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FMH (@gema_naranyala) naranyala
Mini Waterfall // Fast Iteration


James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Cole Lamers colelamers
Ich denk, deswegen bin ich auch...oder sowas.
Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish
Jeffrey H. Johnson johnsonjh
Not RPM developer Jeffrey Johnson. Not XTree developer Jeffrey Johnson. Not Jeffrey Johnson, Google Senior Software Engineer. Not the robotic engineer, either.

BAN AI Systems

tsrk. ItsShamed
I code things (for my own sake) because it's fun

@EPITA Paris, France

Jonathan Steadman ToothedTomb
I really do love Linux so much. :)


Sudhanshu Tiwari sudhanshuv1
Hi 👋. I am a postgraduate student of Computer Science at Harcourt Butler Technical University. I have working knowledge of C,C++, Python, and JavaScript.


Miguel Rodríguez mrp500
Learning web development.


Guillaume Poirier-Morency arteymix
Bioinformatics Programmer/Analyst at @PavlidisLab

The University of British Columbia Vancouver

ShinobiSoft shinobisoft
Electrician/Home builder by day, programmer by night... Sometimes! I develop in C/C++/Java/Python. I'm also "fluent" in most web languages like HTML and PHP.

ShinobiSoft Software Knoxville, TN USA

Zishan Rahman Zishan-Rahman
I ̶i̶s̶ was Graffarts. I like games. I have my own website. I'm one of @kevinlano's PhD students. And I contribute to @flathub sometimes.

King's College London (again) Whateverland, London, United Kingdom

Isabelle Jackson fizzyizzy05
Indie app developer, computer science student, developer of Binary, a base converter app.

United Kingdom

Charles Dong chardoncs
Graduate student & (former) Software Engineer | 🦀🐍🦎🐹🐫

Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University leap of faith

Guilherme Faura GuilhermeIsNotUnix
Experimental physics | Python | AI | Computer Simulations | Distributed computing

@lsnia-unesp Brasil

Elizabeth Danzberger elzody

@nextcloud United States


I will be always collecting before 'everything went down'.

Zakaria Farhati farhatizakaria
Networking and System Administration Student. Currently honing my IT skills. Passionate about improving open source projects
Petr Vychopeň PetrVychopen

Direct technologies Czech republic

Sergei Kulishov SergeiKulishov
C# developer

St. Petersburg

liu lei leolovenet
well, i'm coder.


Medi H.B.T. medihbt

UESTC Chengdu, Sichuan Province

Alex SpikedPaladin
Arch Linux Appreciator


Leonardo Betti leonardobetti
Product Designer

London UK

👨‍🎓 18 years old french student


Alain alainm23

Cusco, Cusco, Perú

Carlos Suárez bitseater
Vala & Gtk . Python & Qt
