Oskar Boëthius Lissheim avocade
Founder & CTO at Multiply. We're 100% remote-first, and always on the lookout for Clojure & AI superstars. Ping me for an IRL fika @ Norrsken House, Stockholm.

@multiplyco Stockholm, Sweden

daniyal abbaszadeh dnyall
Front-End developer


ShenSeanChen ShenSeanChen
Who you are defines how you build. Think big, start small, work hard. / Founder / prev @mit @google /,, VCE.SmartLingo.
Anmol Gangwar cyberboyanmol
Learning how to Learn