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Heet Sankesara Hsankesara
Working at @RADAR-base in London | Deep learning Blogger

@RADAR-base London

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


ssswhite007 ssswhite007
AI || Software Engineer || Web-Based 3D developer
Yoan Blanc greut


Marco marcospruit

Leiden University NL

chrysa episkopou xrysanthemo
task failed successfully

Multimedia Understanding Group (MUG)

Bahador Marzban bmarzban
Principal Data Scientist at Johnson & Johnson

University of Michigan

Aditya Mishra this-Aditya
Intern at @RADAR-base

@RADAR-base India

Akhilesh Manda AkhileshManda
Mobile @CRED-Dev. Prev @Zu-Tech @Purple-Pay . Open Source Lead @GDSC-IIIT-V. Prep-Fellow @MLH-Fellowship. Core team member @iiitv.


Shashank Rana shashankRanaNW
I am Shashank Rana, 4thie at BITS Goa. ex SDE intern at JPMC, Jio Platforms. Currently working on Native android development and Federated Learning.


Vinicius Vollrath viniciusvollrath
Nem Freud explica!

@Classroom-Pro Brasil

Nupoor Shetye Nupoor10
Open Source Enthusiast👩‍💻 || Web Developer💻 || Book Lover 📖


Johan van Bussel JohanvanBussel

Sciensano Brussels (Belgium)

Yuvaraj L skyrocknroll
Simplicity Driven Developer/Architect


Yatharth Ranjan yatharthranjan
A tech enthusiast with hunger for new technologies. Proficient in backend tech. Studied MSc Intelligent Systems at King's College London. Working at @RADAR-base

@RADAR-base @KHP-Informatics @phidatalab @Onsentia London, UK

eric o mrG7

Π ∩ ϟ Waterloo Canada

Safvan P safvan8
👨‍💻Java Developer

Infosys Banglore

Salman Maqbool salmanmaq

@psychiatrai Islamabad, Pakistan

Ceballos-Sandoval A ceballos-san-md
| MD | @UdeG | Researcher @ HCGFAA | Densitometrist @ INTEC |

@UdeG Guadalajara, México

Jonas Van Der Donckt jonasvdd
Toying around with not-so-small datasets.

Ugent Belgium

Chris Tomlinson tomlincr
Critical Care Doctor | PhD @ UCL CDT in AI-enabled Healthcare

@ucl-ihi Guildford, Surrey, UK

Thiago Calomino ThiagoClmn
Electrical Engineering Undergraduate. Main skills: Linux, Javascript and Python

University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil São Paulo, Brazil

Junjie Zhou jzhou59
Hi, I was a CS student but didn't work related. Despite busy work, I'm still interested in open source, hoping by chance integrating into it again.

Southeast University Jiangsu