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EmreBalkay MicroTecnoloji
Developer Center ...
LoCTF loctf-just-for-fun
just a guy who love hacking and anime
Luca Builditluc
CS student at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology


lstuma lstuma
Student @ KIT


Fakecrafter Fakecrafter
Guy who is interested in Math and Computer Science
Mauro Risonho de Paula Assumpção firebitsbr
Pencil/Paper, Algorithm, Telex, Sharp ELSI MATE IEL-8016R(my mother's calculator), AppleII, MSX2, Pentium 75Mhz ... IBM Quantum. Transcending Digitally...

Universe Universe

Rafael A. sh0z
Security Researcher/Reverse Engineering x86/x64 since 2007 - C/C++, NodeJS - Windows Kernel Driver Developer - MongoDB Certification - AWS Certification


Ziad Ali (ZIX) ziadaligom3a
Cyber Security student - Ethical hacker - Programmer - German student

Still studying Egypt

Christ Bowel BOUCHUEN Christbowel
🍂💻 Junior penetration tester 🇨🇲🇫🇷 Ethical hacker | CTF player | Bug hunter | CAP | EHE | 0xdeadbeef 🔥👨‍💻

Hackers Without Borders

Felix Ludwig Vetrox


Bastian Engel Baseng0815
CS student, hobbyist C/C++ programmer and Linux enthusiast. I use Arch, btw.

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie Germany, Baden-Württemberg

Rahul Varma Astrotony
intrested in hacking resources...
lexi 13x1
i code stuff 🏳️‍⚧️ i also play CTF and do security research

:3 maf1a Germany

Robert Brune sqrt0b1000
🦋 Beschuldigt keine Schmetterlinge!


Idan Maman idanmaman2
Idan Maman

None Jerusalem, Israel

Idan BananI IdanBanani
Low level SW Security, Reverse engineering , Vulnerability research, Exploits development. CTF player @CamelRiders

Idan Banani Israel

Computer Science Student at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie Karlsruhe

Christoph Wolf teccheck
Hello There


hfz hfz1337
Security enthusiast | @project-sekai-ctf


Tobias Manske rad4day
IT Consultant in South Germany

Karlsruhe, Germany

