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Marko Putak mputak
Hello! I'm a Deep Learning enthusiast doing some fun and interesting projects.
yb lng205
EE student.


Bruno Barreto b4rretux
Researcher at UFAM / Amazonas / Brazil

Federal Institute of Pará Manaus

Bira Lavor biralavor
Software Engineering Cadet @42sp, exploring the fundamentals of DevOps. Passionate about Machine/Deep Learning, and Natural Language Processing (NLP).

@42sp São Paulo, Brazil

Cai Jinhu wandou2018
Cai Jinhu

n-hop technologies Limited

Lei Peng penglei0

n-hop technologies Limited Shenzhen, China

@RandyMcMillan RandyMcMillan
Operations Specialist @usnavy E616FA7221A1613E5B99206297966C06 BB06757B

@bitcoincore-dev ₿:8333

Bruno Barreto brun0eduard0
Bacharel em Ciência da Computação - UFAM Mestrado em Informática - UFAM (em andamento)

IFPA Campus Itaituba Itaituba/PA

Hosein Kangavar Nazari Hoseinkangavarnazari
PhD Researcher Technische Universität Dresden

ComNets Dresden, Germany

Kieran Kunhya kierank

Open Broadcast Systems Ltd. United Kingdom

Raffi Dilanchian raffidil
👨🏻‍💻 Frontend Engineer 🎓 M.Sc. in Computer System Architecture (University of Isfahan) 🛸 Home automation and embedded systems enthusiast

Dé VakantieDiscounter Amsterdam

Chinmay Pendharkar notthetup
Audio, Software, Electronics. ♥s #WebAudio.

@subnero1 Singapore