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Daniel Filgueira tech3br
Software Architect with experience in Frontend and Backend but with knowledge in design, database and devops. São Paulo, Brazil

Roman Kunshin RomanK2311
I love Android and programs and I also love Material You and Goa Trance. ❤️

@Xiaomi @1Password Russian Federation, Republic of Udmurtia

Fars abdraouf farsabdraouf
Front-end Developer

Djelfa, Algeria

Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Kesara ImalKesara
Developer 💻

University Of Ruhuna in BICT Sri Lanka

Hunter Rose HunterR0se
Red, White, & Black

Genesis Block

wir3sh4rk wir3sh4rk
Time to learn!!
Mohammadreza Hendiani Man2Dev
Fedora linux package maintainer | Fedora AI-ML sig member 🤖 | Advocate for Open Source 🌐 | Passionate about secure and transparent technology 🌍
Roland Gaida rgaida

Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics Germany

Lotusify lotusify
Lotus is a plant that never fails to make a splash wherever it grows.

The World

Ayslan Batista AyslanBatista
Offensive Security | Pentester | Malware Analysis | Exploit Development | Python | Learning Rust


Amirreza Aliakbari AmirTheFree
Beyond ideologies, someone is trying to live in reality... 🙃 FOSS 🐧


Flávio João Félix flaviojoaofelix
Full Stack Web Developer, passionate about technology.

Dígitro Florianópolis/SC

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Danilo DaniloCDev
- aspiring developer


philo san philopaterwaheed
a science college student ,Cairo uni cs student , c++ fanboy , /dev/linux
Marco Becerra Unfiw

Guadalajara, Jalisco

The Yemeni King mohy7792

The Yemeni king personally world

UmmIt UmmItC
y1 cyber seucrity student who loves pentest-related topics (red teaming) and GNU/Linux enthusiast. Learning hacking all the times :)

Hyprland & Arch Linux Hong Kong

Rodrigo Ortiz rodrago3490

@Node-Estudios Spain

Romish romish17
LR City


SneakyMthrFckr turdfurgeson78
Never underestimate, the sneakiness.
Marcella Fiori de Oliveira Miohri
Estudante de Ciência da Computação

São Paulo, Brasil

EforEntropy eforentropy
Entropy wanna be increase
Fabricio Jordán FabrizioJordan
Web developer. Astro and JS lover. Bash? Yes. Open Source and Gaming enjoyer. 20/100

Montevideo, Uruguay