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Releases: oschwald/maxminddb-golang


13 Jun 18:11
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  • Add NetworksWithin method. This returns an iterator that traverses all networks in the database that are contained in the given network. Pull request by Olaf Alders. GitHub #65.


25 Dec 00:10
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  • This module now uses Go modules. Requested by Matthew Rothenberg.
    GitHub #49.
  • Plan 9 is now supported. Pull request by Jacob Moody. GitHub #61.
  • Documentation fixes. Pull request by Olaf Alders. GitHub #62.
  • Thread-safety is now mentioned in the documentation. Requested by
    Ken Sedgwick. GitHub #39.
  • Fix off-by-one error in file offset safety check. Reported by Will
    Storey. GitHub #63.


11 Sep 02:34
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  • Drop support for Go 1.7 and 1.8.
  • Minor performance improvements.


28 Aug 02:14
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  • Add the method LookupNetwork. This returns the network that the
    record belongs to as well as a boolean indicating whether there was a
    record for the IP address in the database. GitHub #59.
  • Improve performance.


28 Aug 02:07
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  • Fix issue with the finalizer running too early on Go 1.12 when using
    the Verify method. Reported by Robert-André Mauchin. GitHub #55.
  • Remove unnecessary call to reflect.ValueOf. PR by SenseyeDeveloper.
    GitHub #53.


25 Feb 20:07
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  • The methods on the maxminddb.Reader struct now return an error if
    called on a closed database reader. Previously, this could cause a
    segmentation violation when using a memory-mapped file.
  • The Close method on the maxminddb.Reader struct now sets the
    underlying buffer to nil, even when using FromBytes or Open on
    Google App Engine.
  • No longer uses constants from syscall


03 Jan 00:59
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  • Fix incorrect index being used when decoding into anonymous struct fields. PR #42 by Andy Bursavich.


05 May 17:48
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  • The database decoder now does bound checking when decoding data from the database. This is to help ensure that the reader does not panic when given a corrupt database to decode. Closes #37.
  • The reader will now return an error on a data structure with a depth greater than 512. This is done to prevent the possibility of a stack overflow on a cyclic data structure in a corrupt database. This matches the maximum depth allowed by libmaxminddb. All MaxMind databases currently have a depth of less than five.


31 Dec 00:52
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  • Added appengine build tag for Windows. When enabled, memory-mapping will be
    disabled in the Windows build as it is for the non-Windows build. Pull
    request #35 by Ingo Oeser.
  • SetFinalizer is now used to unmap files if the user fails to close the
    reader. Using r.Close() is still recommended for most use cases.
  • Previously, an unsafe conversion between []byte and string was used to
    avoid unnecessary allocations when decoding struct keys. The decoder now
    relies on a compiler optimization on string([]byte) map lookups to achieve
    this rather than using unsafe.


09 Nov 14:43
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New release for those using tagged releases.