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Flávio Pavim flaviopavim
Skills with lot types of softwares: Web, Desktop, Mobile - Php&MySql, Javascript, Html, Css, Python, Dart, Java, C, C++, C#, Arduino


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Red Blaze Red2Blaze
Just a software developer having some fun

The World Wide Web

Canhui Wang, Ph.D. Canhui
Lecturer (Research & Teaching), Academic Secretary, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Huaqiao University, Xiamen

Xiamen, China

skooch skooch

Melbourne, Australia

Oatmeal Linden Oatmeal-Linden
Linden Lab employee - Second Life Support
Danilo Breda danilobreda
C# programmer and microservices enthusiastic. Director of Technology and Innovation at Breda's Sistemas creating enterprise solutions.

Breda's Sistemas Marília-SP, Brasil

Yuzuru Jewell YuzuruJewell
Delphi PHP Programmer


Tom Jaejoon Lee TomLeeLive
I am a developer who likes 3D graphics rendering.                            Interests:          Unity/Unreal Engine, GIS, Physics, and AI

Republic of Korea

Tony Bark tonytins
I've been developing software in C#, Rust and now Zig when I feel like it.
Adam AdamMcCurdy

Portland, Oregon

Vector VectorMutt


Roger Jay Yang [楊承翰] r-o-g-e-r-y-a-n-g
◻ ◳ ◲ ◱◰ ◼ ◆ ◈ ◻ ◽ ⌖ ● ◎ ◯ 🌐 California, United States

Green Cloud greencloudsl
I'm Green Cloud. I am an Animation Designer and Builder in @secondlife. Owner of Green Tech. Welcome!
BugsQuanti BugsQuanti
Let's think Outside the Box
EyeFlag EyeFlag01
Bitcoin donations welcome: bc1qczp8mfllvh7c8jws6zyrmj094f235qpp4l23wc
Valha Grace ValhaGrace
I am 59, have had a double stroke and am CTO of my own company producing VR like experiences for the sales and packaging space.

Highlands, Scotland

Amelia Daffodil amelia-daffodil
I'm Amelia Daffodil. I am Brand Designer, Photographer and Builder in Second Life. Owner of "The Daffodil Experience"

The Daffodil Experience

Fullperm Alpha ✨ 🚀 fullperm-alpha
Hello Avatar ! 🖖 👽 🌏 Secondlife

Jamie/Muffy seabirdshanty
a simple person making simple scripts.

CMD for Dummies book

jose 0joseDark
lover of science, biology and robotics, and programming is fun

Barreiro, Portugal

Sascha Sörries Sorayal
Just a junior dev
