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Lauren Weiss sealauren
Assistant Professor of Physics, University of Notre Dame

@California-Planet-Search Notre Dame, IN

Luiz Fernando luizfernandoin
⌨ Student of Systems Analysis and Development and Computer Technician (IFPB, Cajazeiras campus). Seeking to solve new problems and meet new people!

IFPB Monte Horebe - PB

Charley Naney epinhoodceo
Epidemiologist, Advocate, Medic, Data Scientist, DBA, Husband, Father, Co-Founder and CEO of The Epinhood.

@The-Epinhood North Carolina

Jamal Ahmad Malik jahmalik

@commercewit Multan, Punjab, Pakistan

Daniel danhey
Mostly harmless

University of Hawai'i Hawai'i

Liam Arbuckle Gizmotronn
I'm building interactive worlds to help revolutionise citizen science & make the blockchain more eco-friendly. #DieWerkself 🎈🖤

@Signal-K, @desci-labs, New Millennium Committee @planetary-society Melbourne, Australia

Nicholas Saunders nksaunders
exoplanetary astronomy in Hawai‘i

University of Hawaii Honolulu, HI

Teddy JqRambo
I don't know KungFu.
def_fun def-fun7

University of The Punjab Lahore

David Montes dmontesg
Dpto. Física de la Tierra y Astrofísica, Facultad de CC Físicas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fac. Físicas UCM e IPARCOS-UCM Madrid

Filip Žitný Yggdrasill501
I use Vim btw

Deepnote Prague

Keaton Bell keatonb
Astronomer to the stars

CUNY Queens College NYC

Oliver Hall ojhall94
Data Scientist @ Vinted + Ex-Astronomer. Passionate for Bayesian statistics and accessible open-source Python packages.

Leiden, NL

Nora Eisner noraeisner
Research fellow at the Flatiron Institute Center for Computational Astrophysics and project leader of the Planet Hunters TESS citizen science project.


Conor Bacon hemmelig
Researcher at Columbia University. Interested in volcanic eruptions, microseismicity, and open-source software.
Learning to do data analysis and machine learning