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Satonin Vyacheslav satonin-v-yu
Java Developer. I study IntelliJ IDEA.
Hugh Morris YukaMorris
Hi I am working on small request from business partners that may from time to time include coding software in java, C#. I can be contacted via email.
rayz2099 rayz2099
less is more.


open source technologies and languages


今天又是热爱技术的一天,平生就爱写代码 听说你还想看我写优雅的代码:

@today-tech China

Massimo Caliman mcaliman
Software Architect, Developer, Java enthusiast.


Bae-Seon Park pearship
Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering @ Inha University
Reandle Astrabacus
Longstory Short /// Technisches Ingenieurwesen Audio, Frameworks & Blockchain Technology Hyperspace Mainnetwork The Returns of Skeleton

AES Technologies Zürich

m0nster.mind zcxv
Dreaming Engineer

@Fin-Ex Around World

Giedrius Trumpickas trumpyla
ליטװאַקעס - Per Aspera Ad Astra


Ali Mirsalari AliMirsalari
Java Developer with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and services industry.
小明同学 liuming-dev


Shanyu Thibaut Juneja terminalsin
What's a bio

Lost in space France

Matthias Hohner mhohnerdnb

Deutsche Nationalbibliothek

Naiomi Naidoo C0d3N1nJ4
Java | Kotlin | Typescript Developer

GRESB Netherlands & South Africa

Basel Ajarmah baajarmeh

developing a new AI project... Ajjur, Palestine

Adebola Omoboya adebola

Factorial Advance Systems Lagos, Nigeria

Rubén Gamarra RubenGamarrarodriguez-tomtom
behind the small code gears and big tasks to make services work at @tomtom-international ex @omio-labs ex button-masher ex tomato-sauce

@tomtom-international Berlin

Komoribe tiandankanfeng

@Birtney 杭州

Srepfler Srdan schrepfler

Huddle Gaming Inc. Zagreb

Guilherme Henrique NerdsMaxx
Sou estudante da ciência da computação. Eu adoro resolver problemas de programação e aprender coisas novas sobre programação.
masx200 masx200
自学大前端和后端 javascript /typescript /node.js/python/html/css/golang/deno/kotlin/java
Giorgio Vespucci gvespucci
XP-er Man Walking, Father of 3, Software Development Engineer III @ Expedia Group

Expedia Group Rome, Italy

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI

United Kingdom

Gerard Klijs-Nefkens gklijs
Doing mainly Java during office hours. Clojure, Rust and other stuff before and after.

@Alliander Nijmegen, Gelderland, The Netherlands

Muhtaseem Al Mahmud KingMahmud
Android | Reverser | Developer


Hassan Refaat nerdxio
undergraduate software engineer familiar with the field, always working hard to gain knowledge and skill, and aim to achieve great goals in the future

Student Earth

Tony Tony-comments
A master student in Univercity of Chinese Academy of Science

Institute of automation, Chinese academy of science Haidian district ,Beijing, China