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John ZuHone jzuhone

Center for Astrophysics | Harvard and Smithsonian Cambridge, MA

I'm a RSE at Princeton working with the astronomy department. I work mostly with HPC GPU computing and physical modeling.

Princeton University

Wali Murtaza Wali-Murtaza-121
I am a Senior Devolper of Pyhton,Angular,C#,C++,SQL Server, Java Script.

Zarar Shaheed Road Lahore Canntt Near Askari 10.

Joshua Olagunju Joshua-olagunju
Cybersecurity Enthusiast | Aspiring Penetration Tester | Skilled in Ethical Hacking & Python | Open to Internships & Projects
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Dave Bunten d33bs
Research Software Engineer with the Department of Biomedical Informatics at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

University of Colorado Anschutz Denver, CO

Hamza Ferrahoğlu HFerrahoglu
Officially Full Stack Developer / Self-styled CLI & AI Developer


Gangli Liu mike-liuliu
Machine learning, mathematical optimization, deep learning, graph theory, clustering.
Coffee2926 HyunwooLee955
Male, Korean, 1991, July, master's degree, oceanography, Matlab, Python3, Raspberry Pi, Android,

Republic of Korea

Matt Fisher mfisher87
Scientific Software Developer at UC Berkeley Schmidt Center for Data Science and Environment. Volunteer open source developer and maintainer. πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

@SchmidtDSE Colorado, USA

Maureen McElaney mmcelaney
Manager OSS DevRel and OSPO things, IBM. Board, Vermont Technology Alliance. Master Gardener intern, University of Vermont.

IBM Burlington, VT

Nathan G. Wiseman NGWi

Actualize Coding Bootcamp NYC

Patterns everywhere.
Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
ξ­‡ξ­Žξ­Œξ­„ ξ­Žξ­… ξ­“ξ­‡ξ­„ Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Camille clatapie
Applied Mathematics engineer interested in modeling.


Junior Data Scientist - Biologist

El Prat de Llobregat (Barcelona)

Zhen-Qi Liu liuzhenqi77
neuroscience, machine learning, python and more

@netneurolab Montreal, Canada

Khalil Heyrani Khalilheyrani6367
Kane Norman kanenorman
AI & Machine Learning Engineering

Boston, MA

dikshie dikshie

Keio University Japan

Sangjoon Bob Lee bobleesj
MS Materials Science and Engineering at Columbia Engineering, Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics (Expected in May 2025)

Columbia University New York, NY

Dennis dmichalak

Washington, DC, USA

Rafael siliciuss
B. Sc. Mech Eng | Computer Science | Digital Transformation | Innovator

Silicius Ltd

Marcelo Andrioni marceloandrioni

Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

Jonatan Moreno jonatanmoreno777
Hydrology | Hydrological modeling | Hydroclimate

National University of San Cristobal Peru