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Pablo RM murapa96
Software Developer with a focus on web development encompassing both Frontend and Backend. Experienced in cross-platform application development.

Nova Industria Galega SL Spain

Sivabharathy gotocva
Technical Architect

@Sparkout Tech Solutions Pvt Ltd Cuddalore, Tamilnadu, India

Thibaut Cotture Thibcott
Software developer

Stadler US Inc. Switzerland, Valais

Eriton S. Gomes eritonsg-montreal
I'm a Software Developer at Montreal

Montreal Paraíba, Brazil

Hong JaeHoon Bu-Du-Dak

EAN_TEC Seoul, Republic of Korea

smartshifts vienatjeee

Fashion by Edelbands the netherlands

Anderson Santos andersongns
Software Developer

@grupoboticario Recife, Pernambuco - Brasil

manos manos-fr
Full Stack Developer | React, Angular, Ionic, TailwindCSS, GraphQL, Redux, Zustand, NgRx, RxJS, Akita, Express, Typesense, Hasura, PostegreSQL, mongoDB, Docker


Abhay tiwari abhay-ti2002
3rd-year Computer Science Engineering Student
Yann@SeenKid SeenKid
Je préfère l'arrogance à la fausse modestie.

CC Nowhere.

sagar regmi sagarregmi2056
Software developer.

CheckerChain Protocol chitwan nepal

Sachith Chamara sachith22
An experienced Software Engineer with a solid track record of achievements in developing and maintaining software systems with over 8 years of experience.

Aeturnum Lanka (Pvt) Ltd Colombo

Minho Lee minho-lee0716
⚽️ 축구를 사랑하는 개발자 🤍

Seoul, Republic of Korea

fauzaan irsyaadi fauzaanirsyaadi
software engineer


Intern Software Engineering Student | Full Stack Developer

IMX France Paris

Lucas Gabriel de Paula Pinto lucasgabriel2806
Técnico em Desenvolvimento de Sistemas (Etec) 🖥⌨🖱

Fatec - Faculdade de Tecnologia de Jahu Jaú, São Paulo, Brasil.

Joshua Paul Verdin verdinjoshua06
I'm a software engineer

Github Gulfport

Yomna Ali Yomnaali22
Frontend developer 💻 | Web3 Enthusiast


Zhao JIe Jerrisk
Computer vision, Recommendation System, NLP

Tongji University Hangzhou, China

是貔貅呀 evewfj

小貔貅呀 上海

Rushan Mukhutdinov RushanM
Game developer and Russian translator

Deflecta Russia

Preston Ainslie Prez343
3D game development for fun using Unreal Engine 5, learning to code for front end development.

Prezence Studios Indiana

Trevor Bedson Prorickey
I like to code sometimes

United States

A passionate Software Engineer.


Chandan Kheto Khetochandan
Passionate Software Engineer focused on Full-Stack Web Development. Proficient in Java, Python, JavaScript, ReactJs, NodeJs & Actively solving problems


VIGNESH R.V Vinay-vicky
Commit mistakes & learn from mistakes.

Checks payable to

Virachai Wongsena virachai
Full stack engineer & educator.
